jimingham wrote:

> To extend on Pavel's modification of my idea:
> ```
> class ScriptedPlatform:
>   def extends_platform_name(self):
>     '''Get the name of the internal platform this class extends.'''
>     return "iPhoneOS.platform"
> ```
> Then every function would have 3 variants:
> ```
> def pre_XXX(...):
> def XXX(...)
> def post_XXX(...)
> ```
> So for "attach_to_process" this would mean the possible functions are:
> ```
> class ScriptedPlatform:
>   def pre_attach_to_process(self, ...):
>     # Called before the extended platform default attach_to_process() 
> functionality
>     # but only if `def extends_platform_name(self)` exists in this class. The 
> default
>     # attach_to_process() from the extended platform will be called after 
> this function
>     # completes.
>   def attach_to_process(self, ...):
>     # This will override the attach_to_process() functionality. Clients that 
> implement
>     # this function should not override pre_attach_to_process() or 
>     # post_attach_to_process() as everything can be done in this function.
>   def post_attach_to_process(...)
>     # Called after the extended platform's default attach_to_process() 
> functionality
>     # but only if `def extends_platform_name(self)` exists in this class. 
> ```

If we were to do it this way, I would not have "attach_to_process" be the 
override of the underlying platform's method, because you could also have a 
scripted platform that extends nothing, and it would use attach_to_process but 
override nothing.  I think it would be clearer to have the "override" version 
explicitly state that it is that, so: `override_attach_to_process` rather than 

But again, if most of the things that we want the scripted platform to do are 
methods that really ought to be available in the SBPlatform API, then I think 
it would be much more straightforward to be able to have the scripted version 
just make an instance of the platform it wants to wrap, and do the dispatch 

I do think it would also be handy to be able to have a wrapping scripted 
platform override the name lookup of the platform it wraps as well.  You might 
have something special you wanted to do for you installation with say the 
`remote-macosx` platform in your environment, and it would be simpler if you 
could just tell people to install your scripted platform, and then just use 
`remote-macosx` as they were before.  That means we need to have a shadowing 
list (in the Debugger) of the scripted platforms, and also a way to ask for the 
"built-in" platform of that name.

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