DavidSpickett wrote:

I reduced 
 a bit to the point where it stalls, which is when it tries to step over from 
breakpoint 2 to 3 in `test_step_over`:
    int b = func(); // breakpoint_2
    a = b + func(); // breakpoint_3

These are the placed breakpoints:
1: file = 
 line = 7, exact_match = 0
      module = 
      compile unit = main.cpp
      function = main
      location = 
      address = 0x0064c508
      resolved = true
      hardware = false
      hit count = 1

2: source regex = "breakpoint_2", exact_match = 0
      module = 
      compile unit = main.cpp
      function = main
      location = 
      address = 0x0064c510
      resolved = true
      hardware = false
      hit count = 0

Condition: false

3: source regex = "breakpoint_3", exact_match = 0
      module = 
      compile unit = main.cpp
      function = main
      location = 
      address = 0x0064c518
      resolved = true
      hardware = false
      hit count = 0

Condition: false
And where they end up in the instructions:
000004ec <main>:
 4ec:   e92d4800        push    {fp, lr}
 4f0:   e1a0b00d        mov     fp, sp
 4f4:   e24dd018        sub     sp, sp, #24
 4f8:   e3002000        movw    r2, #0
 4fc:   e50b2004        str     r2, [fp, #-4]
 500:   e50b0008        str     r0, [fp, #-8]
 504:   e58d100c        str     r1, [sp, #12]
 508:   e3000000        movw    r0, #0            << 1
 50c:   e58d0008        str     r0, [sp, #8]
 510:   ebfffff3        bl      4e4 <_Z4funcv>    << 2
 514:   e58d0004        str     r0, [sp, #4]
 518:   e59d0004        ldr     r0, [sp, #4]      << 3

If I enable the `lldb state` log I see this:
python3.8        Process::ResumeSynchronous -- locking run lock
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = running)
python3.8        (plugin = gdb-remote, state = running, restarted = 0)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped, stop_id = 9
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = running)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped, stop_id = 10
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = running)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped, stop_id = 11
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = running)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped)
Then running/stopped/stopped repeats over and over.

`lldb process` log:
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped, stop_id = 96677
intern-state     Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent: should_resume: 1 state: stopped 
was_restarted: 0 report_stop_vote: -1.
intern-state     Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0xd86029b8) Restarting process 
from state: stopped
intern-state     Process::PrivateResume() m_stop_id = 96677, public state: 
running private state: stopped
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = running)
intern-state     Process thinks the process has resumed.
intern-state     Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0xd86029b8) => new state: 
stopped, last broadcast state: running - NO
intern-state     Process::HandlePrivateEvent (pid = 3526293) suppressing state 
stopped (old state running): should_broadcast == false
intern-state     timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
intern-state     Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent (0xd8601030) => new state: 
running, last broadcast state: running - NO
intern-state     Process::HandlePrivateEvent (pid = 3526293) suppressing state 
running (old state running): should_broadcast == false
intern-state     timeout = <infinite>, event_sp)...
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped)
b-remote.async>  (plugin = gdb-remote, state = stopped, stop_id = 96678
Again, repeats.

Tell me if there's anything more interesting to look at.

> My question basically was: what is the stop-reply packet for a single step 
> (vCont:s) operation on arm32?

b-remote.async>  <  26> send packet: $vCont;s:p365766.365766#12
b-remote.async>  < 293> read packet: 

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