@@ -44,8 +42,70 @@ TEST_F(PipeTest, OpenAsReader) {
   size_t name_len = name.size();
   name += "foobar";
   llvm::StringRef name_ref(name.data(), name_len);
+  // Note OpenAsReader() do nothing on Windows, the pipe is already opened for
+  // read and write.
       pipe.OpenAsReader(name_ref, /*child_process_inherit=*/false).ToError(),
+  ASSERT_TRUE(pipe.CanRead());
+TEST_F(PipeTest, WriteWithTimeout) {
+  Pipe pipe;
+  ASSERT_THAT_ERROR(pipe.CreateNew(false).ToError(), llvm::Succeeded());
+  // Note write_chunk_size must be less than the pipe buffer.
+  // The pipe buffer is 1024 for PipeWindows and 4096 for PipePosix.
+  const size_t buf_size = 8192;
+  const size_t write_chunk_size = 256;
+  const size_t read_chunk_size = 300;
+  std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> write_buf_ptr(
+      new int32_t[buf_size / sizeof(int32_t)]);
+  int32_t *write_buf = write_buf_ptr.get();
+  std::unique_ptr<int32_t[]> read_buf_ptr(
+      new int32_t[(buf_size + 100) / sizeof(int32_t)]);
+  int32_t *read_buf = read_buf_ptr.get();
+  for (int i = 0; i < buf_size / sizeof(int32_t); ++i) {
+    write_buf[i] = i;
+    read_buf[i] = -i;
+  }
labath wrote:

std::vector<int32_t> write_buf(buf_size / sizeof(int32_t));
std:iota(write_buf.begin(), write_buf.end(), 0);
std::vector<int32_t> read_buf(write_buf.size()+100, -1);
or something similar, depending on how the rest of the test ends up looking 

The result is shorter, and there's only `/sizeof` in the entire snippet.

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