llvmbot wrote:



Author: Alexandre Perez (aperez)


This introduces a `target.object-map` which allows us to remap module 
locations, much in the same way as source mapping works today. This is useful, 
for instance, when debugging coredumps, so we can replace some of the locations 
where LLDB attempts to load shared libraries and executables from, without 
having to setup an entire sysroot.

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/101361.diff

4 Files Affected:

- (modified) lldb/include/lldb/Target/Target.h (+2) 
- (modified) lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp (+19-2) 
- (modified) lldb/source/Target/TargetProperties.td (+3) 
- (modified) lldb/test/API/functionalities/postmortem/elf-core/TestLinuxCore.py 

diff --git a/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Target.h 
index 5d5ae1bfcd3bd..119dff4d49819 100644
--- a/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Target.h
+++ b/lldb/include/lldb/Target/Target.h
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ class TargetProperties : public Properties {
   PathMappingList &GetSourcePathMap() const;
+  PathMappingList &GetObjectPathMap() const;
   bool GetAutoSourceMapRelative() const;
   FileSpecList GetExecutableSearchPaths();
diff --git a/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp b/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp
index ec0da8a1378a8..129683c43f0c1 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp
+++ b/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp
@@ -2155,12 +2155,21 @@ bool Target::ReadPointerFromMemory(const Address &addr, 
Status &error,
   return false;
-ModuleSP Target::GetOrCreateModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, bool notify,
-                                   Status *error_ptr) {
+ModuleSP Target::GetOrCreateModule(const ModuleSpec &orig_module_spec,
+                                   bool notify, Status *error_ptr) {
   ModuleSP module_sp;
   Status error;
+  // Apply any remappings specified in target.object-map:
+  ModuleSpec module_spec(orig_module_spec);
+  PathMappingList &obj_mapping = GetObjectPathMap();
+  if (std::optional<FileSpec> remapped_obj_file =
+          obj_mapping.RemapPath(orig_module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetPath(),
+                                true /* only_if_exists */)) {
+    module_spec.GetFileSpec().SetPath(remapped_obj_file->GetPath());
+  }
   // First see if we already have this module in our module list.  If we do,
   // then we're done, we don't need to consult the shared modules list.  But
   // only do this if we are passed a UUID.
@@ -4459,6 +4468,14 @@ PathMappingList &TargetProperties::GetSourcePathMap() 
const {
   return option_value->GetCurrentValue();
+PathMappingList &TargetProperties::GetObjectPathMap() const {
+  const uint32_t idx = ePropertyObjectMap;
+  OptionValuePathMappings *option_value =
+      m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValuePathMappings(idx);
+  assert(option_value);
+  return option_value->GetCurrentValue();
 bool TargetProperties::GetAutoSourceMapRelative() const {
   const uint32_t idx = ePropertyAutoSourceMapRelative;
   return GetPropertyAtIndexAs<bool>(
diff --git a/lldb/source/Target/TargetProperties.td 
index 7f79218e0a6a4..4404a45492254 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Target/TargetProperties.td
+++ b/lldb/source/Target/TargetProperties.td
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ let Definition = "target" in {
   def SourceMap: Property<"source-map", "PathMap">,
     Desc<"Source path remappings apply substitutions to the paths of source 
files, typically needed to debug from a different host than the one that built 
the target.  The source-map property consists of an array of pairs, the first 
element is a path prefix, and the second is its replacement.  The syntax is 
`prefix1 replacement1 prefix2 replacement2...`.  The pairs are checked in 
order, the first prefix that matches is used, and that prefix is substituted 
with the replacement.  A common pattern is to use source-map in conjunction 
with the clang -fdebug-prefix-map flag.  In the build, use 
`-fdebug-prefix-map=/path/to/build_dir=.` to rewrite the host specific build 
directory to `.`.  Then for debugging, use `settings set target.source-map . 
/path/to/local_dir` to convert `.` to a valid local path.">;
+  def ObjectMap: Property<"object-map", "PathMap">,
+    DefaultStringValue<"">,
+    Desc<"Object path remappings apply substitutions to the paths of object 
files, typically needed to debug from a different host than the one that built 
the target.  The object-map property consists of an array of pairs, the first 
element is a path prefix, and the second is its replacement.  The syntax is 
`prefix1 replacement1 prefix2 replacement2...`.  The pairs are checked in 
order, the first prefix that matches is used, and that prefix is substituted 
with the replacement.">;
   def AutoSourceMapRelative: Property<"auto-source-map-relative", "Boolean">,
     Desc<"Automatically deduce source path mappings based on source file 
breakpoint resolution. It only deduces source mapping if source file breakpoint 
request is using full path and if the debug info contains relative paths.">;
diff --git a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/postmortem/elf-core/TestLinuxCore.py 
index 0afac26367de0..b4d807dd19112 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/functionalities/postmortem/elf-core/TestLinuxCore.py
+++ b/lldb/test/API/functionalities/postmortem/elf-core/TestLinuxCore.py
@@ -249,6 +249,30 @@ def test_i386_sysroot(self):
+    def test_object_map(self):
+        """Test that lldb can find the exe for an i386 linux core file using 
the object map."""
+        # Copy linux-i386.out to lldb_i386_object_map/a.out
+        tmp_object_map_root = os.path.join(self.getBuildDir(), 
+        executable = os.path.join(tmp_object_map_root, "a.out")
+        lldbutil.mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(executable))
+        shutil.copyfile("linux-i386.out", executable)
+        # Replace the original module path at /home/labath/test and load the 
+        self.runCmd(
+            "settings set target.object-map /home/labath/test 
+        )
+        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(None)
+        process = target.LoadCore("linux-i386.core")
+        # Check that we did load the mapped executable
+        exe_module_spec = process.GetTarget().GetModuleAtIndex(0).GetFileSpec()
+        self.check_all(process, self._i386_pid, self._i386_regions, "a.out")
+        self.dbg.DeleteTarget(target)
     def test_x86_64_sysroot(self):



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