@@ -336,3 +336,52 @@ TEST(MinidumpYAML, ExceptionStream_ExtraParameter) {
                                0xab, 0xad, 0xca, 0xfe}),
+TEST(MinidumpYAML, MemoryRegion_64bit) {
+  SmallString<0> Storage;
+  auto ExpectedFile = toBinary(Storage, R"(
+--- !minidump
+  - Type:            Memory64List
+    Memory Ranges:
+      - Start of Memory Range: 0x7FFFFFCF0818283
+        Content:               '68656c6c6f'
+      - Start of Memory Range: 0x7FFFFFFF0818283
+        Content:               '776f726c64'
+        )");
+  ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(ExpectedFile, Succeeded());
+  object::MinidumpFile &File = **ExpectedFile;
+  ASSERT_EQ(1u, File.streams().size());
+  Expected<ArrayRef<minidump::MemoryDescriptor_64>> ExpectedMemoryList =
+      File.getMemory64List();
+  ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(ExpectedMemoryList, Succeeded());
+  ArrayRef<minidump::MemoryDescriptor_64> MemoryList = *ExpectedMemoryList;
+  ASSERT_EQ(2u, MemoryList.size());
+  const minidump::MemoryDescriptor_64 &DescOne = MemoryList[0];
+  ASSERT_EQ(0x7FFFFFCF0818283u, DescOne.StartOfMemoryRange);
+  ASSERT_EQ(5u, DescOne.DataSize);
+  const minidump::MemoryDescriptor_64 &DescTwo = MemoryList[1];
+  ASSERT_EQ(0x7FFFFFFF0818283u, DescTwo.StartOfMemoryRange);
+  ASSERT_EQ(5u, DescTwo.DataSize);
labath wrote:

I'd try something like
HasValue(testing::ElementsAre(MemoryDescriptor_64{foo, bar}, 
MemoryDescriptor_64{baz, bazz})))`

I'm not sure it will work with all of the c++ magic around these classes, but 
it'd look much nicer if it did.

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