Author: Jonas Devlieghere
Date: 2024-07-23T09:06:32-07:00
New Revision: 87f2c25f3dad65890fc8e9abbe9765e44979ed9d


LOG: [lldb] Unify WaitForSetEvents and WaitForEventsToReset (#99997)

Unify the implementations of WaitForSetEvents and WaitForEventsToReset.
The former deals with the possibility of a race between the timeout and
the predicate while the latter does not. The functions were also
inconsistent in when they would recompute the mask. This patch unifies
the two implementations and make them behave exactly the same modulo the





diff  --git a/lldb/tools/debugserver/source/PThreadEvent.cpp 
index e77c7511ae5ba..f9166a1b63d06 100644
--- a/lldb/tools/debugserver/source/PThreadEvent.cpp
+++ b/lldb/tools/debugserver/source/PThreadEvent.cpp
@@ -108,79 +108,55 @@ void PThreadEvent::ResetEvents(const uint32_t mask) {
 // Wait until 'timeout_abstime' for any events that are set in
 // 'mask'. If 'timeout_abstime' is NULL, then wait forever.
-PThreadEvent::WaitForSetEvents(const uint32_t mask,
-                               const struct timespec *timeout_abstime) const {
+PThreadEvent::WaitForEventsImpl(const uint32_t mask,
+                                const struct timespec *timeout_abstime,
+                                std::function<bool()> predicate) const {
   // DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_EVENTS, "%p PThreadEvent::%s (0x%8.8x, %p)", this,
   // __FUNCTION__, mask, timeout_abstime);
   int err = 0;
   // pthread_cond_timedwait() or pthread_cond_wait() will atomically
   // unlock the mutex and wait for the condition to be set. When either
   // function returns, they will re-lock the mutex. We use an auto lock/unlock
   // class (PThreadMutex::Locker) to allow us to return at any point in this
   // function and not have to worry about unlocking the mutex.
   PTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCKER(locker, m_mutex);
-  do {
-    // Check our predicate (event bits) in case any are already set
-    if (mask & m_bits) {
-      uint32_t bits_set = mask & m_bits;
-      // Our PThreadMutex::Locker will automatically unlock our mutex
-      return bits_set;
-    }
+  // Check the predicate and the error code. The functions below do not return
+  // EINTR so that's not something we need to handle.
+  while (!predicate() && err == 0) {
     if (timeout_abstime) {
       // Wait for condition to get broadcast, or for a timeout. If we get
-      // a timeout we will drop out of the do loop and return false which
-      // is what we want.
+      // a timeout we will drop out of the loop on the next iteration and we
+      // will recompute the mask in case of a race between the condition and 
+      // timeout.
       err = ::pthread_cond_timedwait(m_set_condition.Condition(),
                                      m_mutex.Mutex(), timeout_abstime);
-      // Retest our predicate in case of a race condition right at the end
-      // of the timeout.
-      if (err == ETIMEDOUT) {
-        uint32_t bits_set = mask & m_bits;
-        return bits_set;
-      }
     } else {
-      // Wait for condition to get broadcast. The only error this function
-      // should return is if
+      // Wait for condition to get broadcast.
       err = ::pthread_cond_wait(m_set_condition.Condition(), m_mutex.Mutex());
-  } while (err == 0);
-  return 0;
+  }
+  // Either the predicate passed, we hit the specified timeout (ETIMEDOUT) or 
+  // encountered an unrecoverable error (EINVAL, EPERM). Regardless of how we
+  // got here, recompute and return the mask indicating which bits (if any) are
+  // set.
+  return GetBitsMasked(mask);
+PThreadEvent::WaitForSetEvents(const uint32_t mask,
+                               const struct timespec *timeout_abstime) const {
+  auto predicate = [&]() -> uint32_t { return GetBitsMasked(mask) != 0; };
+  return WaitForEventsImpl(mask, timeout_abstime, predicate);
-// Wait until 'timeout_abstime' for any events in 'mask' to reset.
-// If 'timeout_abstime' is NULL, then wait forever.
 uint32_t PThreadEvent::WaitForEventsToReset(
     const uint32_t mask, const struct timespec *timeout_abstime) const {
-  // DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_EVENTS, "%p PThreadEvent::%s (0x%8.8x, %p)", this,
-  // __FUNCTION__, mask, timeout_abstime);
-  int err = 0;
-  // pthread_cond_timedwait() or pthread_cond_wait() will atomically
-  // unlock the mutex and wait for the condition to be set. When either
-  // function returns, they will re-lock the mutex. We use an auto lock/unlock
-  // class (PThreadMutex::Locker) to allow us to return at any point in this
-  // function and not have to worry about unlocking the mutex.
-  PTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCKER(locker, m_mutex);
-  do {
-    // Check our predicate (event bits) each time through this do loop
-    if ((mask & m_bits) == 0) {
-      // All the bits requested have been reset, return zero indicating
-      // which bits from the mask were still set (none of them)
-      return 0;
-    }
-    if (timeout_abstime) {
-      // Wait for condition to get broadcast, or for a timeout. If we get
-      // a timeout we will drop out of the do loop and return false which
-      // is what we want.
-      err = ::pthread_cond_timedwait(m_reset_condition.Condition(),
-                                     m_mutex.Mutex(), timeout_abstime);
-    } else {
-      // Wait for condition to get broadcast. The only error this function
-      // should return is if
-      err = ::pthread_cond_wait(m_reset_condition.Condition(), 
-    }
-  } while (err == 0);
-  // Return a mask indicating which bits (if any) were still set
-  return mask & m_bits;
+  auto predicate = [&]() -> uint32_t { return GetBitsMasked(mask) == 0; };
+  return WaitForEventsImpl(mask, timeout_abstime, predicate);

diff  --git a/lldb/tools/debugserver/source/PThreadEvent.h 
index 20faf82e4fff7..5a8a7dd207493 100644
--- a/lldb/tools/debugserver/source/PThreadEvent.h
+++ b/lldb/tools/debugserver/source/PThreadEvent.h
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "PThreadMutex.h"
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <ctime>
+#include <functional>
 class PThreadEvent {
@@ -53,6 +54,12 @@ class PThreadEvent {
   uint32_t m_validBits;
   uint32_t m_reset_ack_mask;
+  uint32_t GetBitsMasked(uint32_t mask) const { return mask & m_bits; }
+  uint32_t WaitForEventsImpl(const uint32_t mask,
+                             const struct timespec *timeout_abstime,
+                             std::function<bool()> predicate) const;
   PThreadEvent(const PThreadEvent &) = delete;
   PThreadEvent &operator=(const PThreadEvent &rhs) = delete;

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