dlav-sc wrote:

> > I have also removed `.Cases(".bss", ".tbss", eSectionTypeZeroFill)`.
> > To be honest, I'm not sure about that. .bss and .tbss have SHT_NOBITS type 
> > and SHF_ALLOC flag by [Linux 
> > Specification](https://refspecs.linuxbase.org/LSB_3.1.1/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/specialsections.html),
> >  but anyway I have doubts.
> I know what you mean -- you can find very strange elf files out there. 
> However, most elf tools operate on section flags (that's what they're for) 
> and not their names, so I really doubt that e.g. treating a 
> SHT_PROGBITS+SHF_ALLOC section that happens to be called ".bss" as 
> `eSectionTypeZeroFill` is the right behavior.
> So, until proven otherwise, this looks good to me.

Well, sounds reasonable.
Thanks for the review.

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