@@ -72,23 +72,20 @@ size_t Stream::PutCString(llvm::StringRef str) {
   return bytes_written;
-void Stream::PutCStringColorHighlighted(llvm::StringRef text,
-                                        llvm::StringRef pattern,
-                                        llvm::StringRef prefix,
-                                        llvm::StringRef suffix) {
-  // Only apply color formatting when a pattern is present and both prefix and
-  // suffix are specified. In the absence of these conditions, output the text
-  // without color formatting.
-  if (pattern.empty() || (prefix.empty() && suffix.empty())) {
+void Stream::PutCStringColorHighlighted(
+    llvm::StringRef text, std::optional<HighlightSettings> pattern_info) {
+  // Only apply color formatting when a pattern information is specified.
+  // Otherwise, output the text without color formatting.
DavidSpickett wrote:

To link back to my earlier comment, this early exit is fine and should stay.

I think, however, that it's best for callers to pass `nullopt` for the settings 
if they want to disable highlighting. That's a much more intuitive way to do 
it, backed up by the type system.

Which is what you're doing, so don't change anything! (just wanted to explain 
my thinking here)

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