
>From 724ac112073c87c4a6b82618c8704c049e8112a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: walter erquinigo <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 12:58:30 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] [lldb-dap] Emit more structured info along with variables

In order to allow smarter vscode extensions, it's useful to send additional 
structured information of SBValues to the client. Specifically, I'm now sending 
error, summary, autoSummary and inMemoryValue in addition to the existing 
properties being sent. This is cheap because these properties have to be 
calculated anyway to generate the display value of the variable, but they are 
now available for extensions to better analyze variables. For example, if the 
error field is not present, the extension might be able to provide cool 
features, and the current way to do that is to look for the "<error: " prefix, 
which is error-prone.
 .../lldb-dap/optimized/   |   8 +-
 .../lldb-dap/variables/   |  24 +-
 lldb/tools/lldb-dap/BreakpointBase.cpp        |   2 +-
 lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.cpp             | 269 +++++++++++-------
 lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.h               |  60 ++--
 lldb/tools/lldb-dap/lldb-dap.cpp              |  12 +-
 6 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-dap/optimized/ 
index cc544919b6a823..418a6225febd03 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-dap/optimized/
+++ b/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-dap/optimized/
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 import dap_server
+import lldbdap_testcase
+from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
 from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
 from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
-from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
-import lldbdap_testcase
 class TestDAP_optimized(lldbdap_testcase.DAPTestCaseBase):
@@ -47,3 +47,7 @@ def test_optimized_variable(self):
         optimized_variable = self.dap_server.get_local_variable("argc")
+        self.assertEqual(
+            optimized_variable["$__lldb_extensions"]["error"],
+            "Could not evaluate DW_OP_entry_value.",
+        )
diff --git a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-dap/variables/ 
index 9b0755eea7d3ec..58d6b941ac81a7 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-dap/variables/
+++ b/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-dap/variables/
@@ -153,10 +153,18 @@ def do_test_scopes_variables_setVariable_evaluate(
         buffer_children = make_buffer_verify_dict(0, 32)
         verify_locals = {
             "argc": {
-                "equals": {"type": "int", "value": "1"},
-                "declaration": {
-                    "equals": {"line": 12, "column": 14},
-                    "contains": {"path": ["lldb-dap", "variables", 
+                "equals": {
+                    "type": "int",
+                    "value": "1",
+                },
+                "$__lldb_extensions": {
+                    "equals": {
+                        "value": "1",
+                    },
+                    "declaration": {
+                        "equals": {"line": 12, "column": 14},
+                        "contains": {"path": ["lldb-dap", "variables", 
+                    },
             "argv": {
@@ -165,7 +173,9 @@ def do_test_scopes_variables_setVariable_evaluate(
                 "hasVariablesReference": True,
             "pt": {
-                "equals": {"type": "PointType"},
+                "equals": {
+                    "type": "PointType",
+                },
                 "hasVariablesReference": True,
                 "children": {
                     "x": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "11"}},
@@ -175,6 +185,10 @@ def do_test_scopes_variables_setVariable_evaluate(
             "x": {"equals": {"type": "int"}},
+        if enableAutoVariableSummaries:
+            verify_locals["pt"]["$__lldb_extensions"] = {
+                "equals": {"autoSummary": "{x:11, y:22}"}
+            }
         verify_globals = {
             "s_local": {"equals": {"type": "float", "value": "2.25"}},
             "::g_global": {"equals": {"type": "int", "value": "123"}},
diff --git a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/BreakpointBase.cpp 
index bc9bde97678adb..fb4b27fbe315fc 100644
--- a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/BreakpointBase.cpp
+++ b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/BreakpointBase.cpp
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ bool BreakpointBase::BreakpointHitCallback(
           frame.GetValueForVariablePath(expr, lldb::eDynamicDontRunTarget);
       if (value.GetError().Fail())
         value = frame.EvaluateExpression(expr);
-      output += ValueToString(value);
+      output += VariableDescription(value).display_value;
     } else {
       output += messagePart.text;
diff --git a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.cpp 
index c8e5304ecec81a..81a4def8a3a46e 100644
--- a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.cpp
+++ b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.cpp
@@ -211,46 +211,6 @@ static std::optional<std::string> 
TryCreateAutoSummary(lldb::SBValue value) {
   return TryCreateAutoSummaryForContainer(value);
-std::string ValueToString(lldb::SBValue v) {
-  std::string result;
-  llvm::raw_string_ostream strm(result);
-  lldb::SBError error = v.GetError();
-  if (!error.Success()) {
-    strm << "<error: " << error.GetCString() << ">";
-  } else {
-    llvm::StringRef value = v.GetValue();
-    llvm::StringRef nonAutoSummary = v.GetSummary();
-    std::optional<std::string> summary = !nonAutoSummary.empty()
-                                             ? nonAutoSummary.str()
-                                             : TryCreateAutoSummary(v);
-    if (!value.empty()) {
-      strm << value;
-      if (summary)
-        strm << ' ' << *summary;
-    } else if (summary) {
-      strm << *summary;
-      // As last resort, we print its type and address if available.
-    } else {
-      if (llvm::StringRef type_name = v.GetType().GetDisplayTypeName();
-          !type_name.empty()) {
-        strm << type_name;
-        lldb::addr_t address = v.GetLoadAddress();
-        if (address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
-          strm << " @ " << llvm::format_hex(address, 0);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-void SetValueForKey(lldb::SBValue &v, llvm::json::Object &object,
-                    llvm::StringRef key) {
-  std::string result = ValueToString(v);
-  EmplaceSafeString(object, key, result);
 void FillResponse(const llvm::json::Object &request,
                   llvm::json::Object &response) {
   // Fill in all of the needed response fields to a "request" and set "success"
@@ -1044,6 +1004,92 @@ std::string 
CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(lldb::SBValue v,
   return name_builder.GetData();
+VariableDescription::VariableDescription(lldb::SBValue v, bool format_hex,
+                                         bool is_name_duplicated,
+                                         std::optional<std::string> 
+    : v(v) {
+  name = custom_name
+             ? *custom_name
+             : CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(v, is_name_duplicated);
+  type_obj = v.GetType();
+  std::string raw_display_type_name =
+      llvm::StringRef(type_obj.GetDisplayTypeName()).str();
+  display_type_name =
+      !raw_display_type_name.empty() ? raw_display_type_name : NO_TYPENAME;
+  if (format_hex)
+    v.SetFormat(lldb::eFormatHex);
+  llvm::raw_string_ostream os_display_value(display_value);
+  if (lldb::SBError sb_error = v.GetError(); sb_error.Fail()) {
+    error = sb_error.GetCString();
+    os_display_value << "<error: " << error << ">";
+  } else {
+    value = llvm::StringRef(v.GetValue()).str();
+    summary = llvm::StringRef(v.GetSummary()).str();
+    if (summary.empty())
+      auto_summary = TryCreateAutoSummary(v);
+    std::optional<std::string> effective_summary =
+        !summary.empty() ? summary : auto_summary;
+    if (!value.empty()) {
+      os_display_value << value;
+      if (effective_summary)
+        os_display_value << " " << *effective_summary;
+    } else if (effective_summary) {
+      os_display_value << *effective_summary;
+      // As last resort, we print its type and address if available.
+    } else {
+      if (!raw_display_type_name.empty()) {
+        os_display_value << raw_display_type_name;
+        lldb::addr_t address = v.GetLoadAddress();
+        if (address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
+          os_display_value << " @ " << llvm::format_hex(address, 0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  lldb::SBStream evaluateStream;
+  v.GetExpressionPath(evaluateStream);
+  evaluate_name = llvm::StringRef(evaluateStream.GetData()).str();
+llvm::json::Object VariableDescription::GetVariableExtensionsJSON() {
+  llvm::json::Object extensions;
+  if (error)
+    EmplaceSafeString(extensions, "error", *error);
+  if (!value.empty())
+    EmplaceSafeString(extensions, "value", value);
+  if (!summary.empty())
+    EmplaceSafeString(extensions, "summary", summary);
+  if (auto_summary)
+    EmplaceSafeString(extensions, "autoSummary", *auto_summary);
+  if (lldb::SBDeclaration decl = v.GetDeclaration(); decl.IsValid()) {
+    llvm::json::Object decl_obj;
+    if (lldb::SBFileSpec file = decl.GetFileSpec(); file.IsValid()) {
+      char path[PATH_MAX] = "";
+      if (file.GetPath(path, sizeof(path)) &&
+          lldb::SBFileSpec::ResolvePath(path, path, PATH_MAX)) {
+        decl_obj.try_emplace("path", std::string(path));
+      }
+    }
+    if (int line = decl.GetLine())
+      decl_obj.try_emplace("line", line);
+    if (int column = decl.GetColumn())
+      decl_obj.try_emplace("column", column);
+    if (!decl_obj.empty())
+      extensions.try_emplace("declaration", std::move(decl_obj));
+  }
+  return extensions;
 // "Variable": {
 //   "type": "object",
 //   "description": "A Variable is a name/value pair. Optionally a variable
@@ -1103,27 +1149,56 @@ std::string 
CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(lldb::SBValue v,
 //                       can use this optional information to present the
 //                       children in a paged UI and fetch them in chunks."
 //     }
-//     "declaration": {
-//       "type": "object | undefined",
-//       "description": "Extension to the protocol that indicates the source
-//                       location where the variable was declared. This value
-//                       might not be present if no declaration is available.",
+//     "$__lldb_extensions": {
+//       "description": "Unofficial extensions to the protocol",
 //       "properties": {
-//         "path": {
-//           "type": "string | undefined",
-//           "description": "The source file path where the variable was
-//                           declared."
-//         },
-//         "line": {
-//           "type": "number | undefined",
-//           "description": "The 1-indexed source line where the variable was
-//                          declared."
-//         },
-//         "column": {
-//           "type": "number | undefined",
-//           "description": "The 1-indexed source column where the variable was
-//                          declared."
+//         "declaration": {
+//         "type": "object",
+//         "description": "The source location where the variable was declared.
+//                         This value won't be present if no declaration is
+//                         available.",
+//         "properties": {
+//           "path": {
+//             "type": "string",
+//             "description": "The source file path where the variable was
+//                            declared."
+//           },
+//           "line": {
+//             "type": "number",
+//             "description": "The 1-indexed source line where the variable was
+//                             declared."
+//           },
+//           "column": {
+//             "type": "number",
+//             "description": "The 1-indexed source column where the variable
+//                             was declared."
+//           }
 //         }
+//       },
+//       "value":
+//         "type": "string",
+//         "description": "The internal value of the variable as returned by
+//                         This is effectively SBValue.GetValue(). The other
+//                         `value` entry in the top-level variable response is,
+//                          on the other hand, just a display string for the
+//                          variable."
+//       },
+//       "summary":
+//         "type": "string",
+//         "description": "The summary string of the variable. This is
+//                         effectively SBValue.GetSummary()."
+//       },
+//       "autoSummary":
+//         "type": "string",
+//         "description": "The auto generated summary if using
+//                         `enableAutoVariableSummaries`."
+//       },
+//       "error":
+//         "type": "string",
+//         "description": "An error message generated if LLDB couldn't inspect
+//                         the variable."
 //       }
 //     }
 //   },
@@ -1133,81 +1208,57 @@ llvm::json::Value CreateVariable(lldb::SBValue v, 
int64_t variablesReference,
                                  int64_t varID, bool format_hex,
                                  bool is_name_duplicated,
                                  std::optional<std::string> custom_name) {
+  VariableDescription desc(v, format_hex, is_name_duplicated, custom_name);
   llvm::json::Object object;
-  EmplaceSafeString(
-      object, "name",
-      custom_name ? *custom_name
-                  : CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(v, is_name_duplicated));
+  EmplaceSafeString(object, "name",;
+  EmplaceSafeString(object, "value", desc.display_value);
+  if (!desc.evaluate_name.empty())
+    EmplaceSafeString(object, "evaluateName", desc.evaluate_name);
-  if (format_hex)
-    v.SetFormat(lldb::eFormatHex);
-  SetValueForKey(v, object, "value");
-  auto type_obj = v.GetType();
-  auto type_cstr = type_obj.GetDisplayTypeName();
   // If we have a type with many children, we would like to be able to
   // give a hint to the IDE that the type has indexed children so that the
-  // request can be broken up in grabbing only a few children at a time. We 
-  // to be careful and only call "v.GetNumChildren()" if we have an array type
-  // or if we have a synthetic child provider. We don't want to call
-  // "v.GetNumChildren()" on all objects as class, struct and union types don't
-  // need to be completed if they are never expanded. So we want to avoid
-  // calling this to only cases where we it makes sense to keep performance 
-  // during normal debugging.
-  // If we have an array type, say that it is indexed and provide the number of
-  // children in case we have a huge array. If we don't do this, then we might
-  // take a while to produce all children at onces which can delay your debug
-  // session.
-  const bool is_array = type_obj.IsArrayType();
+  // request can be broken up in grabbing only a few children at a time. We
+  // want to be careful and only call "v.GetNumChildren()" if we have an array
+  // type or if we have a synthetic child provider. We don't want to call
+  // "v.GetNumChildren()" on all objects as class, struct and union types
+  // don't need to be completed if they are never expanded. So we want to
+  // avoid calling this to only cases where we it makes sense to keep
+  // performance high during normal debugging.
+  // If we have an array type, say that it is indexed and provide the number
+  // of children in case we have a huge array. If we don't do this, then we
+  // might take a while to produce all children at onces which can delay your
+  // debug session.
+  const bool is_array = desc.type_obj.IsArrayType();
   const bool is_synthetic = v.IsSynthetic();
   if (is_array || is_synthetic) {
     const auto num_children = v.GetNumChildren();
     // We create a "[raw]" fake child for each synthetic type, so we have to
-    // account for it when returning indexed variables. We don't need to do 
-    // for non-indexed ones.
+    // account for it when returning indexed variables. We don't need to do
+    // this for non-indexed ones.
     bool has_raw_child = is_synthetic && 
     int actual_num_children = num_children + (has_raw_child ? 1 : 0);
     if (is_array) {
       object.try_emplace("indexedVariables", actual_num_children);
     } else if (num_children > 0) {
-      // If a type has a synthetic child provider, then the SBType of "v" won't
-      // tell us anything about what might be displayed. So we can check if the
-      // first child's name is "[0]" and then we can say it is indexed.
+      // If a type has a synthetic child provider, then the SBType of "v"
+      // won't tell us anything about what might be displayed. So we can check
+      // if the first child's name is "[0]" and then we can say it is indexed.
       const char *first_child_name = v.GetChildAtIndex(0).GetName();
       if (first_child_name && strcmp(first_child_name, "[0]") == 0)
         object.try_emplace("indexedVariables", actual_num_children);
-  EmplaceSafeString(object, "type", type_cstr ? type_cstr : NO_TYPENAME);
+  EmplaceSafeString(object, "type", desc.display_type_name);
   if (varID != INT64_MAX)
     object.try_emplace("id", varID);
   if (v.MightHaveChildren())
     object.try_emplace("variablesReference", variablesReference);
     object.try_emplace("variablesReference", (int64_t)0);
-  lldb::SBStream evaluateStream;
-  v.GetExpressionPath(evaluateStream);
-  const char *evaluateName = evaluateStream.GetData();
-  if (evaluateName && evaluateName[0])
-    EmplaceSafeString(object, "evaluateName", std::string(evaluateName));
-  if (lldb::SBDeclaration decl = v.GetDeclaration(); decl.IsValid()) {
-    llvm::json::Object decl_obj;
-    if (lldb::SBFileSpec file = decl.GetFileSpec(); file.IsValid()) {
-      char path[PATH_MAX] = "";
-      if (file.GetPath(path, sizeof(path)) &&
-          lldb::SBFileSpec::ResolvePath(path, path, PATH_MAX)) {
-        decl_obj.try_emplace("path", std::string(path));
-      }
-    }
-    if (int line = decl.GetLine())
-      decl_obj.try_emplace("line", line);
-    if (int column = decl.GetColumn())
-      decl_obj.try_emplace("column", column);
-    object.try_emplace("declaration", std::move(decl_obj));
-  }
+  object.try_emplace("$__lldb_extensions", desc.GetVariableExtensionsJSON());
   return llvm::json::Value(std::move(object));
diff --git a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.h b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.h
index 02ee499445fa19..7f9fc7037c63d6 100644
--- a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.h
+++ b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/JSONUtils.h
@@ -167,33 +167,6 @@ std::vector<std::string> GetStrings(const 
llvm::json::Object *obj,
 void FillResponse(const llvm::json::Object &request,
                   llvm::json::Object &response);
-/// Utility function to convert SBValue \v into a string.
-std::string ValueToString(lldb::SBValue v);
-/// Emplace the string value from an SBValue into the supplied object
-/// using \a key as the key that will contain the value.
-/// The value is what we will display in VS Code. Some SBValue objects
-/// can have a value and/or a summary. If a value has both, we
-/// combine the value and the summary into one string. If we only have a
-/// value or summary, then that is considered the value. If there is
-/// no value and no summary then the value is the type name followed by
-/// the address of the type if it has an address.
-/// \param[in] v
-///     A lldb::SBValue object to extract the string value from
-/// \param[in] object
-///     The object to place the value object into
-/// \param[in] key
-///     The key name to use when inserting the value object we create
-void SetValueForKey(lldb::SBValue &v, llvm::json::Object &object,
-                    llvm::StringRef key);
 /// Converts \a bp to a JSON value and appends the first valid location to the
 /// \a breakpoints array.
@@ -401,6 +374,39 @@ const char *GetNonNullVariableName(lldb::SBValue value);
 std::string CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(lldb::SBValue v,
                                                bool is_name_duplicated);
+/// Helper struct that parses the metadata of an \a lldb::SBValue and produces
+/// a canonical set of properties that can be sent to DAP clients.
+struct VariableDescription {
+  // The error message if SBValue.GetValue() fails.
+  std::optional<std::string> error;
+  // The display description to show on the IDE.
+  std::string display_value;
+  // The display name to show on the IDE.
+  std::string name;
+  // The variable path for this variable.
+  std::string evaluate_name;
+  // The output of SBValue.GetValue() if it doesn't fail. It might be empty.
+  std::string value;
+  // The summary string of this variable. It might be empty.
+  std::string summary;
+  // The auto summary if using `enableAutoVariableSummaries`.
+  std::optional<std::string> auto_summary;
+  // The type of this variable.
+  lldb::SBType type_obj;
+  // The display type name of this variable.
+  std::string display_type_name;
+  /// The SBValue for this variable.
+  lldb::SBValue v;
+  VariableDescription(lldb::SBValue v, bool format_hex = false,
+                      bool is_name_duplicated = false,
+                      std::optional<std::string> custom_name = {});
+  /// Create a JSON object that represents these extensions to the DAP variable
+  /// response.
+  llvm::json::Object GetVariableExtensionsJSON();
 /// Create a "Variable" object for a LLDB thread object.
 /// This function will fill in the following keys in the returned
diff --git a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/lldb-dap.cpp b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/lldb-dap.cpp
index d6b593eba93eca..c7b9b16b26a8d4 100644
--- a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/lldb-dap.cpp
+++ b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/lldb-dap.cpp
@@ -1301,10 +1301,9 @@ void request_evaluate(const llvm::json::Object &request) 
         EmplaceSafeString(response, "message", "evaluate failed");
     } else {
-      SetValueForKey(value, body, "result");
-      auto value_typename = value.GetType().GetDisplayTypeName();
-      EmplaceSafeString(body, "type",
-                        value_typename ? value_typename : NO_TYPENAME);
+      VariableDescription desc(value);
+      EmplaceSafeString(body, "result", desc.display_value);
+      EmplaceSafeString(body, "type", desc.display_type_name);
       if (value.MightHaveChildren()) {
         auto variableReference = g_dap.variables.InsertExpandableVariable(
             value, /*is_permanent=*/context == "repl");
@@ -3084,8 +3083,9 @@ void request_setVariable(const llvm::json::Object 
&request) {
     lldb::SBError error;
     bool success = variable.SetValueFromCString(, error);
     if (success) {
-      SetValueForKey(variable, body, "value");
-      EmplaceSafeString(body, "type", variable.GetType().GetDisplayTypeName());
+      VariableDescription desc(variable);
+      EmplaceSafeString(body, "result", desc.display_value);
+      EmplaceSafeString(body, "type", desc.display_type_name);
       // We don't know the index of the variable in our g_dap.variables
       // so always insert a new one to get its variablesReference.

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