walter-erquinigo wrote:

> Would you want the minimal typescript extension to be a separate extension 
> from the main lldb-dap one?, or would it be okay to have the typescript in 
> the lldb-dap project/extension?

It should be part of the lldb-dap folder/project and it should also be the 
default way to use lldb-dap. Using it directly as a binary would be discouraged 
but left as a possibility. The main idea behind this approach is that several 
companies have built their own TS wrappers for lldb-dap (at least Meta, Google 
and Modular), which includes features they haven't contributed back to the 
community. This is something I'd like to get fixed.

An additional architectural point for this extension is that it should be 
possible to copy/paste the TS files into another existing vscode extensions, 
and integrate it with possibly just one single call `initLLDBDAP(settings)`.
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