@@ -1296,10 +1296,11 @@ enum CompletionType {
   eRemoteDiskFileCompletion = (1u << 22),
   eRemoteDiskDirectoryCompletion = (1u << 23),
   eTypeCategoryNameCompletion = (1u << 24),
+  eThreadIDCompletion = (1u << 25),
bulbazord wrote:

Independent of the API standpoint, Greg is right. This is ABI-breaking, 
something we try hard to avoid in LLDB. Even though programs linked against 
older versions of LLDB will still be able to run against newer versions of 
LLDB, the semantics of these values have changed and the program may do the 
wrong thing. Even though I don't think it's likely that this will affect many 
folks, you can never be too sure.


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