@@ -627,7 +628,7 @@ class Target : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Target>,
   // used.
   const lldb::ProcessSP &CreateProcess(lldb::ListenerSP listener_sp,
                                        llvm::StringRef plugin_name,
-                                       const FileSpec *crash_file,
+                                       lldb::FileSP crash_file,
                                        bool can_connect);
clayborg wrote:

I think we can have two interfaces in Target.h: 
- the previous one that taks a "const FileSpec *" 
- the new one that takes a lldb::FileSP
We have a 4 locations that have to manually create a file the code:
auto file = FileSystem::Instance().Open(
        filespec, lldb_private::File::eOpenOptionReadOnly);
This will also help reduce the number of changes in this patch. Then the 
version that takes a "const FileSpec *" can do the 
`FileSystem::Instance().Open(...)` and just call the other overload that takes 
a `lldb::FileSP`

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