@@ -403,9 +404,41 @@ bool Address::GetDescription(Stream &s, Target &target,
   return false;
+void Address::DumpName(Stream *strm, llvm::StringRef text,
+                       const char *pattern) {
+  if (!pattern) {
+    strm->PutCString(text.data());
+    return;
+  }
+  llvm::Regex reg_pattern(pattern);
+  llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 1> matches;
+  llvm::StringRef remaining = text;
+  std::string red_start =
+      lldb_private::ansi::FormatAnsiTerminalCodes("${ansi.fg.red}");
+  std::string reset_color =
+      lldb_private::ansi::FormatAnsiTerminalCodes("${ansi.normal}");
+  size_t last_pos = 0;
+  while (reg_pattern.match(remaining, &matches)) {
+    llvm::StringRef match = matches[0];
+    size_t match_start_pos = match.data() - text.data();
+    size_t match_end_pos = match_start_pos + match.size();
+    strm->Write(text.data() + last_pos, match_start_pos - last_pos);
+    strm->PutCString(red_start.c_str());
+    strm->Write(text.data() + match_start_pos, match.size());
+    strm->PutCString(reset_color.c_str());
+    last_pos = match_end_pos;
+    remaining = text.substr(last_pos);
DavidSpickett wrote:

It may be clearer to `drop_front` (or `substr`, it's the same thing but my 
functional bias prefers drop) from `remaining` as we go, instead of referring 
to `text` all the time.

So you print up to where the match is, drop_front however much that was, print 
the match, drop_front the size of the match, etc, etc.

That way the algorithm is all centered on `remaining` and we aren't referring 
back to `text` the whole time.

And it can be summed up as "while there is remaining text keep printing it".

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