bulbazord added inline comments.
Comment at: lldb/include/lldb/Core/Debugger.h:430-431
+  template <typename... Args>
+  bool InterruptRequested(const char *cur_func, 
+                          const char *formatv, Args &&... args) {
+    bool ret_val = InterruptRequested();
jingham wrote:
> bulbazord wrote:
> > I think it would make more sense to have `cur_func` and `formatv` be of 
> > type `llvm::StringRef`. Concretely, if you construct a `std::string` from 
> > `nullptr` (like you're doing below when you make an InterruptionReport 
> > object), you will crash.
> > 
> > I know the recommendation is to use `INTERRUPT_REQUESTED` instead of 
> > filling this manually, but inevitably somebody will go against the advice 
> > and make a mistake.
> > I think it would make more sense to have `cur_func` and `formatv` be of 
> > type `llvm::StringRef`. Concretely, if you construct a `std::string` from 
> > `nullptr` (like you're doing below when you make an InterruptionReport 
> > object), you will crash.
> > 
> > I know the recommendation is to use `INTERRUPT_REQUESTED` instead of 
> > filling this manually, but inevitably somebody will go against the advice 
> > and make a mistake.
> I don't see how I can make the formatv option a StringRef.  The llvm::formatv 
> API only offers a version that takes a `const char *`.  Anyway, these are 
> formatv strings, they are almost universally going to be const strings.  
> Turning them into llvm::StringRef's and back out again to use in 
> llvm::formatv seems odd.
> But you are right, we should protect against someone passing in a null 
> pointer for the function or format to InterruptRequested.   Since this is 
> just logging, an assert seems overkill, I'll just add null pointer checks 
> here and turn them into "UNKNOWN FUNCTION" and "Unknown message".
Oh... so `llvm::formatv` does take a `const char *`... My bad there, that makes 
sense, no need to change the type of `format` then.

Otherwise, I'm satisfied with the safety checks.

Comment at: lldb/include/lldb/Core/Debugger.h:455-456
+    InterruptionReport(std::string function_name, std::string description) :
+        m_function_name(function_name), 
+        m_description(description),
+        m_interrupt_time(std::chrono::system_clock::now()),
jingham wrote:
> bulbazord wrote:
> > To avoid some unnecessary copies
> > 
> > Could also do what Ismail is suggesting.
> This is a local that is copied to an ivar and never used again.  Do I really 
> have to put move in there explicitly for the optimizer to know it can reuse 
> the value?
Yes. I created a simple example on Godbolt: https://godbolt.org/z/G4ej76Enn

Observe that the constructor in the example invokes the `std::string` copy 
constructor. Add a `std::move` and it then invokes the move constructor.

Comment at: lldb/include/lldb/Core/Debugger.h:465
+  InterruptionReport(std::string function_name,
+              const char *format, Args &&... args) :
+    InterruptionReport(function_name, llvm::formatv(format, 
std::forward<Args>(args)...)) {}
bulbazord wrote:
> since we're passing `format` to `formatv`, I think it would make sense for 
> its type to be `llvm::StringRef` up-front here.
As you've pointed out above, `formatv` takes a `const char *` so ignore this.

Comment at: lldb/source/Core/Debugger.cpp:1280
+    const llvm::formatv_object_base &payload) :  
+        m_function_name(function_name), 
+        m_interrupt_time(std::chrono::system_clock::now()),
You'll also want to `std::move(function_name)` here too, I think.

Comment at: lldb/source/Target/TargetList.cpp:518
              "target already exists it the list");
+  UnregisterInProcessTarget(target_sp.get());
jingham wrote:
> bulbazord wrote:
> > I'm somewhat puzzled by this. Why are we unregistering the target in 
> > `AddTargetInternal` when we're registering it in `CreateTargetInternal`? 
> > Maybe I don't understand the intent behind 
> > `{Register,Unregister}InProcessTarget`.
> The point behind this is someone says "make me a target" and then in the 
> process of making the target, the Target code does something slow (e.g. look 
> for external debug files) that we want to interrupt.  So we need a way for 
> the debugger to find the "in the process of being made" Targets.  
>  "AddTargetInternal" is the API where the target gets added to the Debugger's 
> TargetList, so after that method has run we will find the target in the 
> regular TargetList.  But between CreateTargetInternal and AddTargetInternal, 
> that target isn't stored anywhere that the Debugger knows how to query.  I 
> added this list to hold the targets that are in the process of getting made, 
> before they get added to the Debugger's TargetList.
Gotcha, that makes sense. Thanks for explaining!

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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