bulbazord added inline comments.

Comment at: lldb/bindings/python/python-wrapper.swig:353-354
+  } else {
+    error_string.assign("wrong number of arguments in __init__, should be 2 "
+                        "(not including self)");
+  }
I think the error string needs to be adjusted here. It should say `should be 1 
"` based on line 350.

Comment at: lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/scripted_platform.py:36-39
+            pid = 420
+            parent_pid = 42 (optional)
+            uid = 0 (optional)
+            gid = 0 (optional)
Each line here needs to have a comma at the end of it.

Comment at: lldb/examples/python/scripted_process/scripted_platform.py:43-46
+            Dict: The processes represented as a dictionary, with at least the
+                process ID, name, architecture. Optionally, the user can also
+                provide the parent process ID and the user and group IDs.
+                The dictionary can be empty.
I think you could add a little more information here. Based on the example 
below with `MyScriptedPlatform` it looks like the Dictionary maps `PID (int)` 
to `Process information (dict)`. However, what you've written here doesn't 
indicate that. You could change the example above to be something like:

processes = {
    420: {
            name: a.out,
            arch: aarch64,
            pid: 420,
            parent_pid: 42 (optional),
            uid: 0 (optional),
            gid: 0 (optional),



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