labath accepted this revision.
labath added inline comments.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Comment at: 
+  if (!bool(m_extensions_supported &
+            NativeProcessProtocol::Extension::multiprocess))
+    assert(!m_stdio_handle_up);
mgorny wrote:
> mgorny wrote:
> > labath wrote:
> > > mgorny wrote:
> > > > labath wrote:
> > > > > I don't think this is right. I believe the important distinction is 
> > > > > whether we have non-stop mode enabled or not, because in all-stop 
> > > > > mode we are not able to send stdio while stopped, regardless of how 
> > > > > many processes we're debugging.
> > > > Well, the code exploded in all-stop mode as well because in order to 
> > > > kill multiple processes, we effectively resume them all. I suppose 
> > > > there could be a way around it (synchronously killing one process after 
> > > > another and waiting for everything to happen) but I'm not convinced 
> > > > this is really worth the added complexity.
> > > I don't think this needs to be complex at all. What we need to basically 
> > > do, is call StartSTDIOForwarding whenever the protocol allows us to send 
> > > stdio, and StopSTDIOForwarding when we cannot. When we supported just a 
> > > single process, the easiest way to achieve this was to hook into the 
> > > started/stopped events of that process. Now that's no longer true, so 
> > > maybe we just need to hook it up elsewhere.
> > > 
> > > I think starting could be done directly from the packet handlers 
> > > (c/s/vCont/...). And those handlers already have to check for nonstop 
> > > mode, so any deviations could be handled there:
> > > ```
> > > if (all_stop) {
> > >   StartSTDIOForwarding(); // Can forward from now until the stop-reply 
> > > packet is send
> > >   return Success;
> > > } else {
> > >   SendOKResponse();
> > >   // Can we forward now? Or maybe it can be sent all the time?
> > > }
> > > ```
> > > 
> > > Stopping could probably stay coupled with the sending of the stop-reply 
> > > packet (i.e., handling of the process event), since it's the stop reply 
> > > which determines whether the stdio packet can be sent.
> > Thanks, this makes sense. Good news is that it seems that I can just wire 
> > it into our current `SendContinueSuccessResponse()`, unless I've missed 
> > some other case (I've grepped for everything calling `Resume()` or 
> > `Kill()`). So far I didn't special-case non-stop mode, as I still need to 
> > rework `O` packets for it.
> > 
> > That said, do we want to enable forwarding for kill actions at all? I 
> > suppose this was kinda implicit due to the whole Linux `PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT` 
> > ping-pong but I honestly doubt any output can happen there.
> Oh, and regarding non-stop mode, I've left it as TODO for now. The whole 
> stdio forwarding needs to be fixed for non-stop mode anyway, and since we 
> don't expect to have two processes running simultaneously yet, I'm going to 
> look into it separately.
> That said, this is probably going to be a "LLDB extension". FWICS gdb pretty 
> much uses `O` packets only to deliver debugger-specific messages and doesn't 
> forward stdio at all, nor special-cases `O` in non-stop mode. My initial idea 
> is to always send `O` as asynchronous notifications. I suppose we could then 
> enable stdio forwarding as soon as non-stop mode is enabled, and keep it 
> enabled until the very end.
Using async notifications sounds reasonable. Also, ew, I did not realize that's 
what O packets were meant for.

I don't think we need to enable forwarding for kill packets. In fact, I would 
be surprised if lldb was prepared to handle them here.


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