OmarEmaraDev created this revision.
OmarEmaraDev added a reviewer: clayborg.
Herald added a reviewer: teemperor.
OmarEmaraDev requested review of this revision.
Herald added a project: LLDB.
Herald added a subscriber: lldb-commits.

This patch adds a new type of reusable UI components. Searcher Windows
contain a text field to enter a search keyword and a list of scrollable
matches are presented. The target match can be selected and executed
which invokes a user callback to do something with the match.

This patch also adds one searcher delegate, which wraps the common
command completion searchers for simple use cases.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


Index: lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp
--- lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Core/IOHandlerCursesGUI.cpp
@@ -3558,6 +3558,232 @@
   EnvironmentVariableListFieldDelegate *m_inherited_environment_field;
+// Searchers
+class SearcherDelegate {
+  SearcherDelegate() {}
+  virtual ~SearcherDelegate() = default;
+  virtual int GetNumberOfMatches() = 0;
+  // Get the string that will be displayed for the match at the input index.
+  virtual const std::string &GetMatchTextAtIndex(int index) = 0;
+  // Update the matches of the search. This is executed every time the text
+  // field handles an event.
+  virtual void UpdateMatches(const std::string &text) = 0;
+  // Execute the user callback given the index of some match. This is executed
+  // once the user selects a match.
+  virtual void ExecuteCallback(int match_index) = 0;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<SearcherDelegate> SearcherDelegateSP;
+class SearcherWindowDelegate : public WindowDelegate {
+  SearcherWindowDelegate(SearcherDelegateSP &delegate_sp)
+      : m_delegate_sp(delegate_sp), m_text_field("Search", "", false),
+        m_selected_match(0), m_first_visible_match(0) {
+    ;
+  }
+  // A completion window is padded by one character from all sides. A text field
+  // is first drawn for inputting the searcher request, then a list of matches
+  // are displayed in a scrollable list.
+  //
+  // ___<Searcher Window Name>____________________________
+  // |                                                   |
+  // | __[Search]_______________________________________ |
+  // | |                                               | |
+  // | |_______________________________________________| |
+  // | - Match 1.                                        |
+  // | - Match 2.                                        |
+  // | - ...                                             |
+  // |                                                   |
+  // |____________________________[Press Esc to Cancel]__|
+  //
+  // Get the index of the last visible match. Assuming at least one match
+  // exists.
+  int GetLastVisibleMatch(int height) {
+    int index = m_first_visible_match + height;
+    return std::min(index, m_delegate_sp->GetNumberOfMatches()) - 1;
+  }
+  int GetNumberOfVisibleMatches(int height) {
+    return GetLastVisibleMatch(height) - m_first_visible_match + 1;
+  }
+  void UpdateScrolling(Surface &surface) {
+    if (m_selected_match < m_first_visible_match) {
+      m_first_visible_match = m_selected_match;
+      return;
+    }
+    int height = surface.GetHeight();
+    int last_visible_match = GetLastVisibleMatch(height);
+    if (m_selected_match > last_visible_match) {
+      m_first_visible_match = m_selected_match - height + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  void DrawMatches(Surface &surface) {
+    if (m_delegate_sp->GetNumberOfMatches() == 0)
+      return;
+    UpdateScrolling(surface);
+    int count = GetNumberOfVisibleMatches(surface.GetHeight());
+    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+      surface.MoveCursor(1, i);
+      int current_match = m_first_visible_match + i;
+      if (current_match == m_selected_match)
+        surface.AttributeOn(A_REVERSE);
+      surface.PutCString(
+          m_delegate_sp->GetMatchTextAtIndex(current_match).c_str());
+      if (current_match == m_selected_match)
+        surface.AttributeOff(A_REVERSE);
+    }
+  }
+  void DrawContent(Surface &surface) {
+    Rect content_bounds = surface.GetFrame();
+    Rect text_field_bounds, matchs_bounds;
+    content_bounds.HorizontalSplit(m_text_field.FieldDelegateGetHeight(),
+                                   text_field_bounds, matchs_bounds);
+    Surface text_field_surface = surface.SubSurface(text_field_bounds);
+    Surface matches_surface = surface.SubSurface(matchs_bounds);
+    m_text_field.FieldDelegateDraw(text_field_surface, true);
+    DrawMatches(matches_surface);
+  }
+  bool WindowDelegateDraw(Window &window, bool force) override {
+    window.Erase();
+    window.DrawTitleBox(window.GetName(), "Press Esc to Cancel");
+    Rect content_bounds = window.GetFrame();
+    content_bounds.Inset(2, 2);
+    Surface content_surface = window.SubSurface(content_bounds);
+    DrawContent(content_surface);
+    return true;
+  }
+  void SelectNext() {
+    if (m_selected_match != m_delegate_sp->GetNumberOfMatches() - 1)
+      m_selected_match++;
+    return;
+  }
+  void SelectPrevious() {
+    if (m_selected_match != 0)
+      m_selected_match--;
+    return;
+  }
+  void ExecuteCallback(Window &window) {
+    m_delegate_sp->ExecuteCallback(m_selected_match);
+    window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
+  }
+  void UpdateMatches() {
+    m_delegate_sp->UpdateMatches(m_text_field.GetText());
+    m_selected_match = 0;
+  }
+  HandleCharResult WindowDelegateHandleChar(Window &window, int key) override {
+    switch (key) {
+    case '\r':
+    case '\n':
+    case KEY_ENTER:
+      ExecuteCallback(window);
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case '\t':
+    case KEY_DOWN:
+      SelectNext();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_SHIFT_TAB:
+    case KEY_UP:
+      SelectPrevious();
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    case KEY_ESCAPE:
+      window.GetParent()->RemoveSubWindow(&window);
+      return eKeyHandled;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    if (m_text_field.FieldDelegateHandleChar(key) == eKeyHandled)
+      UpdateMatches();
+    return eKeyHandled;
+  }
+  SearcherDelegateSP m_delegate_sp;
+  TextFieldDelegate m_text_field;
+  // The index of the currently selected match.
+  int m_selected_match;
+  // The index of the first visible match.
+  int m_first_visible_match;
+// Searcher Delegate Instances
+// This is a searcher delegate wrapper around CommandCompletions common
+// callbacks. The callbacks are only given the match string. The completion_mask
+// can be a combination of CommonCompletionTypes.
+class CommonCompletionSearcherDelegate : public SearcherDelegate {
+  typedef std::function<void(const std::string &)> CallbackType;
+  CommonCompletionSearcherDelegate(Debugger &debugger, uint32_t completion_mask,
+                                   CallbackType callback)
+      : m_debugger(debugger), m_completion_mask(completion_mask),
+        m_callback(callback) {}
+  int GetNumberOfMatches() override { return m_matches.GetSize(); }
+  const std::string &GetMatchTextAtIndex(int index) override {
+    return m_matches[index];
+  }
+  void UpdateMatches(const std::string &text) override {
+    CompletionResult result;
+    CompletionRequest request(text.c_str(), text.size(), result);
+    CommandCompletions::InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
+        m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter(), m_completion_mask, request,
+        nullptr);
+    result.GetMatches(m_matches);
+  }
+  void ExecuteCallback(int match_index) override {
+    m_callback(m_matches[match_index]);
+  }
+  Debugger &m_debugger;
+  // A compound mask from CommonCompletionTypes.
+  uint32_t m_completion_mask;
+  // A callback to execute once the user selects a match. The match is passed to
+  // the callback as a string.
+  CallbackType m_callback;
+  StringList m_matches;
+// Menus
 class MenuDelegate {
   virtual ~MenuDelegate() = default;
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