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Closed by commit rGc9a0754b443b: [lldb-vscode] Distinguish shadowed variables 
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Index: lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/lldb-vscode.cpp
--- lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/lldb-vscode.cpp
+++ lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/lldb-vscode.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 #include <set>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <thread>
+#include <unordered_map>
 #include <vector>
 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
@@ -2716,7 +2717,9 @@
   // This is a reference to the containing variable/scope
   const auto variablesReference =
       GetUnsigned(arguments, "variablesReference", 0);
-  const auto name = GetString(arguments, "name");
+  llvm::StringRef name = GetString(arguments, "name");
+  bool is_duplicated_variable_name = name.find(" @") != llvm::StringRef::npos;
   const auto value = GetString(arguments, "value");
   // Set success to false just in case we don't find the variable by name
   response.try_emplace("success", false);
@@ -2758,14 +2761,10 @@
-    // Find the variable by name in the correct scope and hope we don't have
-    // multiple variables with the same name. We search backwards because
-    // the list of variables has the top most variables first and variables
-    // in deeper scopes are last. This means we will catch the deepest
-    // variable whose name matches which is probably what the user wants.
     for (int64_t i = end_idx - 1; i >= start_idx; --i) {
-      auto curr_variable = g_vsc.variables.GetValueAtIndex(i);
-      llvm::StringRef variable_name(curr_variable.GetName());
+      lldb::SBValue curr_variable = g_vsc.variables.GetValueAtIndex(i);
+      std::string variable_name = CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(
+          curr_variable, is_duplicated_variable_name);
       if (variable_name == name) {
         variable = curr_variable;
         if (curr_variable.MightHaveChildren())
@@ -2774,6 +2773,9 @@
   } else {
+    // This is not under the globals or locals scope, so there are no duplicated
+    // names.
     // We have a named item within an actual variable so we need to find it
     // withing the container variable by name.
     const int64_t var_idx = VARREF_TO_VARIDX(variablesReference);
@@ -2810,6 +2812,8 @@
       EmplaceSafeString(body, "message", std::string(error.GetCString()));
     response["success"] = llvm::json::Value(success);
+  } else {
+    response["success"] = llvm::json::Value(false);
   response.try_emplace("body", std::move(body));
@@ -2925,12 +2929,26 @@
     const int64_t end_idx = start_idx + ((count == 0) ? num_children : count);
+    // We first find out which variable names are duplicated
+    std::unordered_map<const char *, int> variable_name_counts;
+    for (auto i = start_idx; i < end_idx; ++i) {
+      lldb::SBValue variable = g_vsc.variables.GetValueAtIndex(i);
+      if (!variable.IsValid())
+        break;
+      variable_name_counts[variable.GetName()]++;
+    }
+    // Now we construct the result with unique display variable names
     for (auto i = start_idx; i < end_idx; ++i) {
       lldb::SBValue variable = g_vsc.variables.GetValueAtIndex(i);
+      const char *name = variable.GetName();
       if (!variable.IsValid())
-      variables.emplace_back(
-          CreateVariable(variable, VARIDX_TO_VARREF(i), i, hex));
+      variables.emplace_back(CreateVariable(variable, VARIDX_TO_VARREF(i), i,
+                                            hex,
+                                            variable_name_counts[name] > 1));
   } else {
     // We are expanding a variable that has children, so we will return its
Index: lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/JSONUtils.h
--- lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/JSONUtils.h
+++ lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/JSONUtils.h
@@ -399,6 +399,14 @@
 ///     definition outlined by Microsoft.
 llvm::json::Value CreateThreadStopped(lldb::SBThread &thread, uint32_t stop_id);
+/// VSCode can't display two variables with the same name, so we need to
+/// distinguish them by using a suffix.
+/// If the source and line information is present, we use it as the suffix.
+/// Otherwise, we fallback to the variable address or register location.
+std::string CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(lldb::SBValue v,
+                                               bool is_name_duplicated);
 /// Create a "Variable" object for a LLDB thread object.
 /// This function will fill in the following keys in the returned
@@ -435,11 +443,20 @@
 ///     It set to true the variable will be formatted as hex in
 ///     the "value" key value pair for the value of the variable.
+/// \param[in] is_name_duplicated
+///     Whether the same variable name appears multiple times within the same
+///     context (e.g. locals). This can happen due to shadowed variables in
+///     nested blocks.
+///     As VSCode doesn't render two of more variables with the same name, we
+///     apply a suffix to distinguish duplicated variables.
 /// \return
 ///     A "Variable" JSON object with that follows the formal JSON
 ///     definition outlined by Microsoft.
 llvm::json::Value CreateVariable(lldb::SBValue v, int64_t variablesReference,
-                                 int64_t varID, bool format_hex);
+                                 int64_t varID, bool format_hex,
+                                 bool is_name_duplicated = false);
 llvm::json::Value CreateCompileUnit(lldb::SBCompileUnit unit);
Index: lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/JSONUtils.cpp
--- lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/JSONUtils.cpp
+++ lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/JSONUtils.cpp
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "lldb/API/SBBreakpoint.h"
 #include "lldb/API/SBBreakpointLocation.h"
+#include "lldb/API/SBDeclaration.h"
 #include "lldb/API/SBValue.h"
 #include "lldb/Host/PosixApi.h"
@@ -904,6 +905,25 @@
   return llvm::json::Value(std::move(event));
+std::string CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(lldb::SBValue v,
+                                               bool is_name_duplicated) {
+  lldb::SBStream name_builder;
+  const char *name = v.GetName();
+  name_builder.Print(name ? name : "<null>");
+  if (is_name_duplicated) {
+    name_builder.Print(" @ ");
+    lldb::SBDeclaration declaration = v.GetDeclaration();
+    std::string file_name(declaration.GetFileSpec().GetFilename());
+    const uint32_t line = declaration.GetLine();
+    if (!file_name.empty() && line > 0)
+      name_builder.Printf("%s:%u", file_name.c_str(), line);
+    else
+      name_builder.Print(v.GetLocation());
+  }
+  return name_builder.GetData();
 // "Variable": {
 //   "type": "object",
 //   "description": "A Variable is a name/value pair. Optionally a variable
@@ -967,10 +987,12 @@
 //   "required": [ "name", "value", "variablesReference" ]
 // }
 llvm::json::Value CreateVariable(lldb::SBValue v, int64_t variablesReference,
-                                 int64_t varID, bool format_hex) {
+                                 int64_t varID, bool format_hex,
+                                 bool is_name_duplicated) {
   llvm::json::Object object;
-  auto name = v.GetName();
-  EmplaceSafeString(object, "name", name ? name : "<null>");
+  EmplaceSafeString(object, "name",
+                    CreateUniqueVariableNameForDisplay(v, is_name_duplicated));
   if (format_hex)
   SetValueForKey(v, object, "value");
Index: lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-vscode/variables/main.cpp
--- lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-vscode/variables/main.cpp
+++ lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-vscode/variables/main.cpp
@@ -14,5 +14,13 @@
   PointType pt = { 11,22, {0}};
   for (int i=0; i<BUFFER_SIZE; ++i)
     pt.buffer[i] = i;
-  return s_global - g_global - pt.y; // breakpoint 1
+  int x = s_global - g_global - pt.y; // breakpoint 1
+  {
+    int x = 42;
+    {
+      int x = 72;
+      s_global = x; // breakpoint 2
+    }
+  }
+  return 0; // breakpoint 3
Index: lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-vscode/variables/
--- lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-vscode/variables/
+++ lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-vscode/variables/
@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@
                     'y': {'equals': {'type': 'int', 'value': '22'}},
                     'buffer': {'children': buffer_children}
+            },
+            'x': {
+                'equals': {'type': 'int'}
         verify_globals = {
@@ -221,3 +224,61 @@
         value = response['body']['variables'][0]['value']
         self.assertEqual(value, '111',
                         'verify pt.x got set to 111 (111 != %s)' % (value))
+        # We check shadowed variables and that a new get_local_variables request
+        # gets the right data
+        breakpoint2_line = line_number(source, '// breakpoint 2')
+        lines = [breakpoint2_line]
+        breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
+        self.assertEqual(len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines),
+                        "expect correct number of breakpoints")
+        self.continue_to_breakpoints(breakpoint_ids)
+        verify_locals['argc']['equals']['value'] = '123'
+        verify_locals['pt']['children']['x']['equals']['value'] = '111'
+        verify_locals['x @ main.cpp:17'] = {'equals': {'type': 'int', 'value': '89'}}
+        verify_locals['x @ main.cpp:19'] = {'equals': {'type': 'int', 'value': '42'}}
+        verify_locals['x @ main.cpp:21'] = {'equals': {'type': 'int', 'value': '72'}}
+        self.verify_variables(verify_locals, self.vscode.get_local_variables())
+        # Now we verify that we correctly change the name of a variable with and without differentiator suffix
+        self.assertFalse(self.vscode.request_setVariable(1, "x2", 9)['success'])
+        self.assertFalse(self.vscode.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:0", 9)['success'])
+        self.assertTrue(self.vscode.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:17", 17)['success'])
+        self.assertTrue(self.vscode.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:19", 19)['success'])
+        self.assertTrue(self.vscode.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:21", 21)['success'])
+        # The following should have no effect
+        self.assertFalse(self.vscode.request_setVariable(1, "x @ main.cpp:21", "invalid")['success'])
+        verify_locals['x @ main.cpp:17']['equals']['value'] = '17'
+        verify_locals['x @ main.cpp:19']['equals']['value'] = '19'
+        verify_locals['x @ main.cpp:21']['equals']['value'] = '21'
+        self.verify_variables(verify_locals, self.vscode.get_local_variables())
+        # The plain x variable shold refer to the innermost x
+        self.assertTrue(self.vscode.request_setVariable(1, "x", 22)['success'])
+        verify_locals['x @ main.cpp:21']['equals']['value'] = '22'
+        self.verify_variables(verify_locals, self.vscode.get_local_variables())
+        # In breakpoint 3, there should be no shadowed variables
+        breakpoint3_line = line_number(source, '// breakpoint 3')
+        lines = [breakpoint3_line]
+        breakpoint_ids = self.set_source_breakpoints(source, lines)
+        self.assertEqual(len(breakpoint_ids), len(lines),
+                        "expect correct number of breakpoints")
+        self.continue_to_breakpoints(breakpoint_ids)
+        locals = self.vscode.get_local_variables()
+        names = [var['name'] for var in locals]
+        # The first shadowed x shouldn't have a suffix anymore
+        verify_locals['x'] = {'equals': {'type': 'int', 'value': '17'}}
+        self.assertNotIn('x @ main.cpp:17', names)
+        self.assertNotIn('x @ main.cpp:19', names)
+        self.assertNotIn('x @ main.cpp:21', names)
+        self.verify_variables(verify_locals, locals)
Index: lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
--- lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
+++ lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
                 # the right breakpoint matches and not worry about the actual
                 # location.
                 description = body['description']
-                print("description: %s" % (description))
                 for breakpoint_id in breakpoint_ids:
                     match_desc = 'breakpoint %s.' % (breakpoint_id)
                     if match_desc in description:
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