sgraenitz created this revision.
sgraenitz added reviewers: rnk, eliben.
Herald added a project: LLVM.
sgraenitz requested review of this revision.

Generalize the documentation to include both, GDB and LLDB. Add a link to the 
definition. Make a note on MCJIT's restriction to ELF. Mention the regression 
and bugfix
in LLDB as well as the jit-loader setting for macOS. Update the command line 
session to
use LLDB instead of GDB.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


Index: llvm/docs/DebuggingJITedCode.rst
--- llvm/docs/DebuggingJITedCode.rst
+++ llvm/docs/DebuggingJITedCode.rst
@@ -1,35 +1,48 @@
-Debugging JIT-ed Code With GDB
+Debugging JIT-ed Code
-Without special runtime support, debugging dynamically generated code with
-GDB (as well as most debuggers) can be quite painful.  Debuggers generally
-read debug information from the object file of the code, but for JITed
-code, there is no such file to look for.
-In order to communicate the necessary debug info to GDB, an interface for
-registering JITed code with debuggers has been designed and implemented for
-GDB and LLVM MCJIT.  At a high level, whenever MCJIT generates new machine code,
-it does so in an in-memory object file that contains the debug information in
-DWARF format.  MCJIT then adds this in-memory object file to a global list of
-dynamically generated object files and calls a special function
-(``__jit_debug_register_code``) marked noinline that GDB knows about.  When
-GDB attaches to a process, it puts a breakpoint in this function and loads all
-of the object files in the global list.  When MCJIT calls the registration
-function, GDB catches the breakpoint signal, loads the new object file from
-the inferior's memory, and resumes the execution.  In this way, GDB can get the
-necessary debug information.
+Without special runtime support, debugging dynamically generated code can be
+quite painful.  Debuggers generally read debug information from object files on
+disk, but for JITed code there is no such file to look for.
+In order to hand over the necessary debug info, `GDB established an
+interface <>`_
+for registering JITed code with debuggers. LLDB implements it in the
+JITLoaderGDB plugin.  On the JIT side, LLVM MCJIT does implement the interface
+for ELF object files.
+At a high level, whenever MCJIT generates new machine code, it does so in an
+in-memory object file that contains the debug information in DWARF format.
+MCJIT then adds this in-memory object file to a global list of dynamically
+generated object files and calls a special function
+``__jit_debug_register_code`` that the debugger knows about. When the debugger
+attaches to a process, it puts a breakpoint in this function and associates a
+special handler with it.  Once MCJIT calls the registration function, the
+debugger catches the breakpoint signal, loads the new object file from the
+inferior's memory and resumes execution.  This way it can obtain debug
+information for pure in-memory object files.
 GDB Version
 In order to debug code JIT-ed by LLVM, you need GDB 7.0 or newer, which is
 available on most modern distributions of Linux.  The version of GDB that
-Apple ships with Xcode has been frozen at 6.3 for a while.  LLDB may be a
-better option for debugging JIT-ed code on macOS.
+Apple ships with Xcode has been frozen at 6.3 for a while.
+LLDB Version
+Due to a regression in release 6.0, LLDB didn't support JITed code debugging for
+a while.  The bug was fixed in mainline recently, so that debugging JITed ELF
+objects should be possible again from the upcoming release 12.0 on. On macOS the
+feature must be enabled explicitly using the ``plugin.jit-loader.gdb.enable``
 Debugging MCJIT-ed code
@@ -39,8 +52,8 @@
 GDB.  This is due to MCJIT's ability to use the MC emitter to provide full
 DWARF debugging information to GDB.
-Note that lli has to be passed the ``-jit-kind=mcjit`` flag to JIT the code with
-MCJIT instead of the old JIT.
+Note that lli has to be passed the ``--jit-kind=mcjit`` flag to JIT the code
+with MCJIT instead of the newer ORC JIT.
@@ -81,63 +94,89 @@
    22  }
 Here is a sample command line session that shows how to build and run this
-code via ``lli`` inside GDB:
+code via ``lli`` inside LLDB:
 .. code-block:: bash
-   $ $BINPATH/clang -cc1 -O0 -g -emit-llvm showdebug.c
-   $ gdb --quiet --args $BINPATH/lli -jit-kind=mcjit showdebug.ll 5
-   Reading symbols from $BINPATH/lli...done.
-   (gdb) b showdebug.c:6
-   No source file named showdebug.c.
-   Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
-   Breakpoint 1 (showdebug.c:6) pending.
-   (gdb) r
-   Starting program: $BINPATH/lli -jit-kind=mcjit showdebug.ll 5
-   [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
-   Breakpoint 1, compute_factorial (n=5) at showdebug.c:6
-   6	    int f = n;
-   (gdb) p n
-   $1 = 5
-   (gdb) p f
-   $2 = 0
-   (gdb) n
-   7	    while (--n > 1)
-   (gdb) p f
-   $3 = 5
-   (gdb) b showdebug.c:9
-   Breakpoint 2 at 0x7ffff7ed404c: file showdebug.c, line 9.
-   (gdb) c
-   Continuing.
-   Breakpoint 2, compute_factorial (n=1) at showdebug.c:9
-   9	    return f;
-   (gdb) p f
-   $4 = 120
-   (gdb) bt
-   #0  compute_factorial (n=1) at showdebug.c:9
-   #1  0x00007ffff7ed40a9 in main (argc=2, argv=0x16677e0) at showdebug.c:18
-   #2  0x3500000001652748 in ?? ()
-   #3  0x00000000016677e0 in ?? ()
-   #4  0x0000000000000002 in ?? ()
-   #5  0x0000000000d953b3 in llvm::MCJIT::runFunction (this=0x16151f0, F=0x1603020, ArgValues=...) at /home/ebenders_test/llvm_svn_rw/lib/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT/MCJIT.cpp:161
-   #6  0x0000000000dc8872 in llvm::ExecutionEngine::runFunctionAsMain (this=0x16151f0, Fn=0x1603020, argv=..., envp=0x7fffffffe040)
-       at /home/ebenders_test/llvm_svn_rw/lib/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.cpp:397
-   #7  0x000000000059c583 in main (argc=4, argv=0x7fffffffe018, envp=0x7fffffffe040) at /home/ebenders_test/llvm_svn_rw/tools/lli/lli.cpp:324
-   (gdb) finish
-   Run till exit from #0  compute_factorial (n=1) at showdebug.c:9
-   0x00007ffff7ed40a9 in main (argc=2, argv=0x16677e0) at showdebug.c:18
-   18	    int result = compute_factorial(firstletter - '0');
-   Value returned is $5 = 120
-   (gdb) p result
-   $6 = 23406408
-   (gdb) n
-   21	    return result;
-   (gdb) p result
-   $7 = 120
-   (gdb) c
-   Continuing.
-   Program exited with code 0170.
-   (gdb)
+   > export BINPATH=/workspaces/llvm-project/build/bin
+   > $BINPATH/clang -g -S -emit-llvm --target=x86_64-unknown-unknown-elf showdebug.c
+   > lldb $BINPATH/lli
+   (lldb) target create "/workspaces/llvm-project/build/bin/lli"
+   Current executable set to '/workspaces/llvm-project/build/bin/lli' (x86_64).
+   (lldb) settings set plugin.jit-loader.gdb.enable on
+   (lldb) b compute_factorial
+   Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
+   WARNING:  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
+   (lldb) run --jit-kind=mcjit showdebug.ll 5
+   1 location added to breakpoint 1
+   Process 21340 stopped
+   * thread #1, name = 'lli', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
+      frame #0: 0x00007ffff7fd0007 JIT(0x45c2cb0)`compute_factorial(n=5) at showdebug.c:3:11
+      1    int compute_factorial(int n)
+      2    {
+   -> 3        if (n <= 1)
+      4            return 1;
+      5        int f = n;
+      6        while (--n > 1)
+      7            f *= n;
+   (lldb) p n
+   (int) $0 = 5
+   (lldb) b showdebug.c:9
+   Breakpoint 2: where = JIT(0x45c2cb0)`compute_factorial + 60 at showdebug.c:9:1, address = 0x00007ffff7fd003c
+   (lldb) c
+   Process 21340 resuming
+   Process 21340 stopped
+   * thread #1, name = 'lli', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
+      frame #0: 0x00007ffff7fd003c JIT(0x45c2cb0)`compute_factorial(n=1) at showdebug.c:9:1
+      6        while (--n > 1)
+      7            f *= n;
+      8        return f;
+   -> 9    }
+      10  
+      11   int main(int argc, char** argv)
+      12   {
+   (lldb) p f
+   (int) $1 = 120
+   (lldb) bt
+   * thread #1, name = 'lli', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
+   * frame #0: 0x00007ffff7fd003c JIT(0x45c2cb0)`compute_factorial(n=1) at showdebug.c:9:1
+      frame #1: 0x00007ffff7fd0095 JIT(0x45c2cb0)`main(argc=2, argv=0x00000000046122f0) at showdebug.c:16:18
+      frame #2: 0x0000000002a8306e lli`llvm::MCJIT::runFunction(this=0x000000000458ed10, F=0x0000000004589ff8, ArgValues=ArrayRef<llvm::GenericValue> @ 0x00007fffffffc798) at MCJIT.cpp:554:31
+      frame #3: 0x00000000029bdb45 lli`llvm::ExecutionEngine::runFunctionAsMain(this=0x000000000458ed10, Fn=0x0000000004589ff8, argv=size=0, envp=0x00007fffffffe140) at ExecutionEngine.cpp:467:10
+      frame #4: 0x0000000001f2fc2f lli`main(argc=4, argv=0x00007fffffffe118, envp=0x00007fffffffe140) at lli.cpp:643:18
+      frame #5: 0x00007ffff788c09b`__libc_start_main(main=(lli`main at lli.cpp:387), argc=4, argv=0x00007fffffffe118, init=<unavailable>, fini=<unavailable>, rtld_fini=<unavailable>, stack_end=0x00007fffffffe108) at libc-start.c:308:16
+      frame #6: 0x0000000001f2dc7a lli`_start + 42
+   (lldb) finish
+   Process 21340 stopped
+   * thread #1, name = 'lli', stop reason = step out
+   Return value: (int) $2 = 120
+      frame #0: 0x00007ffff7fd0095 JIT(0x45c2cb0)`main(argc=2, argv=0x00000000046122f0) at showdebug.c:16:9
+      13       if (argc < 2)
+      14           return -1;
+      15       char firstletter = argv[1][0];
+   -> 16       int result = compute_factorial(firstletter - '0');
+      17  
+      18       // Returned result is clipped at 255...
+      19       return result;
+   (lldb) p result
+   (int) $3 = 73670648
+   (lldb) n
+   Process 21340 stopped
+   * thread #1, name = 'lli', stop reason = step over
+      frame #0: 0x00007ffff7fd0098 JIT(0x45c2cb0)`main(argc=2, argv=0x00000000046122f0) at showdebug.c:19:12
+      16       int result = compute_factorial(firstletter - '0');
+      17  
+      18       // Returned result is clipped at 255...
+   -> 19       return result;
+      20   }
+   (lldb) p result
+   (int) $4 = 120
+   (lldb) expr result=42
+   (int) $5 = 42
+   (lldb) p result
+   (int) $6 = 42
+   (lldb) c
+   Process 21340 resuming
+   Process 21340 exited with status = 42 (0x0000002a)
+   (lldb) exit
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