labath added a comment.

In D62931#1697999 <>, @guiandrade wrote:

> Thank you for looking into this, @labath
> I'd like to fix that, but I'm not sure if I understand the code well enough/ 
> it's not clear to me what the solution would look like.
> > I think the only reasonable way to do that would be to change the 
> > RegisterInfo offset for BND registers to mean the gdb-remote offset
> Would that involve hard-coding an extra offset at RegisterInfos_x86_64.h:28 
> <>
>  and RegisterInfos_i386.h:32 
> <>?

I would very much like to avoid adding new members to the RegisterInfo struct. 
As this stuff is specific to the x86 linux context, I'd like to keep this stuff 
there, if necessary then via keeping a side-table of "ptrace" offsets for each 
of the register (though I am hoping there's some better way to achieve that).

>> change any code which uses it for the OS context offset to do something else 
>> (the only place doing something like that should be 
>> RegisterContextLinux_x86_64.cpp)
> Would that be NativeRegisterContextLinux_x86_64.cpp 
> <>?
>  If yes, the idea would be to somehow remove that extra factor before the 
> `ptrace` calls?

Yes, I meant `NativeRegisterContextLinux_x86_64`. And yes, the idea is to 
remove that factor, or recompute that the ptrace offset in some other way. This 
could be a side table, a switch on the register set type, or whatever is the 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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