xbolva00 abandoned this revision.
xbolva00 added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D51966#1231533, @labath wrote:

> I think the issue here is that on windows we don't have the ability(*) to 
> pipe stdio through lldb, so if you create a process without a console, you 
> will not be able to use see it's output or pass it some input (probably fine 
> for gui apps, but bad for console ones). This means your approach will also 
> make things inconsistent with other platforms, only in a different way. (I 
> don't really have an opinion which one is better/worse.)
> (*) I think there is a way to emulate the unix pty behavior on windows, but 
> it is not exactly straight-forward. It involves creating a hidden console and 
> then polling that for changes/keypresses (I don't know the details, but 
> that's how someone once explained it to me).

Ok, thanks for info!



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