zturner added a comment.

If I remove that assert, I get this output:

  D:\src\llvmbuild\lldb>bin\lldb-test.exe clang-ast foo.o
  error: foo.o {0x0000003b}: unhandled type tag 0x0005 
(DW_TAG_formal_parameter), please file a bug and attach the file at the start 
of this error message
  error: foo.o {0x00000049}: unhandled type tag 0x0005 
(DW_TAG_formal_parameter), please file a bug and attach the file at the start 
of this error message
  Module foo.o
  0BA227E8:   ObjectFileELF, file = 'foo.o', arch = i386
  ELF Header
  e_ident[EI_MAG0   ] = 0x7f
  e_ident[EI_MAG1   ] = 0x45 'E'
  e_ident[EI_MAG2   ] = 0x4c 'L'
  e_ident[EI_MAG3   ] = 0x46 'F'
  e_ident[EI_CLASS  ] = 0x01
  e_ident[EI_DATA   ] = 0x01 ELFDATA2LSB - Little Endian
  e_ident[EI_VERSION] = 0x01
  e_ident[EI_PAD    ] = 0x00
  e_type      = 0x0001 ET_REL
  e_machine   = 0x0003
  e_version   = 0x00000001
  e_entry     = 0x00000000
  e_phoff     = 0x00000000
  e_shoff     = 0x0000047c
  e_flags     = 0x00000000
  e_ehsize    = 0x0034
  e_phentsize = 0x0000
  e_phnum     = 0x00000000
  e_shentsize = 0x0028
  e_shnum     = 0x00000014
  e_shstrndx  = 0x00000001
  Section Headers
  IDX  name     type         flags                            addr     offset   
size     link     info     addralgn entsize  Name
  ==== -------- ------------ -------------------------------- -------- -------- 
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ====================
  [ 0] 00000000 SHT_NULL     00000000 (                     ) 00000000 00000000 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  [ 1] 000000bc SHT_STRTAB   00000000 (                     ) 00000000 000003b0 
000000cc 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .strtab
  [ 2] 0000000f SHT_PROGBITS 00000006 (      ALLOC+EXECINSTR) 00000000 00000040 
00000022 00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000 .text
  [ 3] 00000054 SHT_PROGBITS 00000030 (                     ) 00000000 00000062 
0000004b 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001 .debug_str
  [ 4] 00000001 SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 000000ad 
0000004d 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .debug_abbrev
  [ 5] 0000007a SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 000000fa 
00000071 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .debug_info
  [ 6] 00000076 SHT_REL      00000000 (                     ) 00000000 00000328 
00000060 00000013 00000005 00000004 00000008 .rel.debug_info
  [ 7] 00000046 SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 0000016b 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .debug_ranges
  [ 8] 00000067 SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 0000016b 
00000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .debug_macinfo
  [ 9] 00000036 SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 0000016c 
0000001b 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .debug_pubnames
  [10] 00000032 SHT_REL      00000000 (                     ) 00000000 00000388 
00000008 00000013 00000009 00000004 00000008 .rel.debug_pubnames
  [11] 00000022 SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 00000187 
00000023 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .debug_pubtypes
  [12] 0000001e SHT_REL      00000000 (                     ) 00000000 00000390 
00000008 00000013 0000000b 00000004 00000008 .rel.debug_pubtypes
  [13] 00000015 SHT_PROGBITS 00000030 (                     ) 00000000 000001aa 
00000016 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001 .comment
  [14] 0000008b SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 000001c0 
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .note.GNU-stack
  [15] 000000af SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 000001c0 
0000002c 00000000 00000000 00000004 00000000 .debug_frame
  [16] 000000ab SHT_REL      00000000 (                     ) 00000000 00000398 
00000010 00000013 0000000f 00000004 00000008 .rel.debug_frame
  [17] 0000009f SHT_PROGBITS 00000000 (                     ) 00000000 000001ec 
0000003a 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 .debug_line
  [18] 0000009b SHT_REL      00000000 (                     ) 00000000 000003a8 
00000008 00000013 00000011 00000004 00000008 .rel.debug_line
  [19] 000000c4 SHT_SYMTAB   00000000 (                     ) 00000000 00000228 
00000100 00000001 0000000f 00000004 00000010 .symtab
    SectID     Type             File Address                             Perm 
File Off.  File Size  Flags      Section Name
    ---------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------  ---- 
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------
    0x00000001 regular                                                   ---  
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 foo.o.
    0x00000002 regular                                                   ---  
0x000003b0 0x000000cc 0x00000000 foo.o..strtab
    0x00000003 code             [0x0000000000000000-0x0000000000000022)  r-x  
0x00000040 0x00000022 0x00000006 foo.o..text
    0x00000004 dwarf-str                                                 ---  
0x00000062 0x0000004b 0x00000030 foo.o..debug_str
    0x00000005 dwarf-abbrev                                              ---  
0x000000ad 0x0000004d 0x00000000 foo.o..debug_abbrev
    0x00000006 dwarf-info                                                ---  
0x000000fa 0x00000071 0x00000000 foo.o..debug_info
    0x00000007 elf-relocation-entries                                          
---  0x00000328 0x00000060 0x00000000 foo.o..rel.debug_info
    0x00000008 dwarf-ranges                                              ---  
0x0000016b 0x00000000 0x00000000 foo.o..debug_ranges
    0x00000009 dwarf-macinfo                                             ---  
0x0000016b 0x00000001 0x00000000 foo.o..debug_macinfo
    0x0000000a dwarf-pubnames                                            ---  
0x0000016c 0x0000001b 0x00000000 foo.o..debug_pubnames
    0x0000000b elf-relocation-entries                                          
---  0x00000388 0x00000008 0x00000000 foo.o..rel.debug_pubnames
    0x0000000c dwarf-pubtypes                                            ---  
0x00000187 0x00000023 0x00000000 foo.o..debug_pubtypes
    0x0000000d elf-relocation-entries                                          
---  0x00000390 0x00000008 0x00000000 foo.o..rel.debug_pubtypes
    0x0000000e regular                                                   ---  
0x000001aa 0x00000016 0x00000030 foo.o..comment
    0x0000000f regular                                                   ---  
0x000001c0 0x00000000 0x00000000 foo.o..note.GNU-stack
    0x00000010 dwarf-frame                                               ---  
0x000001c0 0x0000002c 0x00000000 foo.o..debug_frame
    0x00000011 elf-relocation-entries                                          
---  0x00000398 0x00000010 0x00000000 foo.o..rel.debug_frame
    0x00000012 dwarf-line                                                ---  
0x000001ec 0x0000003a 0x00000000 foo.o..debug_line
    0x00000013 elf-relocation-entries                                          
---  0x000003a8 0x00000008 0x00000000 foo.o..rel.debug_line
    0x00000014 elf-symbol-table                                          ---  
0x00000228 0x00000100 0x00000000 foo.o..symtab
  Symtab, file = foo.o, num_symbols = 7:
                 Debug symbol
                 |Synthetic symbol
                 ||Externally Visible
  Index   UserID DSX Type            File Address/Value Load Address       Size 
              Flags      Name
  ------- ------ --- --------------- ------------------ ------------------ 
------------------ ---------- ----------------------------------
  [    0]      1     SourceFile      0x0000000000000000                    
0x0000000000000000 0x00000004 foo.cpp
  [    1]     10     Invalid         0x0000000000000000                    
0x0000000000000022 0x00000003
  [    2]     11     Invalid         0x0000000000000000                    
0x0000000000000022 0x00000003
  [    3]     12     Invalid         0x0000000000000000                    
0x0000000000000022 0x00000003
  [    4]     13     Invalid         0x0000000000000000                    
0x0000000000000022 0x00000003
  [    5]     14     Invalid         0x0000000000000000                    
0x0000000000000022 0x00000003
  [    6]     15   X Code            0x0000000000000000                    
0x0000000000000022 0x00000012 main
  0B9964E0: SymbolVendor (foo.o)
  0BA4AE48:   Type{0x00000058} , name = "clang version 6.0.0 ", size = 4, 
compiler_type = 0x0ba34a90 int
  0BA4AE48:   Type{0x00000058} , name = "clang version 6.0.0 ", size = 4, 
compiler_type = 0x0ba34a90 int
  0BA597D8:   Type{0x0000005f} , compiler_type = 0x0ba34d70 signed char **
  0BA597D8:   Type{0x0000005f} , compiler_type = 0x0ba34d70 signed char **
  0BA59860:   Type{0x00000064} , compiler_type = 0x0ba34d50 signed char *
  0BA59860:   Type{0x00000064} , compiler_type = 0x0ba34d50 signed char *
  0BA4EEE8:   Type{0x00000069} , name = "clang version 6.0.0 ", size = 1, 
compiler_type = 0x0ba34a70 signed char
  0BA4EEE8:   Type{0x00000069} , name = "clang version 6.0.0 ", size = 1, 
compiler_type = 0x0ba34a70 signed char
  0BA4EF70:   Type{0x00000026} , name = "clang version 6.0.0 ", decl = 
foo.cpp:1, compiler_type = 0x0ba34dc0 int (int, signed char **)
  0BA4EF70:   Type{0x00000026} , name = "clang version 6.0.0 ", decl = 
foo.cpp:1, compiler_type = 0x0ba34dc0 int (int, signed char **)
  0BA4AE48:   Type{0x00000058} , name = "clang version 6.0.0 ", size = 4, 
compiler_type = 0x0ba34a90 int
  0BA597D8:   Type{0x0000005f} , compiler_type = 0x0ba34d70 signed char **
  0BA59860:   Type{0x00000064} , compiler_type = 0x0ba34d50 signed char *
  0BA4EEE8:   Type{0x00000069} , name = "clang version 6.0.0 ", size = 1, 
compiler_type = 0x0ba34a70 signed char
  0BA1FCA8:   CompileUnit{0x00000000}, language = "c++", file = 'clang version 
6.0.0 \clang version 6.0.0 '

It should be pretty easy to write `FileCheck` tests against this sort of 
output, and indicidentally this already exposes an additional bug aside from 
the one mentioned in the original message (see the first two lines of output).


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