jingham accepted this revision.
jingham added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Great, this is much nicer.

Comment at: source/Plugins/Language/CPlusPlus/LibCxxList.cpp:141
-namespace lldb_private {
-namespace formatters {
-class LibcxxStdListSyntheticFrontEnd : public SyntheticChildrenFrontEnd {
+class ForwardListFrontEnd: public AbstractListFrontEnd {
labath wrote:
> jingham wrote:
> > I wonder about the decision to move these classes out of 
> > lldb_private::formatters.  They don't need to be in a globally visible 
> > namespace, but all the others are.  They also all have a consistent naming 
> > convention, which this one doesn't have.  This doesn't seem like the sort 
> > of thing we should change piecemeal, that will just lead to confusion.
> > 
> > Was there some other reason for doing this that I'm missing?
> There's no hard reason, but I was trying to make these names more concise
> I've put them in the anonymous namespace, as llvm coding style encourages 
> that for file-local entities 
> <https://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html#anonymous-namespaces>. I'd be 
> happy to move the other formatters into the anonymous namespace as well, as I 
> have a couple of other formatters in the pipeline, which already are in the 
> anon namespace.
> As for the names, if I followed the existing style, this would read something 
> like
> ```
> class LibCxxStdForwardListSyntheticFrontEnd: public 
> LibCxxAbstractListSyntheticFrontEnd
> ```
> which would be formatted horribly, as it does not fit a single line. As these 
> are file-local entities, I think we can be a bit less verbose.
> I had not renamed the std::list class because of the way I wrote this change 
> (make a copy of the std::list formatter, and then factor out the common 
> code), but you are right that they should follow the same convention. I 
> propose to shorten the name of the other class as well.
The effect on choosing names is one of the many reasons why I don't favor the 
llvm 80 character restriction.  But we're stuck with it so...


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