@@ -718,3 +720,40 @@ TEST_F(SymtabTest, TestDecodeCStringMaps) {
   ASSERT_NE(symbol, nullptr);
+TEST_F(SymtabTest, TestSymtabCreatedOnDemand) {
+  auto ExpectedFile = TestFile::fromYaml(R"(
+--- !ELF
+  Class:           ELFCLASS64
+  Data:            ELFDATA2LSB
+  Type:            ET_EXEC
+  Machine:         EM_X86_64
+  Entry:           0x0000000000400180
+  - Name:            .text
+    Type:            SHT_PROGBITS
+    Flags:           [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ]
+    Address:         0x0000000000400180
+    AddressAlign:    0x0000000000000010
+    Content:         554889E58B042500106000890425041060005DC3
+  - Name:            _start
+    Type:            STT_FUNC
+    Section:         .text
+    Value:           0x0000000000400180
+    Size:            0x0000000000000014
+    Binding:         STB_GLOBAL
+  ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(ExpectedFile, llvm::Succeeded());
+  auto module_sp = std::make_shared<Module>(ExpectedFile->moduleSpec());
+  // The symbol table should not be loaded by default.
+  Symtab *module_symtab = module_sp->GetSymtab(/*can_create=*/false);
+  ASSERT_EQ(module_symtab, nullptr);
+  // But it should be created on demand.
+  module_symtab = module_sp->GetSymtab(/*can_create=*/true);
+  ASSERT_NE(module_symtab, nullptr);
clayborg wrote:

Maybe add a test to verify that the  symtab gets returns if called again with 
"can_create = false" to make sure this works as expected, and also to verify 
the symbol table doesn't change? Something like:
Symtab *cached_module_symtab = module_sp->GetSymtab(/*can_create=*/false);
ASSERT_EQ(module_symtab, cached_module_symtab);

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