
>From bb034b3b8c43dae13d7f596c20863b47ce88e4d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Peixotto <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 15:39:20 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Split test to avoid timeout

This test is running right up to the 600s timeout limit. Split it
in two to avoid hitting a timeout.
 .../tools/lldb-server/    | 901 +----------------
 .../tools/lldb-server/   | 922 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 925 insertions(+), 898 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/

diff --git a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/ 
index 592037db502aa..81639ed96597f 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/
+++ b/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 lldb-server tests run where the lldb-server exe is
-This class will be broken into smaller test case classes by
-gdb remote packet functional areas.  For now it contains
-the initial set of tests implemented.
+The tests are split between the LldbGdbServerTestCase and
+LldbGdbServerTestCase2 classes to avoid timeouts in the
+test suite.
 import binascii
@@ -602,898 +602,3 @@ def 
-    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
-    def test_m_packet_reads_memory(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # This is the memory we will write into the inferior and then ensure we
-        # can read back with $m.
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=[
-                "set-message:%s" % MEMORY_CONTENTS,
-                "get-data-address-hex:g_message",
-                "sleep:5",
-            ]
-        )
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                # Start running after initial stop.
-                "read packet: $c#63",
-                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
-                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
-                {
-                    "type": "output_match",
-                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
-                        r"data address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
-                    ),
-                    "capture": {1: "message_address"},
-                },
-                # Now stop the inferior.
-                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-                # And wait for the stop notification.
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
-                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the message address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("message_address"))
-        message_address = int(context.get("message_address"), 16)
-        # Grab contents from the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                "read packet: $m{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(
-                    message_address, len(MEMORY_CONTENTS)
-                ),
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$(.+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$",
-                    "capture": {1: "read_contents"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Ensure what we read from inferior memory is what we wrote.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("read_contents"))
-        read_contents = seven.unhexlify(context.get("read_contents"))
-        self.assertEqual(read_contents, MEMORY_CONTENTS)
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_is_supported(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        # Ask if it supports $qMemoryRegionInfo.
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            ["read packet: $qMemoryRegionInfo#00", "send packet: $OK#00"], True
-        )
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_code_address_as_executable(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["get-code-address-hex:hello", "sleep:5"]
-        )
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                # Start running after initial stop.
-                "read packet: $c#63",
-                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
-                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
-                {
-                    "type": "output_match",
-                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
-                        r"code address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
-                    ),
-                    "capture": {1: "code_address"},
-                },
-                # Now stop the inferior.
-                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-                # And wait for the stop notification.
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
-                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the code address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("code_address"))
-        code_address = int(context.get("code_address"), 16)
-        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(code_address)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
-        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
-        self.assertNotIn("error", mem_region_dict)
-        # Ensure code address is readable and executable.
-        self.assertIn("permissions", mem_region_dict)
-        self.assertIn("r", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        self.assertIn("x", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
-        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(code_address, mem_region_dict)
-    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_stack_address_as_rw(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["get-stack-address-hex:", "sleep:5"]
-        )
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                # Start running after initial stop.
-                "read packet: $c#63",
-                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
-                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
-                {
-                    "type": "output_match",
-                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
-                        r"stack address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
-                    ),
-                    "capture": {1: "stack_address"},
-                },
-                # Now stop the inferior.
-                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-                # And wait for the stop notification.
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
-                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stack_address"))
-        stack_address = int(context.get("stack_address"), 16)
-        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(stack_address)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
-        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
-        self.assertNotIn("error", mem_region_dict)
-        # Ensure address is readable and executable.
-        self.assertIn("permissions", mem_region_dict)
-        self.assertIn("r", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        self.assertIn("w", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
-        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(stack_address, 
-    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
-    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_heap_address_as_rw(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["get-heap-address-hex:", "sleep:5"]
-        )
-        # Run the process
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                # Start running after initial stop.
-                "read packet: $c#63",
-                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
-                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
-                {
-                    "type": "output_match",
-                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
-                        r"heap address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
-                    ),
-                    "capture": {1: "heap_address"},
-                },
-                # Now stop the inferior.
-                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-                # And wait for the stop notification.
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
-                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("heap_address"))
-        heap_address = int(context.get("heap_address"), 16)
-        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(heap_address)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
-        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
-        self.assertNotIn("error", mem_region_dict)
-        # Ensure address is readable and executable.
-        self.assertIn("permissions", mem_region_dict)
-        self.assertIn("r", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        self.assertIn("w", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
-        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
-        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(heap_address, mem_region_dict)
-    def breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(self, want_hardware):
-        # Start up the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=[
-                "get-code-address-hex:hello",
-                "sleep:1",
-                "call-function:hello",
-            ]
-        )
-        # Run the process
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [  # Start running after initial stop.
-                "read packet: $c#63",
-                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
function call entry point.
-                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
-                {
-                    "type": "output_match",
-                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
-                        r"code address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
-                    ),
-                    "capture": {1: "function_address"},
-                },
-                # Now stop the inferior.
-                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-                # And wait for the stop notification.
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
-                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Gather process info - we need endian of target to handle register
-        # value conversions.
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        # Gather register info entries.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        (pc_lldb_reg_index, pc_reg_info) = self.find_pc_reg_info(reg_infos)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(pc_lldb_reg_index)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(pc_reg_info)
-        # Grab the function address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("function_address"))
-        function_address = int(context.get("function_address"), 16)
-        # Get current target architecture
-        target_arch = self.getArchitecture()
-        # Set the breakpoint.
-        if target_arch in ["arm", "arm64", "aarch64"]:
-            # TODO: Handle case when setting breakpoint in thumb code
-            BREAKPOINT_KIND = 4
-        else:
-            BREAKPOINT_KIND = 1
-        # Set default packet type to Z0 (software breakpoint)
-        z_packet_type = 0
-        # If hardware breakpoint is requested set packet type to Z1
-        if want_hardware:
-            z_packet_type = 1
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_set_breakpoint_packets(
-            function_address,
-            z_packet_type,
-            do_continue=True,
-            breakpoint_kind=BREAKPOINT_KIND,
-        )
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Verify the stop signal reported was the breakpoint signal number.
-        stop_signo = context.get("stop_signo")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(stop_signo)
-        self.assertEqual(int(stop_signo, 16), 
-        # Ensure we did not receive any output.  If the breakpoint was not 
set, we would
-        # see output (from a launched process with captured stdio) printing a 
hello, world message.
-        # That would indicate the breakpoint didn't take.
-        self.assertEqual(len(context["O_content"]), 0)
-        # Verify that the PC for the main thread is where we expect it - right 
at the breakpoint address.
-        # This acts as a another validation on the register reading code.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                # Print the PC.  This should match the breakpoint address.
-                "read packet: $p{0:x}#00".format(pc_lldb_reg_index),
-                # Capture $p results.
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#",
-                    "capture": {1: "p_response"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Verify the PC is where we expect.  Note response is in endianness of
-        # the inferior.
-        p_response = context.get("p_response")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-        # Convert from target endian to int.
-        returned_pc = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(
-            endian, p_response
-        )
-        self.assertEqual(returned_pc, function_address)
-        # Verify that a breakpoint remove and continue gets us the expected
-        # output.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        # Add breakpoint remove packets
-        self.add_remove_breakpoint_packets(
-            function_address, z_packet_type, breakpoint_kind=BREAKPOINT_KIND
-        )
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                # Continue running.
-                "read packet: $c#63",
-                # We should now receive the output from the call.
-                {"type": "output_match", "regex": r"^hello, world\r\n$"},
-                # And wait for program completion.
-                {"direction": "send", "regex": r"^\$W00(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$"},
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
-    def test_software_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(self):
-        if self.getArchitecture() == "arm":
-            # TODO: Handle case when setting breakpoint in thumb code
-  {"CFLAGS_EXTRAS": "-marm"})
-        else:
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(want_hardware=False)
-    @skipUnlessPlatform(oslist=["linux"])
-    @skipIf(archs=no_match(["arm", "aarch64"]))
-    def test_hardware_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(self):
-        if self.getArchitecture() == "arm":
-            # TODO: Handle case when setting breakpoint in thumb code
-  {"CFLAGS_EXTRAS": "-marm"})
-        else:
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        self.breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(want_hardware=True)
-    def get_qSupported_dict(self, features=[]):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # Start up the stub and start/prep the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
-        self.add_qSupported_packets(features)
-        # Run the packet stream.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Retrieve the qSupported features.
-        return self.parse_qSupported_response(context)
-    def test_qSupported_returns_known_stub_features(self):
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(supported_dict)
-        self.assertGreater(len(supported_dict), 0)
-    def test_qSupported_auvx(self):
-        expected = (
-            "+"
-            if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in ["freebsd", "linux", "netbsd"]
-            else "-"
-        )
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("qXfer:auxv:read", "-"), expected)
-    def test_qSupported_libraries_svr4(self):
-        expected = (
-            "+"
-            if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in ["freebsd", "linux", "netbsd"]
-            else "-"
-        )
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("qXfer:libraries-svr4:read", "-"), 
-    def test_qSupported_siginfo_read(self):
-        expected = (
-            "+" if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in ["freebsd", "linux"] else 
-        )
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("qXfer:siginfo:read", "-"), 
-    def test_qSupported_QPassSignals(self):
-        expected = (
-            "+"
-            if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in ["freebsd", "linux", "netbsd"]
-            else "-"
-        )
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("QPassSignals", "-"), expected)
-    @add_test_categories(["fork"])
-    def test_qSupported_fork_events(self):
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict(["multiprocess+", 
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("multiprocess", "-"), "+")
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("fork-events", "-"), "+")
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("vfork-events", "-"), "-")
-    @add_test_categories(["fork"])
-    def test_qSupported_fork_events_without_multiprocess(self):
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict(["fork-events+"])
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("multiprocess", "-"), "-")
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("fork-events", "-"), "-")
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("vfork-events", "-"), "-")
-    @add_test_categories(["fork"])
-    def test_qSupported_vfork_events(self):
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict(["multiprocess+", 
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("multiprocess", "-"), "+")
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("fork-events", "-"), "-")
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("vfork-events", "-"), "+")
-    @add_test_categories(["fork"])
-    def test_qSupported_vfork_events_without_multiprocess(self):
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict(["vfork-events+"])
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("multiprocess", "-"), "-")
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("fork-events", "-"), "-")
-        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("vfork-events", "-"), "-")
-    # We need to be able to self.runCmd to get cpuinfo,
-    # which is not possible when using a remote platform.
-    @skipIfRemote
-    def test_qSupported_memory_tagging(self):
-        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
-        self.assertEqual(
-            supported_dict.get("memory-tagging", "-"),
-            "+" if self.isAArch64MTE() else "-",
-        )
-    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
-    def test_written_M_content_reads_back_correctly(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        TEST_MESSAGE = "Hello, memory"
-        # Start up the stub and start/prep the inferior.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=[
-                "set-message:xxxxxxxxxxxxxX",
-                "get-data-address-hex:g_message",
-                "sleep:1",
-                "print-message:",
-            ]
-        )
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                # Start running after initial stop.
-                "read packet: $c#63",
-                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
-                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
-                {
-                    "type": "output_match",
-                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
-                        r"data address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
-                    ),
-                    "capture": {1: "message_address"},
-                },
-                # Now stop the inferior.
-                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
-                # And wait for the stop notification.
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
-                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Grab the message address.
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("message_address"))
-        message_address = int(context.get("message_address"), 16)
-        # Hex-encode the test message, adding null termination.
-        hex_encoded_message = seven.hexlify(TEST_MESSAGE)
-        # Write the message to the inferior. Verify that we can read it with 
the hex-encoded (m)
-        # and binary (x) memory read packets.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                "read packet: $M{0:x},{1:x}:{2}#00".format(
-                    message_address, len(TEST_MESSAGE), hex_encoded_message
-                ),
-                "send packet: $OK#00",
-                "read packet: $m{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(
-                    message_address, len(TEST_MESSAGE)
-                ),
-                "send packet: ${0}#00".format(hex_encoded_message),
-                "read packet: $x{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(
-                    message_address, len(TEST_MESSAGE)
-                ),
-                "send packet: ${0}#00".format(TEST_MESSAGE),
-                "read packet: $m{0:x},4#00".format(message_address),
-                "send packet: ${0}#00".format(hex_encoded_message[0:8]),
-                "read packet: $x{0:x},4#00".format(message_address),
-                "send packet: ${0}#00".format(TEST_MESSAGE[0:4]),
-                "read packet: $c#63",
-                {
-                    "type": "output_match",
-                    "regex": r"^message: (.+)\r\n$",
-                    "capture": {1: "printed_message"},
-                },
-                "send packet: $W00#00",
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Ensure what we read from inferior memory is what we wrote.
-        printed_message = context.get("printed_message")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(printed_message)
-        self.assertEqual(printed_message, TEST_MESSAGE + "X")
-    # Note: as of this moment, a hefty number of the GPR writes are failing 
with E32 (everything except rax-rdx, rdi, rsi, rbp).
-    # Come back to this.  I have the test rigged to verify that at least some
-    # of the bit-flip writes work.
-    def test_P_writes_all_gpr_registers(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # Start inferior debug session, grab all register info.
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["sleep:2"])
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Process register infos.
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        self.add_lldb_register_index(reg_infos)
-        # Process endian.
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        # Pull out the register infos that we think we can bit flip
-        # successfully,.
-        gpr_reg_infos = [
-            reg_info
-            for reg_info in reg_infos
-            if self.is_bit_flippable_register(reg_info)
-        ]
-        self.assertGreater(len(gpr_reg_infos), 0)
-        # Write flipped bit pattern of existing value to each register.
-        (successful_writes, failed_writes) = 
-            gpr_reg_infos, endian
-        )
-        self.trace(
-            "successful writes: {}, failed writes: {}".format(
-                successful_writes, failed_writes
-            )
-        )
-        self.assertGreater(successful_writes, 0)
-    # Note: as of this moment, a hefty number of the GPR writes are failing
-    # with E32 (everything except rax-rdx, rdi, rsi, rbp).
-    @skipIfWindows
-    def test_P_and_p_thread_suffix_work(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        # Startup the inferior with three threads.
-        _, threads = self.launch_with_threads(3)
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_thread_suffix_request_packets()
-        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
-        endian = process_info.get("endian")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
-        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
-        self.add_lldb_register_index(reg_infos)
-        reg_index = self.select_modifiable_register(reg_infos)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_index)
-        reg_byte_size = int(reg_infos[reg_index]["bitsize"]) // 8
-        self.assertGreater(reg_byte_size, 0)
-        expected_reg_values = []
-        register_increment = 1
-        next_value = None
-        # Set the same register in each of 3 threads to a different value.
-        # Verify each one has the unique value.
-        for thread in threads:
-            # If we don't have a next value yet, start it with the initial read
-            # value + 1
-            if not next_value:
-                # Read pre-existing register value.
-                self.reset_test_sequence()
-                self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                    [
-                        "read packet: $p{0:x};thread:{1:x}#00".format(
-                            reg_index, thread
-                        ),
-                        {
-                            "direction": "send",
-                            "regex": r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#",
-                            "capture": {1: "p_response"},
-                        },
-                    ],
-                    True,
-                )
-                context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-                self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-                # Set the next value to use for writing as the increment plus
-                # current value.
-                p_response = context.get("p_response")
-                self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-                next_value = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(
-                    endian, p_response
-                )
-            # Set new value using P and thread suffix.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                [
-                    "read packet: $P{0:x}={1};thread:{2:x}#00".format(
-                        reg_index,
-                        lldbgdbserverutils.pack_register_hex(
-                            endian, next_value, byte_size=reg_byte_size
-                        ),
-                        thread,
-                    ),
-                    "send packet: $OK#00",
-                ],
-                True,
-            )
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Save the value we set.
-            expected_reg_values.append(next_value)
-            # Increment value for next thread to use (we want them all
-            # different so we can verify they wrote to each thread correctly
-            # next.)
-            next_value += register_increment
-        # Revisit each thread and verify they have the expected value set for
-        # the register we wrote.
-        thread_index = 0
-        for thread in threads:
-            # Read pre-existing register value.
-            self.reset_test_sequence()
-            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-                [
-                    "read packet: $p{0:x};thread:{1:x}#00".format(reg_index, 
-                    {
-                        "direction": "send",
-                        "regex": r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#",
-                        "capture": {1: "p_response"},
-                    },
-                ],
-                True,
-            )
-            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-            # Get the register value.
-            p_response = context.get("p_response")
-            self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
-            read_value = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(
-                endian, p_response
-            )
-            # Make sure we read back what we wrote.
-            self.assertEqual(read_value, expected_reg_values[thread_index])
-            thread_index += 1
-    @skipUnlessPlatform(oslist=["freebsd", "linux"])
-    @add_test_categories(["llgs"])
-    def test_qXfer_siginfo_read(self):
-        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
-        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
-            inferior_args=["thread:segfault", "thread:new", "sleep:10"]
-        )
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(["read packet: $c#63"], True)
-        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        # Run until SIGSEGV comes in.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
-                    "capture": {1: "signo", 2: "thread_id"},
-                }
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        # Figure out which thread crashed.
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            int(context["signo"], 16), lldbutil.get_signal_number("SIGSEGV")
-        )
-        crashing_thread = int(context["thread_id"], 16)
-        # Grab siginfo for the crashing thread.
-        self.reset_test_sequence()
-        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
-        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
-            [
-                "read packet: $Hg{:x}#00".format(crashing_thread),
-                "send packet: $OK#00",
-                "read packet: $qXfer:siginfo:read::0,80:#00",
-                {
-                    "direction": "send",
-                    "regex": re.compile(
-                        r"^\$([^E])(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", re.MULTILINE | 
-                    ),
-                    "capture": {1: "response_type", 2: "content_raw"},
-                },
-            ],
-            True,
-        )
-        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
-        # Ensure we end up with all data in one packet.
-        self.assertEqual(context.get("response_type"), "l")
-        # Decode binary data.
-        content_raw = context.get("content_raw")
-        self.assertIsNotNone(content_raw)
-        content = self.decode_gdbremote_binary(content_raw).encode("latin1")
-        # Decode siginfo_t.
-        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
-        pad = ""
-        if process_info["ptrsize"] == "8":
-            pad = "i"
-        signo_idx = 0
-        errno_idx = 1
-        code_idx = 2
-        addr_idx = -1
-        SEGV_MAPERR = 1
-        if process_info["ostype"] == "linux":
-            # si_signo, si_errno, si_code, [pad], _sifields._sigfault.si_addr
-            format_str = "iii{}P".format(pad)
-        elif process_info["ostype"].startswith("freebsd"):
-            # si_signo, si_errno, si_code, si_pid, si_uid, si_status, si_addr
-            format_str = "iiiiiiP"
-        elif process_info["ostype"].startswith("netbsd"):
-            # _signo, _code, _errno, [pad], _reason._fault._addr
-            format_str = "iii{}P".format(pad)
-            errno_idx = 2
-            code_idx = 1
-        else:
-            assert False, "unknown ostype"
-        decoder = struct.Struct(format_str)
-        decoded = decoder.unpack(content[: decoder.size])
-        self.assertEqual(decoded[signo_idx], 
-        self.assertEqual(decoded[errno_idx], 0)  # si_errno
-        self.assertEqual(decoded[code_idx], SEGV_MAPERR)  # si_code
-        self.assertEqual(decoded[addr_idx], 0)  # si_addr
diff --git a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d40aa1fb792a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+Test case for testing the gdbremote protocol.
+Tests run against debugserver and lldb-server (llgs).
+lldb-server tests run where the lldb-server exe is
+The tests are split between the LldbGdbServerTestCase and
+LldbGdbServerTestCase2 classes to avoid timeouts in the
+test suite.
+import binascii
+import itertools
+import struct
+import gdbremote_testcase
+import lldbgdbserverutils
+from import seven
+from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbdwarf import *
+from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil, lldbplatformutil
+class LldbGdbServerTestCase2(
+    gdbremote_testcase.GdbRemoteTestCaseBase, DwarfOpcodeParser
+    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
+    def test_m_packet_reads_memory(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        # This is the memory we will write into the inferior and then ensure we
+        # can read back with $m.
+        # Start up the inferior.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
+            inferior_args=[
+                "set-message:%s" % MEMORY_CONTENTS,
+                "get-data-address-hex:g_message",
+                "sleep:5",
+            ]
+        )
+        # Run the process
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                # Start running after initial stop.
+                "read packet: $c#63",
+                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
+                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
+                {
+                    "type": "output_match",
+                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
+                        r"data address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
+                    ),
+                    "capture": {1: "message_address"},
+                },
+                # Now stop the inferior.
+                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
+                # And wait for the stop notification.
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
+                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Grab the message address.
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("message_address"))
+        message_address = int(context.get("message_address"), 16)
+        # Grab contents from the inferior.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                "read packet: $m{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(
+                    message_address, len(MEMORY_CONTENTS)
+                ),
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$(.+)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$",
+                    "capture": {1: "read_contents"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Ensure what we read from inferior memory is what we wrote.
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("read_contents"))
+        read_contents = seven.unhexlify(context.get("read_contents"))
+        self.assertEqual(read_contents, MEMORY_CONTENTS)
+    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_is_supported(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        # Start up the inferior.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
+        # Ask if it supports $qMemoryRegionInfo.
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            ["read packet: $qMemoryRegionInfo#00", "send packet: $OK#00"], True
+        )
+        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
+    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_code_address_as_executable(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        # Start up the inferior.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
+            inferior_args=["get-code-address-hex:hello", "sleep:5"]
+        )
+        # Run the process
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                # Start running after initial stop.
+                "read packet: $c#63",
+                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
+                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
+                {
+                    "type": "output_match",
+                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
+                        r"code address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
+                    ),
+                    "capture": {1: "code_address"},
+                },
+                # Now stop the inferior.
+                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
+                # And wait for the stop notification.
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
+                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Grab the code address.
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("code_address"))
+        code_address = int(context.get("code_address"), 16)
+        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(code_address)
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
+        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
+        self.assertNotIn("error", mem_region_dict)
+        # Ensure code address is readable and executable.
+        self.assertIn("permissions", mem_region_dict)
+        self.assertIn("r", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
+        self.assertIn("x", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
+        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
+        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(code_address, mem_region_dict)
+    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
+    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_stack_address_as_rw(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        # Start up the inferior.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
+            inferior_args=["get-stack-address-hex:", "sleep:5"]
+        )
+        # Run the process
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                # Start running after initial stop.
+                "read packet: $c#63",
+                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
+                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
+                {
+                    "type": "output_match",
+                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
+                        r"stack address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
+                    ),
+                    "capture": {1: "stack_address"},
+                },
+                # Now stop the inferior.
+                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
+                # And wait for the stop notification.
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
+                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Grab the address.
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("stack_address"))
+        stack_address = int(context.get("stack_address"), 16)
+        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(stack_address)
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
+        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
+        self.assertNotIn("error", mem_region_dict)
+        # Ensure address is readable and executable.
+        self.assertIn("permissions", mem_region_dict)
+        self.assertIn("r", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
+        self.assertIn("w", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
+        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
+        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(stack_address, 
+    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
+    def test_qMemoryRegionInfo_reports_heap_address_as_rw(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        # Start up the inferior.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
+            inferior_args=["get-heap-address-hex:", "sleep:5"]
+        )
+        # Run the process
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                # Start running after initial stop.
+                "read packet: $c#63",
+                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
+                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
+                {
+                    "type": "output_match",
+                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
+                        r"heap address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
+                    ),
+                    "capture": {1: "heap_address"},
+                },
+                # Now stop the inferior.
+                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
+                # And wait for the stop notification.
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
+                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Grab the address.
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("heap_address"))
+        heap_address = int(context.get("heap_address"), 16)
+        # Grab memory region info from the inferior.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.add_query_memory_region_packets(heap_address)
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        mem_region_dict = self.parse_memory_region_packet(context)
+        # Ensure there are no errors reported.
+        self.assertNotIn("error", mem_region_dict)
+        # Ensure address is readable and executable.
+        self.assertIn("permissions", mem_region_dict)
+        self.assertIn("r", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
+        self.assertIn("w", mem_region_dict["permissions"])
+        # Ensure the start address and size encompass the address we queried.
+        self.assert_address_within_memory_region(heap_address, mem_region_dict)
+    def breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(self, want_hardware):
+        # Start up the inferior.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
+            inferior_args=[
+                "get-code-address-hex:hello",
+                "sleep:1",
+                "call-function:hello",
+            ]
+        )
+        # Run the process
+        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
+        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [  # Start running after initial stop.
+                "read packet: $c#63",
+                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
function call entry point.
+                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
+                {
+                    "type": "output_match",
+                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
+                        r"code address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
+                    ),
+                    "capture": {1: "function_address"},
+                },
+                # Now stop the inferior.
+                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
+                # And wait for the stop notification.
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
+                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Gather process info - we need endian of target to handle register
+        # value conversions.
+        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
+        endian = process_info.get("endian")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
+        # Gather register info entries.
+        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
+        (pc_lldb_reg_index, pc_reg_info) = self.find_pc_reg_info(reg_infos)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(pc_lldb_reg_index)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(pc_reg_info)
+        # Grab the function address.
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("function_address"))
+        function_address = int(context.get("function_address"), 16)
+        # Get current target architecture
+        target_arch = self.getArchitecture()
+        # Set the breakpoint.
+        if target_arch in ["arm", "arm64", "aarch64"]:
+            # TODO: Handle case when setting breakpoint in thumb code
+            BREAKPOINT_KIND = 4
+        else:
+            BREAKPOINT_KIND = 1
+        # Set default packet type to Z0 (software breakpoint)
+        z_packet_type = 0
+        # If hardware breakpoint is requested set packet type to Z1
+        if want_hardware:
+            z_packet_type = 1
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.add_set_breakpoint_packets(
+            function_address,
+            z_packet_type,
+            do_continue=True,
+            breakpoint_kind=BREAKPOINT_KIND,
+        )
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Verify the stop signal reported was the breakpoint signal number.
+        stop_signo = context.get("stop_signo")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(stop_signo)
+        self.assertEqual(int(stop_signo, 16), 
+        # Ensure we did not receive any output.  If the breakpoint was not 
set, we would
+        # see output (from a launched process with captured stdio) printing a 
hello, world message.
+        # That would indicate the breakpoint didn't take.
+        self.assertEqual(len(context["O_content"]), 0)
+        # Verify that the PC for the main thread is where we expect it - right 
at the breakpoint address.
+        # This acts as a another validation on the register reading code.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                # Print the PC.  This should match the breakpoint address.
+                "read packet: $p{0:x}#00".format(pc_lldb_reg_index),
+                # Capture $p results.
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#",
+                    "capture": {1: "p_response"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Verify the PC is where we expect.  Note response is in endianness of
+        # the inferior.
+        p_response = context.get("p_response")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
+        # Convert from target endian to int.
+        returned_pc = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(
+            endian, p_response
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(returned_pc, function_address)
+        # Verify that a breakpoint remove and continue gets us the expected
+        # output.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        # Add breakpoint remove packets
+        self.add_remove_breakpoint_packets(
+            function_address, z_packet_type, breakpoint_kind=BREAKPOINT_KIND
+        )
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                # Continue running.
+                "read packet: $c#63",
+                # We should now receive the output from the call.
+                {"type": "output_match", "regex": r"^hello, world\r\n$"},
+                # And wait for program completion.
+                {"direction": "send", "regex": r"^\$W00(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$"},
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
+    def test_software_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(self):
+        if self.getArchitecture() == "arm":
+            # TODO: Handle case when setting breakpoint in thumb code
+  {"CFLAGS_EXTRAS": "-marm"})
+        else:
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        self.breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(want_hardware=False)
+    @skipUnlessPlatform(oslist=["linux"])
+    @skipIf(archs=no_match(["arm", "aarch64"]))
+    def test_hardware_breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(self):
+        if self.getArchitecture() == "arm":
+            # TODO: Handle case when setting breakpoint in thumb code
+  {"CFLAGS_EXTRAS": "-marm"})
+        else:
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        self.breakpoint_set_and_remove_work(want_hardware=True)
+    def get_qSupported_dict(self, features=[]):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        # Start up the stub and start/prep the inferior.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior()
+        self.add_qSupported_packets(features)
+        # Run the packet stream.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Retrieve the qSupported features.
+        return self.parse_qSupported_response(context)
+    def test_qSupported_returns_known_stub_features(self):
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(supported_dict)
+        self.assertGreater(len(supported_dict), 0)
+    def test_qSupported_auvx(self):
+        expected = (
+            "+"
+            if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in ["freebsd", "linux", "netbsd"]
+            else "-"
+        )
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("qXfer:auxv:read", "-"), expected)
+    def test_qSupported_libraries_svr4(self):
+        expected = (
+            "+"
+            if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in ["freebsd", "linux", "netbsd"]
+            else "-"
+        )
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("qXfer:libraries-svr4:read", "-"), 
+    def test_qSupported_siginfo_read(self):
+        expected = (
+            "+" if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in ["freebsd", "linux"] else 
+        )
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("qXfer:siginfo:read", "-"), 
+    def test_qSupported_QPassSignals(self):
+        expected = (
+            "+"
+            if lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() in ["freebsd", "linux", "netbsd"]
+            else "-"
+        )
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("QPassSignals", "-"), expected)
+    @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+    def test_qSupported_fork_events(self):
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict(["multiprocess+", 
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("multiprocess", "-"), "+")
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("fork-events", "-"), "+")
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("vfork-events", "-"), "-")
+    @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+    def test_qSupported_fork_events_without_multiprocess(self):
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict(["fork-events+"])
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("multiprocess", "-"), "-")
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("fork-events", "-"), "-")
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("vfork-events", "-"), "-")
+    @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+    def test_qSupported_vfork_events(self):
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict(["multiprocess+", 
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("multiprocess", "-"), "+")
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("fork-events", "-"), "-")
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("vfork-events", "-"), "+")
+    @add_test_categories(["fork"])
+    def test_qSupported_vfork_events_without_multiprocess(self):
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict(["vfork-events+"])
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("multiprocess", "-"), "-")
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("fork-events", "-"), "-")
+        self.assertEqual(supported_dict.get("vfork-events", "-"), "-")
+    # We need to be able to self.runCmd to get cpuinfo,
+    # which is not possible when using a remote platform.
+    @skipIfRemote
+    def test_qSupported_memory_tagging(self):
+        supported_dict = self.get_qSupported_dict()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            supported_dict.get("memory-tagging", "-"),
+            "+" if self.isAArch64MTE() else "-",
+        )
+    @skipIfWindows  # No pty support to test any inferior output
+    def test_written_M_content_reads_back_correctly(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        TEST_MESSAGE = "Hello, memory"
+        # Start up the stub and start/prep the inferior.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
+            inferior_args=[
+                "set-message:xxxxxxxxxxxxxX",
+                "get-data-address-hex:g_message",
+                "sleep:1",
+                "print-message:",
+            ]
+        )
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                # Start running after initial stop.
+                "read packet: $c#63",
+                # Match output line that prints the memory address of the 
message buffer within the inferior.
+                # Note we require launch-only testing so we can get inferior 
+                {
+                    "type": "output_match",
+                    "regex": self.maybe_strict_output_regex(
+                        r"data address: 0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r\n"
+                    ),
+                    "capture": {1: "message_address"},
+                },
+                # Now stop the inferior.
+                "read packet: {}".format(chr(3)),
+                # And wait for the stop notification.
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
+                    "capture": {1: "stop_signo", 2: "stop_thread_id"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Grab the message address.
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context.get("message_address"))
+        message_address = int(context.get("message_address"), 16)
+        # Hex-encode the test message, adding null termination.
+        hex_encoded_message = seven.hexlify(TEST_MESSAGE)
+        # Write the message to the inferior. Verify that we can read it with 
the hex-encoded (m)
+        # and binary (x) memory read packets.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                "read packet: $M{0:x},{1:x}:{2}#00".format(
+                    message_address, len(TEST_MESSAGE), hex_encoded_message
+                ),
+                "send packet: $OK#00",
+                "read packet: $m{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(
+                    message_address, len(TEST_MESSAGE)
+                ),
+                "send packet: ${0}#00".format(hex_encoded_message),
+                "read packet: $x{0:x},{1:x}#00".format(
+                    message_address, len(TEST_MESSAGE)
+                ),
+                "send packet: ${0}#00".format(TEST_MESSAGE),
+                "read packet: $m{0:x},4#00".format(message_address),
+                "send packet: ${0}#00".format(hex_encoded_message[0:8]),
+                "read packet: $x{0:x},4#00".format(message_address),
+                "send packet: ${0}#00".format(TEST_MESSAGE[0:4]),
+                "read packet: $c#63",
+                {
+                    "type": "output_match",
+                    "regex": r"^message: (.+)\r\n$",
+                    "capture": {1: "printed_message"},
+                },
+                "send packet: $W00#00",
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Ensure what we read from inferior memory is what we wrote.
+        printed_message = context.get("printed_message")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(printed_message)
+        self.assertEqual(printed_message, TEST_MESSAGE + "X")
+    # Note: as of this moment, a hefty number of the GPR writes are failing 
with E32 (everything except rax-rdx, rdi, rsi, rbp).
+    # Come back to this.  I have the test rigged to verify that at least some
+    # of the bit-flip writes work.
+    def test_P_writes_all_gpr_registers(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        # Start inferior debug session, grab all register info.
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(inferior_args=["sleep:2"])
+        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
+        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Process register infos.
+        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
+        self.add_lldb_register_index(reg_infos)
+        # Process endian.
+        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
+        endian = process_info.get("endian")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
+        # Pull out the register infos that we think we can bit flip
+        # successfully,.
+        gpr_reg_infos = [
+            reg_info
+            for reg_info in reg_infos
+            if self.is_bit_flippable_register(reg_info)
+        ]
+        self.assertGreater(len(gpr_reg_infos), 0)
+        # Write flipped bit pattern of existing value to each register.
+        (successful_writes, failed_writes) = 
+            gpr_reg_infos, endian
+        )
+        self.trace(
+            "successful writes: {}, failed writes: {}".format(
+                successful_writes, failed_writes
+            )
+        )
+        self.assertGreater(successful_writes, 0)
+    # Note: as of this moment, a hefty number of the GPR writes are failing
+    # with E32 (everything except rax-rdx, rdi, rsi, rbp).
+    @skipIfWindows
+    def test_P_and_p_thread_suffix_work(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        # Startup the inferior with three threads.
+        _, threads = self.launch_with_threads(3)
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.add_thread_suffix_request_packets()
+        self.add_register_info_collection_packets()
+        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(process_info)
+        endian = process_info.get("endian")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(endian)
+        reg_infos = self.parse_register_info_packets(context)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_infos)
+        self.add_lldb_register_index(reg_infos)
+        reg_index = self.select_modifiable_register(reg_infos)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(reg_index)
+        reg_byte_size = int(reg_infos[reg_index]["bitsize"]) // 8
+        self.assertGreater(reg_byte_size, 0)
+        expected_reg_values = []
+        register_increment = 1
+        next_value = None
+        # Set the same register in each of 3 threads to a different value.
+        # Verify each one has the unique value.
+        for thread in threads:
+            # If we don't have a next value yet, start it with the initial read
+            # value + 1
+            if not next_value:
+                # Read pre-existing register value.
+                self.reset_test_sequence()
+                self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+                    [
+                        "read packet: $p{0:x};thread:{1:x}#00".format(
+                            reg_index, thread
+                        ),
+                        {
+                            "direction": "send",
+                            "regex": r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#",
+                            "capture": {1: "p_response"},
+                        },
+                    ],
+                    True,
+                )
+                context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+                self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+                # Set the next value to use for writing as the increment plus
+                # current value.
+                p_response = context.get("p_response")
+                self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
+                next_value = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(
+                    endian, p_response
+                )
+            # Set new value using P and thread suffix.
+            self.reset_test_sequence()
+            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+                [
+                    "read packet: $P{0:x}={1};thread:{2:x}#00".format(
+                        reg_index,
+                        lldbgdbserverutils.pack_register_hex(
+                            endian, next_value, byte_size=reg_byte_size
+                        ),
+                        thread,
+                    ),
+                    "send packet: $OK#00",
+                ],
+                True,
+            )
+            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+            # Save the value we set.
+            expected_reg_values.append(next_value)
+            # Increment value for next thread to use (we want them all
+            # different so we can verify they wrote to each thread correctly
+            # next.)
+            next_value += register_increment
+        # Revisit each thread and verify they have the expected value set for
+        # the register we wrote.
+        thread_index = 0
+        for thread in threads:
+            # Read pre-existing register value.
+            self.reset_test_sequence()
+            self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+                [
+                    "read packet: $p{0:x};thread:{1:x}#00".format(reg_index, 
+                    {
+                        "direction": "send",
+                        "regex": r"^\$([0-9a-fA-F]+)#",
+                        "capture": {1: "p_response"},
+                    },
+                ],
+                True,
+            )
+            context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+            self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+            # Get the register value.
+            p_response = context.get("p_response")
+            self.assertIsNotNone(p_response)
+            read_value = lldbgdbserverutils.unpack_register_hex_unsigned(
+                endian, p_response
+            )
+            # Make sure we read back what we wrote.
+            self.assertEqual(read_value, expected_reg_values[thread_index])
+            thread_index += 1
+    @skipUnlessPlatform(oslist=["freebsd", "linux"])
+    @add_test_categories(["llgs"])
+    def test_qXfer_siginfo_read(self):
+        self.set_inferior_startup_launch()
+        procs = self.prep_debug_monitor_and_inferior(
+            inferior_args=["thread:segfault", "thread:new", "sleep:10"]
+        )
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(["read packet: $c#63"], True)
+        self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        # Run until SIGSEGV comes in.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": r"^\$T([0-9a-fA-F]{2})thread:([0-9a-fA-F]+);",
+                    "capture": {1: "signo", 2: "thread_id"},
+                }
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        # Figure out which thread crashed.
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            int(context["signo"], 16), lldbutil.get_signal_number("SIGSEGV")
+        )
+        crashing_thread = int(context["thread_id"], 16)
+        # Grab siginfo for the crashing thread.
+        self.reset_test_sequence()
+        self.add_process_info_collection_packets()
+        self.test_sequence.add_log_lines(
+            [
+                "read packet: $Hg{:x}#00".format(crashing_thread),
+                "send packet: $OK#00",
+                "read packet: $qXfer:siginfo:read::0,80:#00",
+                {
+                    "direction": "send",
+                    "regex": re.compile(
+                        r"^\$([^E])(.*)#[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$", re.MULTILINE | 
+                    ),
+                    "capture": {1: "response_type", 2: "content_raw"},
+                },
+            ],
+            True,
+        )
+        context = self.expect_gdbremote_sequence()
+        self.assertIsNotNone(context)
+        # Ensure we end up with all data in one packet.
+        self.assertEqual(context.get("response_type"), "l")
+        # Decode binary data.
+        content_raw = context.get("content_raw")
+        self.assertIsNotNone(content_raw)
+        content = self.decode_gdbremote_binary(content_raw).encode("latin1")
+        # Decode siginfo_t.
+        process_info = self.parse_process_info_response(context)
+        pad = ""
+        if process_info["ptrsize"] == "8":
+            pad = "i"
+        signo_idx = 0
+        errno_idx = 1
+        code_idx = 2
+        addr_idx = -1
+        SEGV_MAPERR = 1
+        if process_info["ostype"] == "linux":
+            # si_signo, si_errno, si_code, [pad], _sifields._sigfault.si_addr
+            format_str = "iii{}P".format(pad)
+        elif process_info["ostype"].startswith("freebsd"):
+            # si_signo, si_errno, si_code, si_pid, si_uid, si_status, si_addr
+            format_str = "iiiiiiP"
+        elif process_info["ostype"].startswith("netbsd"):
+            # _signo, _code, _errno, [pad], _reason._fault._addr
+            format_str = "iii{}P".format(pad)
+            errno_idx = 2
+            code_idx = 1
+        else:
+            assert False, "unknown ostype"
+        decoder = struct.Struct(format_str)
+        decoded = decoder.unpack(content[: decoder.size])
+        self.assertEqual(decoded[signo_idx], 
+        self.assertEqual(decoded[errno_idx], 0)  # si_errno
+        self.assertEqual(decoded[code_idx], SEGV_MAPERR)  # si_code
+        self.assertEqual(decoded[addr_idx], 0)  # si_addr

>From 83d89b620a4d4b8bea21ba8f98ab904801823db9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Peixotto <>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 10:07:13 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Improve comment for reason we are splitting the tests

 lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/  | 8 +++++---
 lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/ | 8 +++++---
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/ 
index 81639ed96597f..2b65545327516 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/
+++ b/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@
 lldb-server tests run where the lldb-server exe is
-The tests are split between the LldbGdbServerTestCase and
-LldbGdbServerTestCase2 classes to avoid timeouts in the
-test suite.
+When running these tests with lit, the test timeout applies
+to the time it takes to run the whole file, rather than each
+`test_` method. To avoid hitting timeouts we split the tests
+between the LldbGdbServerTestCase and LldbGdbServerTestCase2
+test classes.
 import binascii
diff --git a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/ 
index d40aa1fb792a0..65191dbb7c9a0 100644
--- a/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/
+++ b/lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-server/
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@
 lldb-server tests run where the lldb-server exe is
-The tests are split between the LldbGdbServerTestCase and
-LldbGdbServerTestCase2 classes to avoid timeouts in the
-test suite.
+When running these tests with lit, the test timeout applies
+to the time it takes to run the whole file, rather than each
+`test_` method. To avoid hitting timeouts we split the tests
+between the LldbGdbServerTestCase and LldbGdbServerTestCase2
+test classes.
 import binascii

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