llvmbot wrote:



Author: John Harrison (ashgti)


This adds a new `Protocol.{h,cpp}` for defining structured types that represent 
Debug Adapter Protocol messages.

This adds static types to define well structure messages for the protocol. This 
iteration includes only the basic `Event`, `Request` and `Response` types.

These types help simplify and improve the validation of messages and give us 
additional static type checks on the overall structure of DAP messages, 
compared to today where we tend to use `llvm::json::Value` directly.

In a follow-up patch I plan on adding more types as need to allow for 
incrementally migrating raw `llvm::json::Value` usage to well defined types.

Full diff: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/129155.diff

3 Files Affected:

- (modified) lldb/tools/lldb-dap/CMakeLists.txt (+1) 
- (added) lldb/tools/lldb-dap/Protocol.cpp (+191) 
- (added) lldb/tools/lldb-dap/Protocol.h (+187) 

diff --git a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/CMakeLists.txt 
index 8b3c520ec4360..9a2d604f4d573 100644
--- a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ add_lldb_tool(lldb-dap
+  Protocol.cpp
diff --git a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/Protocol.cpp b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/Protocol.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..71c4dc080a5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/Protocol.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+//===-- Protocol.cpp 
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM 
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "Protocol.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
+#include <optional>
+#include <utility>
+namespace llvm {
+namespace json {
+bool fromJSON(const llvm::json::Value &Params, llvm::json::Value &V,
+              llvm::json::Path P) {
+  V = std::move(Params);
+  return true;
+} // namespace json
+} // namespace llvm
+namespace lldb_dap {
+namespace protocol {
+enum class MessageType { request, response, event };
+bool fromJSON(const llvm::json::Value &Params, MessageType &M,
+              llvm::json::Path P) {
+  auto rawType = Params.getAsString();
+  if (!rawType) {
+    P.report("expected a string");
+    return false;
+  }
+  std::optional<MessageType> type =
+      llvm::StringSwitch<std::optional<MessageType>>(*rawType)
+          .Case("request", MessageType::request)
+          .Case("response", MessageType::response)
+          .Case("event", MessageType::event)
+          .Default(std::nullopt);
+  if (!type) {
+    P.report("unexpected value");
+    return false;
+  }
+  M = *type;
+  return true;
+llvm::json::Value toJSON(const Request &R) {
+  llvm::json::Object Result{
+      {"type", "request"},
+      {"seq", R.seq},
+      {"command", R.command},
+  };
+  if (R.rawArguments)
+    Result.insert({"arguments", R.rawArguments});
+  return std::move(Result);
+bool fromJSON(llvm::json::Value const &Params, Request &R, llvm::json::Path P) 
+  llvm::json::ObjectMapper O(Params, P);
+  MessageType type;
+  if (!O.map("type", type)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (type != MessageType::request) {
+    P.field("type").report("expected to be 'request'");
+    return false;
+  }
+  return O && O.map("command", R.command) && O.map("seq", R.seq) &&
+         O.map("arguments", R.rawArguments);
+llvm::json::Value toJSON(const Response &R) {
+  llvm::json::Object Result{{"type", "response"},
+                            {"req", 0},
+                            {"command", R.command},
+                            {"request_seq", R.request_seq},
+                            {"success", R.success}};
+  if (R.message)
+    Result.insert({"message", R.message});
+  if (R.rawBody)
+    Result.insert({"body", R.rawBody});
+  return std::move(Result);
+bool fromJSON(llvm::json::Value const &Params, Response &R,
+              llvm::json::Path P) {
+  llvm::json::ObjectMapper O(Params, P);
+  MessageType type;
+  if (!O.map("type", type)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (type != MessageType::response) {
+    P.field("type").report("expected to be 'response'");
+    return false;
+  }
+  return O && O.map("command", R.command) &&
+         O.map("request_seq", R.request_seq) && O.map("success", R.success) &&
+         O.mapOptional("message", R.message) &&
+         O.mapOptional("body", R.rawBody);
+llvm::json::Value toJSON(const Event &E) {
+  llvm::json::Object Result{
+      {"type", "event"},
+      {"seq", 0},
+      {"event", E.event},
+  };
+  if (E.rawBody)
+    Result.insert({"body", E.rawBody});
+  if (E.statistics)
+    Result.insert({"statistics", E.statistics});
+  return std::move(Result);
+bool fromJSON(llvm::json::Value const &Params, Event &E, llvm::json::Path P) {
+  llvm::json::ObjectMapper O(Params, P);
+  MessageType type;
+  if (!O.map("type", type)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (type != MessageType::event) {
+    P.field("type").report("expected to be 'event'");
+    return false;
+  }
+  return O && O.map("event", E.event) && O.mapOptional("body", E.rawBody) &&
+         O.mapOptional("statistics", E.statistics);
+bool fromJSON(const llvm::json::Value &Params, ProtocolMessage &PM,
+              llvm::json::Path P) {
+  llvm::json::ObjectMapper O(Params, P);
+  if (!O)
+    return false;
+  MessageType type;
+  if (!O.map("type", type))
+    return false;
+  switch (type) {
+  case MessageType::request: {
+    Request req;
+    if (!fromJSON(Params, req, P)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    PM = std::move(req);
+    return true;
+  }
+  case MessageType::response: {
+    Response resp;
+    if (!fromJSON(Params, resp, P)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    PM = std::move(resp);
+    return true;
+  }
+  case MessageType::event:
+    Event evt;
+    if (!fromJSON(Params, evt, P)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    PM = std::move(evt);
+    return true;
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Unsupported protocol message");
+llvm::json::Value toJSON(const ProtocolMessage &PM) {
+  if (auto const *Req = std::get_if<Request>(&PM)) {
+    return toJSON(*Req);
+  }
+  if (auto const *Resp = std::get_if<Response>(&PM)) {
+    return toJSON(*Resp);
+  }
+  if (auto const *Evt = std::get_if<Event>(&PM)) {
+    return toJSON(*Evt);
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Unsupported protocol message");
+} // namespace protocol
+} // namespace lldb_dap
diff --git a/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/Protocol.h b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/Protocol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0d38f8b249094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lldb/tools/lldb-dap/Protocol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+//===-- Protocol.h 
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM 
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This file contains POD structs based on the DAP specification at
+// https://microsoft.github.io/debug-adapter-protocol/specification
+// This is not meant to be a complete implementation, new interfaces are added
+// when they're needed.
+// Each struct has a toJSON and fromJSON function, that converts between
+// the struct and a JSON representation. (See JSON.h)
+#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <optional>
+#include <string>
+#include <variant>
+namespace lldb_dap {
+namespace protocol {
+// MARK: Base Protocol
+// "Request": {
+//   "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/ProtocolMessage" }, {
+//     "type": "object",
+//     "description": "A client or debug adapter initiated request.",
+//     "properties": {
+//       "type": {
+//         "type": "string",
+//         "enum": [ "request" ]
+//       },
+//       "command": {
+//         "type": "string",
+//         "description": "The command to execute."
+//       },
+//       "arguments": {
+//         "type": [ "array", "boolean", "integer", "null", "number" , 
+//         "string" ], "description": "Object containing arguments for the
+//         command."
+//       }
+//     },
+//     "required": [ "type", "command" ]
+//   }]
+// },
+struct Request {
+  int64_t seq;
+  std::string command;
+  std::optional<llvm::json::Value> rawArguments;
+llvm::json::Value toJSON(const Request &);
+bool fromJSON(const llvm::json::Value &, Request &, llvm::json::Path);
+// "Event": {
+//   "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/ProtocolMessage" }, {
+//     "type": "object",
+//     "description": "A debug adapter initiated event.",
+//     "properties": {
+//       "type": {
+//         "type": "string",
+//         "enum": [ "event" ]
+//       },
+//       "event": {
+//         "type": "string",
+//         "description": "Type of event."
+//       },
+//       "body": {
+//         "type": [ "array", "boolean", "integer", "null", "number" , 
+//         "string" ], "description": "Event-specific information."
+//       }
+//     },
+//     "required": [ "type", "event" ]
+//   }]
+// },
+struct Event {
+  std::string event;
+  std::optional<llvm::json::Value> rawBody;
+  /// lldb-dap specific extension on the 'terminated' event specifically.
+  std::optional<llvm::json::Value> statistics;
+llvm::json::Value toJSON(const Event &);
+bool fromJSON(const llvm::json::Value &, Event &, llvm::json::Path);
+// "Response" : {
+//   "allOf" : [
+//     {"$ref" : "#/definitions/ProtocolMessage"}, {
+//       "type" : "object",
+//       "description" : "Response for a request.",
+//       "properties" : {
+//         "type" : {"type" : "string", "enum" : ["response"]},
+//         "request_seq" : {
+//           "type" : "integer",
+//           "description" : "Sequence number of the corresponding request."
+//         },
+//         "success" : {
+//           "type" : "boolean",
+//           "description" :
+//               "Outcome of the request.\nIf true, the request was successful 
+//               "and the `body` attribute may contain the result of the "
+//               "request.\nIf the value is false, the attribute `message` "
+//               "contains the error in short form and the `body` may contain "
+//               "additional information (see `ErrorResponse.body.error`)."
+//         },
+//         "command" :
+//             {"type" : "string", "description" : "The command requested."},
+//         "message" : {
+//           "type" : "string",
+//           "description" :
+//               "Contains the raw error in short form if `success` is "
+//               "false.\nThis raw error might be interpreted by the client and
+//               " "is not shown in the UI.\nSome predefined values exist.",
+//           "_enum" : [ "cancelled", "notStopped" ],
+//           "enumDescriptions" : [
+//             "the request was cancelled.", "the request may be retried once
+//             the "
+//                                           "adapter is in a 'stopped' state."
+//           ]
+//         },
+//         "body" : {
+//           "type" : [
+//             "array", "boolean", "integer", "null", "number", "object",
+//             "string"
+//           ],
+//           "description" : "Contains request result if success is true and "
+//                           "error details if success is false."
+//         }
+//       },
+//       "required" : [ "type", "request_seq", "success", "command" ]
+//     }
+//   ]
+// }
+struct Response {
+  int64_t request_seq;
+  bool success;
+  std::string command;
+  std::optional<std::string> message;
+  std::optional<llvm::json::Value> rawBody;
+bool fromJSON(const llvm::json::Value &, Response &, llvm::json::Path);
+llvm::json::Value toJSON(const Response &);
+// A void response body for any response without a specific value.
+using VoidResponseBody = std::nullptr_t;
+// "ProtocolMessage": {
+//   "type": "object",
+//   "title": "Base Protocol",
+//   "description": "Base class of requests, responses, and events.",
+//   "properties": {
+//     "seq": {
+//       "type": "integer",
+//       "description": "Sequence number of the message (also known as
+//       message ID). The `seq` for the first message sent by a client or
+//       debug adapter is 1, and for each subsequent message is 1 greater
+//       than the previous message sent by that actor. `seq` can be used to
+//       order requests, responses, and events, and to associate requests
+//       with their corresponding responses. For protocol messages of type
+//       `request` the sequence number can be used to cancel the request."
+//     },
+//     "type": {
+//       "type": "string",
+//       "description": "Message type.",
+//       "_enum": [ "request", "response", "event" ]
+//     }
+//   },
+//   "required": [ "seq", "type" ]
+// },
+using ProtocolMessage = std::variant<Request, Response, Event>;
+bool fromJSON(const llvm::json::Value &, ProtocolMessage &, llvm::json::Path);
+llvm::json::Value toJSON(const ProtocolMessage &);
+} // namespace protocol
+} // namespace lldb_dap



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