oontvoo wrote:

> > The (baroque) way that the other plugins work serves two purposes:
> > 
> > 1. controlling the type (class) of the plugin being created based on some 
> > runtime property
> > 2. creating an arbitrary number of plugin instances
> > 
> > For telemetry "plugins", I don't think we want/need (1) because the type of 
> > the plugin is determined by the vendor -- at build time. A user can't 
> > change that at runtime. They may be able to disable collection, but they 
> > can't say "well, today I feel like reporting my telemetry to company `<X>`" 
> > and change a setting or something to make that happen. I mean, it's 
> > probably doable, but I don't think anyone has that as a requirement (if you 
> > do, let us know).
> I don't think anyone has that requirement but I could see a few situations 
> where that could be useful. For example we could have a "textual telemetry" 
> fallback plugin that we use for testing and users could turn on the audit 
> what's being reported. 

This sounds like it could be done via configuration on the `Destination` (ie., 
where the collected data ended up), rather than the TelemetryManager (plugin) 

> We don't need to inherit from `PluginInterface` as it really doesn't give you 
> anything.

>From my understanding, the benefit of inheriting from the interface is you  
>can re-use the existing cmake and C++ macros magic for defining vendor impl  - 
>that is, you just put `LLDB_PLUGIN_DEFINE(MyPlugin)` in the vendor code, along 
>with the cmake declaration and you're done! The framework takes care of 
>ensuring the `::Initialize()` is called to set the instance.

> How does that sound to you @oontvoo & @labath?

SG, either way - the simpler the better :)

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