jimingham wrote:

> If DIL is not allowed to recognize any operators except period, arrow, and 
> parentheses, it seems to me that it won't be any more powerful than the 
> current 'frame variable' implementation, in which case what is the point of 
> having it at all? (As a matter of fact, it would be less powerful, since 
> 'frame variable' also recognizes square brackets and star as valid operators 
> and treats them accordingly).
> At the same time, I understand the concern about wanting to be able to parse 
> synthetic variable names, which can contain arbitrary operator-like symbols. 
> So I have a tentative proposal: How about insisting that synthetic variable 
> names need to be surrounded by special delimiters, such as backquote or 
> slash? Or having some other way of marking them as special?

These are unfortunately visible to the user, and they will have to type them in 
`frame var` to access the child.  So we can't make them something ugly.

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