@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+//===-- DILLexer.cpp 
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM 
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// This implements the recursive descent parser for the Data Inspection
+// Language (DIL), and its helper functions, which will eventually underlie the
+// 'frame variable' command. The language that this parser recognizes is
+// described in lldb/docs/dil-expr-lang.ebnf
+#include "lldb/ValueObject/DILLexer.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
+namespace lldb_private {
+namespace dil {
+// For fast keyword lookup. More keywords will be added later.
+const llvm::StringMap<dil::TokenKind> Keywords = {
+    {"namespace", dil::TokenKind::kw_namespace},
+const std::string DILToken::getTokenName(dil::TokenKind kind) {
+  switch (kind) {
+  case dil::TokenKind::coloncolon:
+    return "coloncolon";
+  case dil::TokenKind::eof:
+    return "eof";
+  case dil::TokenKind::identifier:
+    return "identifier";
+  case dil::TokenKind::kw_namespace:
+    return "namespace";
+  case dil::TokenKind::l_paren:
+    return "l_paren";
+  case dil::TokenKind::r_paren:
+    return "r_paren";
+  case dil::TokenKind::unknown:
+    return "unknown";
+  default:
+    return "token_name";
+  }
+static bool Is_Letter(char c) {
+  if (('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z'))
+    return true;
+  return false;
+static bool Is_Digit(char c) { return ('0' <= c && c <= '9'); }
+// A word starts with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign, followed by
+// letters ('a'..'z','A'..'Z'), digits ('0'..'9'), and/or  underscores.
+bool DILLexer::Is_Word(std::string::iterator start, uint32_t &length) {
+  bool done = false;
+  bool dollar_start = false;
+  // Must not start with a digit.
+  if (m_cur_pos == m_expr.end() || Is_Digit(*m_cur_pos))
+    return false;
+  // First character *may* be a '$', for a register name or convenience
+  // variable.
+  if (*m_cur_pos == '$') {
+    dollar_start = true;
+    ++m_cur_pos;
+    length++;
+  }
+  // Contains only letters, digits or underscores
+  for (; m_cur_pos != m_expr.end() && !done; ++m_cur_pos) {
+    char c = *m_cur_pos;
+    if (!Is_Letter(c) && !Is_Digit(c) && c != '_') {
+      done = true;
+      break;
+    } else
+      length++;
+  }
+  if (dollar_start && length > 1) // Must have something besides just '$'
+    return true;
+  if (!dollar_start && length > 0)
+    return true;
+  // Not a valid word, so re-set the lexing position.
+  m_cur_pos = start;
+  return false;
+void DILLexer::UpdateLexedTokens(DILToken &result, dil::TokenKind tok_kind,
+                                 std::string tok_str, uint32_t tok_pos) {
+  DILToken new_token;
+  result.setValues(tok_kind, tok_str, tok_pos);
+  new_token = result;
+  m_lexed_tokens.push_back(std::move(new_token));
+bool DILLexer::Lex(DILToken &result, bool look_ahead) {
+  bool retval = true;
+  if (!look_ahead) {
+    // We're being asked for the 'next' token, and not a part of a LookAhead.
+    // Check to see if we've already lexed it and pushed it onto our tokens
+    // vector; if so, return the next token from the vector, rather than doing
+    // more lexing.
+    if ((m_tokens_idx != UINT_MAX) &&
+        (m_tokens_idx < m_lexed_tokens.size() - 1)) {
+      result = m_lexed_tokens[m_tokens_idx + 1];
+      return retval;
+    }
+  }
+  // Skip over whitespace (spaces).
+  while (m_cur_pos != m_expr.end() && *m_cur_pos == ' ')
+    m_cur_pos++;
+  // Check to see if we've reached the end of our input string.
+  if (m_cur_pos == m_expr.end()) {
+    UpdateLexedTokens(result, dil::TokenKind::eof, "", m_expr.length());
+    return retval;
+  }
+  uint32_t position = m_cur_pos - m_expr.begin();
+  ;
+  std::string::iterator start = m_cur_pos;
+  uint32_t length = 0;
+  if (Is_Word(start, length)) {
+    dil::TokenKind kind;
+    std::string word = m_expr.substr(position, length);
+    auto iter = Keywords.find(word);
+    if (iter != Keywords.end())
+      kind = iter->second;
+    else
+      kind = dil::TokenKind::identifier;
+    UpdateLexedTokens(result, kind, word, position);
+    return true;
+  }
+  switch (*m_cur_pos) {
labath wrote:

An iterator is sort of a natural representation of a position in a string, but 
it also makes it hard to use many of the nice (safe) string APIs. For example, 
if we had a `StringRef m_rest` to represent the unparsed portion of the string, 
then this block could be written as:
constexpr std::pair<TokenKind, const char *> operators = {
  {TokenKind::l_paren, "("},
  {TokenKind::r_paren, ")"},
  {TokenKind::coloncolon, "::"},
  {TokenKind::colon, ":"},
size_t position = m_rest.data() - m_input.data();
for (auto [kind, str]: operators) {
  if (m_rest.consume_front(str)) {
    UpdateLexedTokens(result, kind, str, position);
    return true;

(Notice how I do not have to worry about running beyond the end of the string, 
how the "current position" is updated automatically, and how the tokens which 
are prefixes of one another are handled by putting the longer string first.)

There are also other places where this could be useful. E.g. skipping over 
whitespace could be implemented as `m_rest = m_rest.ltrim()` and similar.

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