@@ -370,6 +370,31 @@ bool SymbolContext::GetAddressRange(uint32_t scope, 
uint32_t range_idx,
   return false;
+Address SymbolContext::GetAddress(uint32_t scope,
+                                  bool use_inline_block_range) const {
+  if ((scope & eSymbolContextLineEntry) && line_entry.IsValid())
+    return line_entry.range.GetBaseAddress();
+  if (scope & eSymbolContextBlock) {
+    Block *block_to_use = (block && use_inline_block_range)
+                              ? block->GetContainingInlinedBlock()
+                              : block;
+    if (block_to_use) {
+      Address addr;
+      block_to_use->GetStartAddress(addr);
+      return addr;
+    }
+  }
jimingham wrote:

Can you say a little bit more why this concerns you?  I can't see either of 
these queries as being terribly useful, but you are answering the question that 
was asked correctly.

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