@@ -511,22 +513,58 @@ ValueObjectSP 
     VariableSP &var_sp, Status &error) {
   ExecutionContext exe_ctx;
   bool use_DIL = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().GetUseDIL(&exe_ctx);
   if (use_DIL)
     return DILGetValueForVariableExpressionPath(var_expr, use_dynamic, options,
                                                 var_sp, error);
-  return LegacyGetValueForVariableExpressionPath(var_expr, use_dynamic, 
-                                                 var_sp, error);
+  else
+    return LegacyGetValueForVariableExpressionPath(var_expr, use_dynamic,
+                                                   options, var_sp, error);
 ValueObjectSP StackFrame::DILGetValueForVariableExpressionPath(
     llvm::StringRef var_expr, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
     uint32_t options, lldb::VariableSP &var_sp, Status &error) {
-  // This is a place-holder for the calls into the DIL parser and
-  // evaluator.  For now, just call the "real" frame variable implementation.
-  return LegacyGetValueForVariableExpressionPath(var_expr, use_dynamic, 
-                                                 var_sp, error);
+  ValueObjectSP ret_val;
+  std::shared_ptr<std::string> source =
+      std::make_shared<std::string>(var_expr.data());
+  const bool check_ptr_vs_member =
+      (options & eExpressionPathOptionCheckPtrVsMember) != 0;
+  const bool no_fragile_ivar =
+      (options & eExpressionPathOptionsNoFragileObjcIvar) != 0;
+  const bool no_synth_child =
+      (options & eExpressionPathOptionsNoSyntheticChildren) != 0;
+  // Parse the expression.
+  Status parse_error, eval_error;
+  dil::DILParser parser(source, shared_from_this(), use_dynamic,
+                        !no_synth_child, !no_fragile_ivar, 
+  dil::DILASTNodeUP tree = parser.Run(parse_error);
+  if (parse_error.Fail()) {
+    error = std::move(parse_error);
+    return ValueObjectSP();
+  }
+  // Evaluate the parsed expression.
+  lldb::TargetSP target = this->CalculateTarget();
+  dil::DILInterpreter interpreter(target, source, use_dynamic);
+  ret_val = interpreter.DILEval(tree.get(), target, eval_error);
+  if (eval_error.Fail()) {
+    error = std::move(eval_error);
+    return ValueObjectSP();
+  }
+  if (ret_val) {
+    var_sp = ret_val->GetVariable();
+    if (!var_sp && ret_val->GetParent()) {
+      var_sp = ret_val->GetParent()->GetVariable();
+    }
cmtice wrote:

Part of the testing I'm doing on the full DIL implementation is to hard-code 
GetValueForVariableExpressionPath to always use the DIL version (testing to 
make sure it works as a full replacement for current implementation), then run 
'ninja check-lldb' to see if everything still passes.  If I remove lines 
561-565 above (the part the updates var_sp) I get 6 new tests failing...

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