@@ -145,12 +146,17 @@ class ExternalASTSource : public 
RefCountedBase<ExternalASTSource> {
   /// Find all declarations with the given name in the given context,
   /// and add them to the context by calling SetExternalVisibleDeclsForName
   /// or SetNoExternalVisibleDeclsForName.
+  /// \param NamedModule, when this is set the external module local
+  /// declarations within the same module of \param NamedModule will be found
+  /// too. The \param NamedModule may be different than the owning module of
+  /// \param DC since the same namespace can appear in multiple module units.
Michael137 wrote:

Since you're already here, could we add a `\param` description for each of the 
three parameters. With a description of what each is used for? And turn the 
references into `\c`

I find this sentence quite hard to follow:
> when this is set the external module local declarations within the same 
> module of \param NamedModule will be found too

My understanding of modules is probably insufficient but what are "external 
module local declarations within the same module"?

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