@@ -2726,39 +2726,8 @@ void SymbolFileDWARF::FindTypes(const TypeQuery &query, 
TypeResults &results) {
   TypeQuery query_full(query);
   bool have_index_match = false;
   m_index->GetTypesWithQuery(query_full, [&](DWARFDIE die) {
-    // Check the language, but only if we have a language filter.
-    if (query.HasLanguage()) {
-      if (!query.LanguageMatches(GetLanguageFamily(*die.GetCU())))
-        return true; // Keep iterating over index types, language mismatch.
-    }
-    // Since mangled names are unique, we only need to check if the names are
-    // the same.
-    if (query.GetSearchByMangledName()) {
-      if (die.GetMangledName(/*substitute_name_allowed=*/false) !=
-          query.GetTypeBasename().GetStringRef())
-        return true; // Keep iterating over index types, mangled name mismatch.
-      if (Type *matching_type = ResolveType(die, true, true)) {
-        results.InsertUnique(matching_type->shared_from_this());
-        return !results.Done(query); // Keep iterating if we aren't done.
-      }
-      return true; // Keep iterating over index types, weren't able to resolve
-                   // this type
-    }
-    // Check the context matches
-    std::vector<lldb_private::CompilerContext> die_context;
-    if (query.GetModuleSearch())
-      die_context = die.GetDeclContext();
-    else
-      die_context = die.GetTypeLookupContext();
-    assert(!die_context.empty());
augusto2112 wrote:

Ok, sounds good.

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