@@ -38,6 +40,9 @@ class MainLoopBase {
   class ReadHandle;
+  using TimePoint = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,
labath wrote:

It's not likely to be useful, but we do have system APIs which provide 
nanosecond level resolution, so why not make it available. Users don't have to 
specify timeouts with a nanosecond level. They can just say 
`std::chrono::seconds/*or whatever*/(X)`, and it will be automatically to 

Using a lower precision would actually be somewhat unergonomic chrono 
conversions which lose precision are not implicit. So something like 
`steady_clock::now()+seconds(2)` would not be implicitly convertible to 
milliseconds if the clock resolution was more than milliseconds (which it 
usually is).

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