@@ -1537,6 +1538,76 @@ static void LoadScriptingResourceForModule(const 
ModuleSP &module_sp,
+// Load type summaries embedded in the binary. These are type summaries 
+// by the authors of the code.
+static void LoadTypeSummariesForModule(ModuleSP module_sp) {
+  auto *sections = module_sp->GetSectionList();
+  if (!sections)
+    return;
+  auto summaries_sp =
+      sections->FindSectionByType(eSectionTypeLLDBTypeSummaries, true);
+  if (!summaries_sp)
+    return;
+  Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::DataFormatters);
+  const char *module_name = module_sp->GetObjectName().GetCString();
+  TypeCategoryImplSP category;
+  DataVisualization::Categories::GetCategory(ConstString("default"), category);
+  // The type summary record is serialized as follows.
+  //
+  // Each record contains, in order:
+  //   * Version number of the record format
+  //   * The remaining size of the record
+  //   * The size of the type identifier
+  //   * The type identifier, either a type name, or a regex
+  //   * The size of the summary string
+  //   * The summary string
+  //
+  // Integers are encoded using ULEB.
+  //
+  // Strings are encoded with first a length (ULEB), then the string contents,
+  // and lastly a null terminator. The length includes the null.
+  DataExtractor extractor;
+  auto section_size = summaries_sp->GetSectionData(extractor);
+  lldb::offset_t offset = 0;
+  while (offset < section_size) {
+    uint64_t version = extractor.GetULEB128(&offset);
+    uint64_t record_size = extractor.GetULEB128(&offset);
+    if (version == 1) {
+      uint64_t type_size = extractor.GetULEB128(&offset);
+      llvm::StringRef type_name = extractor.GetCStr(&offset, type_size);
+      uint64_t summary_size = extractor.GetULEB128(&offset);
+      llvm::StringRef summary_string = extractor.GetCStr(&offset, 
+      if (!type_name.empty() && !summary_string.empty()) {
+        TypeSummaryImpl::Flags flags;
+        auto summary_sp =
+            std::make_shared<StringSummaryFormat>(flags, 
+        FormatterMatchType match_type = eFormatterMatchExact;
+        if (summary_string.front() == '^' && summary_string.back() == '$')
+          match_type = eFormatterMatchRegex;
+        category->AddTypeSummary(type_name, match_type, summary_sp);
+        LLDB_LOGF(log, "Loaded embedded type summary for '%s' from %s.",
+                  type_name.data(), module_name);
+      } else {
+        if (type_name.empty())
+          LLDB_LOGF(log, "Missing string(s) in embedded type summary in %s.",
+                    module_name);
+      }
+    } else {
DavidSpickett wrote:

Could `if version != 1: continue` instead of putting this at the end of the 

Also you could `if (type_name.empty() || summary_string.empty()): 
log(whatever); continue;` to again exit this iteration early.

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