@@ -737,19 +752,35 @@ class Debugger : public 
   lldb::TargetSP m_dummy_target_sp;
   Diagnostics::CallbackID m_diagnostics_callback_id;
-  std::mutex m_destroy_callback_mutex;
-  lldb::callback_token_t m_destroy_callback_next_token = 0;
-  struct DestroyCallbackInfo {
-    DestroyCallbackInfo() {}
-    DestroyCallbackInfo(lldb::callback_token_t token,
-                        lldb_private::DebuggerDestroyCallback callback,
-                        void *baton)
+  template <typename T> struct CallbackInfo {
+    CallbackInfo() {}
+    CallbackInfo(lldb::callback_token_t token, T callback, void *baton)
         : token(token), callback(callback), baton(baton) {}
     lldb::callback_token_t token;
-    lldb_private::DebuggerDestroyCallback callback;
+    T callback;
     void *baton;
-  llvm::SmallVector<DestroyCallbackInfo, 2> m_destroy_callbacks;
+  template <typename T>
+  struct NotificationCallbackInfo : public CallbackInfo<T> {
+    NotificationCallbackInfo() {}
+    NotificationCallbackInfo(lldb::callback_token_t token,
+                             lldb::NotificationType type, T callback,
+                             void *baton, void *original_callback)
+        : CallbackInfo<T>(token, callback, baton), type(type),
+          original_callback(original_callback) {}
+    lldb::NotificationType type;
+    void *original_callback;
+  };
+  static std::mutex s_notification_callback_mutex;
+  static lldb::callback_token_t s_notification_callback_next_token;
+  static llvm::SmallVector<
jimingham wrote:

Every action we perform with the notifications except for "deleting by token" 
knows the type of the notification that it's adding/looking up.  We could even 
encode the type in the token and we'd always know.  So it seems awkward to 
store them in a flat list.  When we get around to listing these and other 
management tasks, those will very likely also be requests by type.
Maybe storing them in a map of type -> vector of callbacks for that type would 
be a better data structure here?

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