The patch synchronizes OPAL header file with firmware so that the
host kernel can make OPAL call to do error injection.

Signed-off-by: Gavin Shan <>
 arch/powerpc/include/asm/opal.h                | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/powerpc/platforms/powernv/opal-wrappers.S |  1 +
 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/opal.h b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/opal.h
index 66ad7a7..ca55d9c 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/opal.h
+++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/opal.h
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ extern int opal_enter_rtas(struct rtas_args *args,
 #define OPAL_SET_PARAM                         90
 #define OPAL_DUMP_RESEND                       91
 #define OPAL_DUMP_INFO2                                94
+#define OPAL_ERR_INJECT                                96
 #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
@@ -219,6 +220,69 @@ enum OpalPciErrorSeverity {
        OPAL_EEH_SEV_INF        = 5
+enum OpalErrinjctType {
+       OpalErrinjctTypeFirst                   = 0,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeFatal                   = 1,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeRecoverRandomEvent      = 2,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeRecoverSpecialEvent     = 3,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeCorruptedPage           = 4,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeCorruptedSlb            = 5,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeTranslatorFailure       = 6,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeIoaBusError             = 7,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeIoaBusError64           = 8,
+       OpalErrinjctTypePlatformSpecific        = 9,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeDcacheStart             = 10,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeDcacheEnd               = 11,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeIcacheStart             = 12,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeIcacheEnd               = 13,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeTlbStart                = 14,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeTlbEnd                  = 15,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeUpstreamIoError         = 16,
+       OpalErrinjctTypeLast                    = 17,
+       /* IoaBusError & IoaBusError64 */
+       OpalEjtIoaLoadMemAddr                   = 0,
+       OpalEjtIoaLoadMemData                   = 1,
+       OpalEjtIoaLoadIoAddr                    = 2,
+       OpalEjtIoaLoadIoData                    = 3,
+       OpalEjtIoaLoadConfigAddr                = 4,
+       OpalEjtIoaLoadConfigData                = 5,
+       OpalEjtIoaStoreMemAddr                  = 6,
+       OpalEjtIoaStoreMemData                  = 7,
+       OpalEjtIoaStoreIoAddr                   = 8,
+       OpalEjtIoaStoreIoData                   = 9,
+       OpalEjtIoaStoreConfigAddr               = 10,
+       OpalEjtIoaStoreConfigData               = 11,
+       OpalEjtIoaDmaReadMemAddr                = 12,
+       OpalEjtIoaDmaReadMemData                = 13,
+       OpalEjtIoaDmaReadMemMaster              = 14,
+       OpalEjtIoaDmaReadMemTarget              = 15,
+       OpalEjtIoaDmaWriteMemAddr               = 16,
+       OpalEjtIoaDmaWriteMemData               = 17,
+       OpalEjtIoaDmaWriteMemMaster             = 18,
+       OpalEjtIoaDmaWriteMemTarget             = 19,
+struct OpalErrinjct {
+       int32_t type;
+       union {
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t addr;
+                       uint32_t mask;
+                       uint64_t phb_id;
+                       uint32_t pe;
+                       uint32_t function;
+               }ioa;
+               struct {
+                       uint64_t addr;
+                       uint64_t mask;
+                       uint64_t phb_id;
+                       uint32_t pe;
+                       uint32_t function;
+               }ioa64;
+       };
 enum OpalShpcAction {
@@ -839,6 +903,7 @@ int64_t opal_pci_get_phb_diag_data(uint64_t phb_id, void 
                                   uint64_t diag_buffer_len);
 int64_t opal_pci_get_phb_diag_data2(uint64_t phb_id, void *diag_buffer,
                                    uint64_t diag_buffer_len);
+int64_t opal_err_injct(void *data);
 int64_t opal_pci_fence_phb(uint64_t phb_id);
 int64_t opal_pci_reinit(uint64_t phb_id, uint64_t reinit_scope, uint64_t data);
 int64_t opal_pci_mask_pe_error(uint64_t phb_id, uint16_t pe_number, uint8_t 
error_type, uint8_t mask_action);
diff --git a/arch/powerpc/platforms/powernv/opal-wrappers.S 
index f531ffe..46265de 100644
--- a/arch/powerpc/platforms/powernv/opal-wrappers.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/platforms/powernv/opal-wrappers.S
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ OPAL_CALL(opal_pci_next_error,                      
 OPAL_CALL(opal_pci_poll,                       OPAL_PCI_POLL);
 OPAL_CALL(opal_pci_msi_eoi,                    OPAL_PCI_MSI_EOI);
 OPAL_CALL(opal_pci_get_phb_diag_data2,         OPAL_PCI_GET_PHB_DIAG_DATA2);
+OPAL_CALL(opal_err_injct,                      OPAL_ERR_INJECT);
 OPAL_CALL(opal_xscom_read,                     OPAL_XSCOM_READ);
 OPAL_CALL(opal_xscom_write,                    OPAL_XSCOM_WRITE);
 OPAL_CALL(opal_lpc_read,                       OPAL_LPC_READ);

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