On 25.09.2013, at 17:42, Aneesh Kumar K.V wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> "Aneesh Kumar K.V" <aneesh.ku...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> writes:
>>>>> Ok, please give me an example with real numbers and why it breaks.
>>>>>> http://mid.gmane.org/1376995766-16526-4-git-send-email-aneesh.ku...@linux.vnet.ibm.com
>>>> Didn't quiet get what you are looking for. As explained before, we now
>>>> need to pass an array with array size 3 even though we know we need to
>>>> read only 2 entries because kernel doesn't loop correctly.
>>> But we need to do that regardless, because newer QEMU needs to be able to 
>>> run on older kernels, no?
>> yes. So use space will have to pass an array of size 3. But that should
>> not prevent us from fixing this right ?
> Do we still want this patch or should I drop this ?

If we really want it we need to be able to tell user space that we support this 
feature through a CAP, so that it can act accordingly. Given the additional 
complexity of this and the fact that we do want to support older KVM versions 
regardless, I don't think it's worth the hassle.


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