
Just to be on the same page, are you using the Freescale Embedded Hypervisor provided with the Freescale SDK or other embedded hypervisor?

Anyway, the question is not much related with the Linux kernel, so you should probably redirect your question to Freescale support. You can reach Freescale support at supp...@freescale.com.


On 09/09/2013 06:19 PM, Ivan Krivonos wrote:

i`m working on the embedded hypervisor targeting QorIQ platforms (p3041/p4080).
I have working prototype starting custom RTOS on just single core in the guest
space. What I see is the big latency (up to 3 times more) in RTOS running atop
of HV comparing to RTOS running bare-metal. I`m using lmbench utility.
It shows

nteger mul: 3.48 nanoseconds
integer div: 30.44 nanoseconds
integer mod: 13.92 nanoseconds
int64 bit: 1.75 nanoseconds
int64 add: 1.42 nanoseconds
int64 mul: 6.95 nanoseconds
HV:hvpriv_count 60000
int64 div: 447.56 nanoseconds
int64 mod: 385.42 nanoseconds
float add: 7.12 nanoseconds
float mul: 6.95 nanoseconds
float div: 33.05 nanoseconds
double add: 7.11 nanoseconds
double mul: 8.70 nanoseconds
double div: 57.36 nanoseconds
float bogomflops: 46.98 nanoseconds
double bogomflops: 73.09 nanoseconds

The bare-metal results are 3x better. Does anybody have any ideas on what
may be the source of such latency ? I forward all the exceptions to
the guest w/o
affecting HV. Only hvpriv is processed, it takes not more than 2 bus cycles.
Sorry for poor english
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