On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 7:01 PM, David Hawkins <d...@ovro.caltech.edu> wrote:
> I suspect the lack of either the 5V or 3.3V power rail to the card
> might be the problem.
> Did you probe the PCI edge connect to see what supplies were present?

For those that are interested, we did figure out what was going on.
Turns out that the clock buffer driving the PCI connector was, well,
less than adequate.  With some cards, the load on the clock line was
large enough that the clock was in horrible shape.  Fixing the clock
line and the card that failed to be recognized started working.  For
the other cards that worked, the load on the clock line was
significantly less, but the clock was still marginal.

Anyway, turned out to be a hardware issue.  Thanks to all that helped!

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