> -----Original Message-----
> From: tiejun.chen [mailto:tiejun.c...@windriver.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:48 PM
> To: Bhushan Bharat-R65777
> Cc: Caraman Mihai Claudiu-B02008; Wood Scott-B07421; linuxppc-
> d...@lists.ozlabs.org; ag...@suse.de; kvm-...@vger.kernel.org;
> k...@vger.kernel.org
> Subject: Re: [RFC][KVM][PATCH 1/1] kvm:ppc:booke-64: soft-disable interrupts
> On 05/09/2013 06:00 PM, Bhushan Bharat-R65777 wrote:
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: tiejun.chen [mailto:tiejun.c...@windriver.com]
> >> Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:15 PM
> >> To: Bhushan Bharat-R65777
> >> Cc: Caraman Mihai Claudiu-B02008; Wood Scott-B07421; linuxppc-
> >> d...@lists.ozlabs.org; ag...@suse.de; kvm-...@vger.kernel.org;
> >> k...@vger.kernel.org
> >> Subject: Re: [RFC][KVM][PATCH 1/1] kvm:ppc:booke-64: soft-disable
> >> interrupts
> >>
> >> On 05/09/2013 04:23 PM, Bhushan Bharat-R65777 wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: Linuxppc-dev [mailto:linuxppc-dev-
> >>>> bounces+bharat.bhushan=freescale....@lists.ozlabs.org] On Behalf Of
> >>>> bounces+Caraman
> >>>> Mihai Claudiu-B02008
> >>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 6:44 PM
> >>>> To: Wood Scott-B07421; tiejun.chen
> >>>> Cc: linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org; ag...@suse.de;
> >>>> kvm-...@vger.kernel.org; k...@vger.kernel.org
> >>>> Subject: RE: [RFC][KVM][PATCH 1/1] kvm:ppc:booke-64: soft-disable
> >>>> interrupts
> >>>>
> >>>>>> This only disable soft interrupt for kvmppc_restart_interrupt()
> >>>>>> that restarts interrupts if they were meant for the host:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Those aren't the only exceptions that can end up going to the host.
> >>>>> We could get a TLB miss that results in a heavyweight MMIO exit, etc.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> And shouldn't we handle kvmppc_restart_interrupt() like the
> >>>>>> original HOST flow?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> #define MASKABLE_EXCEPTION(trapnum, intnum, label, hdlr,
> >>>>>> ack)           \
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> START_EXCEPTION(label);                                         \
> >>>>>>           NORMAL_EXCEPTION_PROLOG(trapnum, intnum,
> >>>>>>           EXCEPTION_COMMON(trapnum, PACA_EXGEN,
> >>>>>> *INTS_DISABLE*)             \
> >>>>>>        ...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Could you elaborate on what you mean?
> >>>>
> >>>> I think Tiejun was saying that host has flags and replays only
> >>>> EE/DEC/DBELL interrupts. There is special macro
> >>>> masked_interrupt_book3e in those exception handlers that sets paca-
> >>> irq_happened.
> >>>>
> >>>> The list of replied interrupts is limited to asynchronous
> >>>> noncritical interrupts which can be masked by MSR[EE] (therefore no TLB
> miss).
> >>>> Now on KVM book3e we don't want to put them in the irq_happened
> >>>> lazy state but rather to execute them directly, so there is no
> >>>> reason for exception handling symmetry between host and guest.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Another Question:
> >>>
> >>> The case is:
> >>>
> >>
> >> Actually in the case GS=1 even if EE=0, EXT/DEC/DBELL still occur as I
> recall.
> >>
> >>> Case 1)
> >>>    -> Local_irq_disable()  will set soft_enabled = 0
> >>>    -> Now Externel interrupt happens, there we set PACA_IRQ_EE in
> >>> irq_happened,
> >> Also clears EE in SRR1 and rfi. So interrupts are hard disabled. No
> >> more other interrupt gated by MSR.EE can happen. Looks like the idea
> >> here is to not let a device keep on inserting interrupt till the
> >> interrupt condition on device is cleared, right?
> >>
> >> I don't understand "the interrupt condition on device is cleared" here.
> >>
> >> I think regardless if you clear the device interrupt status, the
> >> system still receive a pending interrupt once EE or GS = 1.
> >
> > Once yes, but I think to avoid flood of device interrupt we disable MSR.EE
> when soft-disabled.
> But we neither ACK nor send EOI to that irq in the interrupt controller, so 
> that
> should be in pending state.
> >
> >>
> >>>    -> local_irq_enable() - This checks that irq_happened is set, and
> >>> replays
> >>
> >> ret_from_except also check to replay.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Now the case 2)
> >>> Case 2)
> >>> -> Local_irq_disable()  will set soft_enabled = 0
> >>>    -> Now DEC interrupt happens. We set PACA_IRQ_DEC in
> >>> irq_happened, But do
> >> not clear EE in SRR1 and rfi. So interrupts are not hard disabled.
> >>>    -> Now say EE interrupt happens, there we set PACA_IRQ_EE in
> >>> irq_happened,
> >> Also clears EE in SRR1 and rfi. So interrupts are hard disabled.
> >>>    -> local_irq_enable() - This checks that irq_happened is set.
> >>> IIUC, it replays only one interrupt? is not it?
> >>
> >> After anyone is replayed in arch_local_irq_restore(), we will set
> >> soft/hard interrupt there:
> >>
> >> set_soft_enabled(1);
> >> __hard_irq_enable();
> >>
> >> Then any pending interrupt can be executed now.
> >
> > Do you mean that the interrupt should fire again?
> I means the pending exception including external interrupt, the decrementer
> exception and the doorbell exception, can trap CPU once EE=1 with
> __hard_irq_enable() here. Then the kernel can handle those exception since 
> soft
> enable is also 1 now.
> >
> >>
> >> Additionally, ret_from_except probably check to replay all.
> >
> > Local_irq_enable() will not take us to ret_from_except.
> Yes. I just say ret_from_except can provide an approach to replay all :)

__replay_interrupt() from arch_local_irq_enable() will take us to 
ret_from_except/lite :)
There all pending interrupts are replayed one by one before we hard-enable and 
soft-enable interrupts.


> Tiejun

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