On 07/23/2012 05:20 PM, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-07-23 at 11:17 -0500, Scott Wood wrote:
>>> This is wrong.
>> How so?
>>> Don't you have an iommu do deal with those devices anyway ?
>> Yes, but we don't yet have DMA API support for it, it would lower
>> performance because we'd have to use a lot of subwindows which are
>> poorly cached (and even then we wouldn't be able to map more than 256
>> pages at once on a given device), and the IOMMU may not be available at
>> all if we're being virtualized.
> Ugh ? You mean some designers need to be fired urgently and wasted
> everybody's time implementing an unusable iommu ? Nice one ...

Yeah, that's old news.

It's somewhat usable for specific purposes, using very large pages, but
not for arbitrary use.

>>> But even then, I'm dubious this is really needed.
>> We'd like our drivers to stop crashing with more than 4GiB of RAM on 64-bit.
> Fix your HW :-)

I wish...  Some hardware people may solicit input from us every now and
again, but ultimately they do what they want.

Returning addresses in excess of a device's declared DMA mask is
something that needs fixing too, though.


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