On 03/27/2012 08:59 AM, Kumar Gala wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2012, at 7:17 AM, Varun Sethi wrote:
>> All SOC device error interrupts are muxed and delivered to the core as a 
>> single
>> MPIC error interrupt. Currently all the device drivers requiring access to 
>> device
>> errors have to register for the MPIC error interrupt as a shared interrupt.
>> With this patch we add interrupt demuxing capability in the mpic driver, 
>> allowing
>> device drivers to register for their individual error interrupts. This is 
>> achieved
>> by handling error interrupts in a cascaded fashion.
>> MPIC error interrupt is handled by the "error_int_handler", which 
>> subsequently demuxes
>> it using the EISR and delivers it to the respective drivers. 
>> The error interrupt capability is dependent on the MPIC EIMR register, which 
>> was
>> introduced in FSL MPIC version 4.1 (P4080 rev2). So, error interrupt 
>> demuxing capability
>> is dependent on the MPIC version and can be used for versions >= 4.1.
>> Signed-off-by: Varun Sethi <varun.se...@freescale.com>
>> ---
> This isn't quite right.  Doing the 'request_irq' on behalf of the driver 
> isn't treating the error interrupts as a real cascade, in addition to how you 
> are hooking things up.

Define "real cascade".  If you mean the chained handler stuff that's how
Varun initially did it and I asked him to change it, because it gets a
lot trickier to get things right, and I didn't see what it was buying us.

The request_irq() isn't on behalf of the individual drivers, it's
requesting the cascade itself (not a shared interrupt).

> I think you need to add proper irq_domain_ops, etc.  Thus when we map the 
> virq the proper thing can happen

What proper thing is not happening?

Maybe it would be cleaner from an interrupt number management
perspective to keep things more separate, but do you have a functional
issue in mind?

> I'd also suggest maybe thinking about pulling this code into an mpic_fsl.c
>> arch/powerpc/include/asm/mpic.h |   18 +++++
>> arch/powerpc/sysdev/mpic.c      |  155 
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>> 2 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mpic.h 
>> b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mpic.h
>> index 3929b4b..db51015 100644
>> --- a/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mpic.h
>> +++ b/arch/powerpc/include/asm/mpic.h
>> @@ -114,12 +114,21 @@
>> #define MPIC_FSL_BRR1                        0x00000
>> #define      MPIC_FSL_BRR1_VER                       0x0000ffff
>> +/*
>> + * Error interrupt registers
>> + */
>> +
>> +#define MPIC_ERR_INT_BASE   0x3900
>> +#define MPIC_ERR_INT_EISR   0x0000
>> +#define MPIC_ERR_INT_EIMR   0x0010
>> +
>> #define MPIC_MAX_IRQ_SOURCES 2048
>> #define MPIC_MAX_CPUS                32
>> #define MPIC_MAX_ISU         32
>> #define MPIC_MAX_TIMER    8
>> #define MPIC_MAX_IPI      4
>> +#define MPIC_MAX_ERR      32
> Should probably be 64

This patch supports MPIC 4.1 and EISR0.  When support is added for EISR1
(didn't realize this was coming until your comment prompted me to
check...), this should be updated, but this change alone would not make
it work.

>> +static void mpic_mask_err(struct irq_data *d)
>> +{
>> +    u32 eimr;
>> +    struct mpic *mpic = mpic_from_irq_data(d);
>> +    unsigned int src = virq_to_hw(d->irq) - mpic->err_int_vecs[0];
>> +    unsigned int err_reg_offset = MPIC_INFO(ERR_INT_EIMR);
>> +
>> +    eimr = mpic_err_read(err_reg_offset);
>> +    eimr |= (0x80000000 >> src);
> This seems funny, add a comment about src # and bit # being opposite.

People in PPC-land should be used to this craziness by now. :-P

>  Maybe do:
>       eimr |= (1 << (31 - src));

I'm not sure it's really any clearer that way...

>> +static irqreturn_t error_int_handler(int irq, void *data)
>> +{
>> +    struct mpic *mpic = (struct mpic *) data;
>> +    unsigned int eisr_offset = MPIC_INFO(ERR_INT_EISR);
>> +    unsigned int eimr_offset = MPIC_INFO(ERR_INT_EIMR);
>> +    u32 eisr, eimr;
>> +    int errint;
>> +    unsigned int cascade_irq;
>> +
>> +    eisr = mpic_err_read(eisr_offset);
>> +    eimr = mpic_err_read(eimr_offset);
>> +
>> +    if (!(eisr & ~eimr))
>> +            return IRQ_NONE;
>> +
>> +    while (eisr) {
>> +            errint = __ffs(eisr);
>> +            cascade_irq = irq_linear_revmap(mpic->irqhost,
>> +                             mpic->err_int_vecs[31 - errint]);
> Should 31, be replaced w/MPIC_MAX_ERR - 1 ?

No, the 31 here is due to the backwards bit numbering within the
register.  It'd be better to say "errint = 31 - __ffs(eisr)" -- or
perhaps "errint = __builtin_clz(eisr)".


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