On Mon, 2011-12-12 at 16:50 +0800, Tiejun Chen wrote:
> We can't emulate stwu since that may corrupt current exception stack.
> So we will have to do real store operation in the exception return code.
> Firstly we'll allocate a trampoline exception frame below the kprobed
> function stack and copy the current exception frame to the trampoline.
> Then we can do this real store operation to implement 'stwu', and reroute
> the trampoline frame to r1 to complete this exception migration.
> Signed-off-by: Tiejun Chen <tiejun.c...@windriver.com>
> ---
>  arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S |   26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S b/arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S
> index 56212bc..d56e311 100644
> --- a/arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S
> +++ b/arch/powerpc/kernel/entry_32.S
> @@ -1185,6 +1185,8 @@ recheck:
>       bne-    do_resched
>       andi.   r0,r9,_TIF_USER_WORK_MASK
>       beq     restore_user
> +     andis.  r0,r9,_TIF_DELAYED_KPROBE@h
> +     bne-    restore_kprobe

Same comment as earlier about name. Note that you're not hooking in the
right place. "recheck" is only reached if you -already- went out of the
normal exit path and only when going back to user space unless I'm
missing something (which is really the case you don't care about).

You need to hook into "resume_kernel" instead.

Also, we may want to simplify the whole thing, instead of checking user
vs. kernel first etc... we could instead have a single _TIF_WORK_MASK
which includes both the bits for user work and the new bit for kernel
work. With preempt, the kernel work bits would also include

Then you have in the common exit path, a single test for that, with a
fast path that skips everything and just goes to "restore" for both
kernel and user.

The only possible issue is the setting of dbcr0 for BookE and 44x and we
can keep that as a special case keyed of MSR_PR in the resume path under
ifdef BOOKE (we'll probably sanitize that later with some different
rework anyway). 

So the exit path because something like:

        .. hard disable interrupts (unchanged) ...
        read TIF flags
        andi with _TIF_WORK_MASK
                nothing set -> restore
        check PR
                set -> do_work_user
                no set -> do_work_kernel (kprobes & preempt)
                (both loop until relevant _TIF flags are all clear)
        #ifdef BOOKE & 44x test PR & do dbcr0 stuff if needed
        ... nornal restore ...

>  do_user_signal:                      /* r10 contains MSR_KERNEL here */
>       ori     r10,r10,MSR_EE
>       SYNC
> @@ -1202,6 +1204,30 @@ do_user_signal:                        /* r10 contains 
> MSR_KERNEL here */
>       REST_NVGPRS(r1)
>       b       recheck
> +restore_kprobe:
> +     lwz     r3,GPR1(r1)
> +     subi    r3,r3,INT_FRAME_SIZE; /* Allocate a trampoline exception frame 
> */
> +     mr      r4,r1
> +     bl      copy_exc_stack  /* Copy from the original to the trampoline */
> +
> +     /* Do real stw operation to complete stwu */
> +     mr      r4,r1
> +     addi    r4,r4,INT_FRAME_SIZE    /* Get kprobed entry */
> +     lwz     r5,GPR1(r1)             /* Backup r1 */
> +     stw     r4,GPR1(r1)             /* Now store that safely */

The above confuses me. Shouldn't you do instead something like

        lwz     r4,GPR1(r1)
        subi    r3,r4,INT_FRAME_SIZE
        li      r5,INT_FRAME_SIZE
        bl      memcpy

To start with, then you need to know the "old" r1 value which may or may
not be related to your current r1. The emulation code should stash it
into the int frame in an unused slot such as "orig_gpr3" (since that
only pertains to restarting syscalls which we aren't doing here).

Then you adjust your r1 and do something like

        lwz     r3,GPR1(r1)
        lwz     r0,ORIG_GPR3(r1)
        stw     r0,0(r3)

To perform the store, before doing the rest:
> +     /* Reroute the trampoline frame to r1 */
> +     subi    r5,r5,INT_FRAME_SIZE
> +     mr      r1,r5
> +
> +     /* Clear _TIF_DELAYED_KPROBE flag */
> +     rlwinm  r9,r1,0,0,(31-THREAD_SHIFT)
> +     lwz     r0,TI_FLAGS(r9)
> +     rlwinm  r0,r0,0,_TIF_DELAYED_KPROBE
> +     stw     r0,TI_FLAGS(r9)
> +
> +     b       restore
> +
>  /*
>   * We come here when we are at the end of handling an exception
>   * that occurred at a place where taking an exception will lose


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