LiuShuo a écrit :
> 于 2011年08月23日 16:14, Matthieu CASTET 写道:
>> LiuShuo a écrit :
>>> 于 2011年08月23日 00:19, Scott Wood 写道:
>>>> On 08/22/2011 11:13 AM, Matthieu CASTET wrote:
>>>>> Scott Wood a écrit :
>>>>>> To eliminate it we'd need to do an extra data transfer without reissuing
>>>>>> the command, which Shuo was unable to get to work.
>>>>> That's weird because our controller seems quite flexible [1].
>>>>> Something like that should work ?
>>>>>               out_be32(&lbc->fir,
>>>>>                        (FIR_OP_CM2<<   FIR_OP0_SHIFT) |
>>>>>                        (FIR_OP_CA<<   FIR_OP1_SHIFT) |
>>>>>                        (FIR_OP_PA<<   FIR_OP2_SHIFT) |
>>>>>                        (FIR_OP_WB<<   FIR_OP3_SHIFT));
>>>>> refill FCM buffer with next 2k data
>>>>>               out_be32(&lbc->fir,
>>>>>                        (FIR_OP_WB<<   FIR_OP3_SHIFT) |
>>>>>                        (FIR_OP_CM3<<   FIR_OP4_SHIFT) |
>>>>>                        (FIR_OP_CW1<<   FIR_OP5_SHIFT) |
>>>>>                        (FIR_OP_RS<<   FIR_OP6_SHIFT));
>>>> Something like that is what I originally suggested, but Shuo said it
>>>> didn't work (even in theory, it requires a CE-don't-care NAND chip,
>>>> since bus atomicity is broken).
>>>> Shuo, what specifically did you try, and what did you see happen?
>>>> -Scott
>>> First, if we want to read 4K data with once command issuing, we can't
>>> use HW_ECC.
>> Yes, but as ivan said doesn't the cost of 2 read isn't bigger than software 
>> ecc ?
>>> Even if we use SW_ECC, we always get lots of weird '0xFF's between 1st
>>> 2k and 2nd 2k data.
>> Did you understand where those 0xff comes (what's the size of them. Doesn't 
>> the
>> controller try to insert spare aera ?)
> I don't understand. I set FBCR to 2048, the controller will read the 
> main area without spare area.
> But the size of them is nearly spare area size( more or less a few bytes)..
> I can't guess the behavior of the controller then, so I select another way.
> Could you try to do it and explain how those 0xff comes ?
>> Could you detail the sequence you used ?
> First half :
>                    out_be32(&lbc->fbcr, 2048);
shouldn't you read 2k+64 here ? At the end you want 4k plus spare aera (128) ?

>                    out_be32(&lbc->fir,
>                             (FIR_OP_CM0 << FIR_OP0_SHIFT) |
>                             (FIR_OP_CA << FIR_OP1_SHIFT) |
>                             (FIR_OP_PA << FIR_OP2_SHIFT) |
>                             (FIR_OP_CM1 << FIR_OP3_SHIFT) |
>                             (FIR_OP_RBW << FIR_OP4_SHIFT));
> Sencond half :
>                  out_be32(&lbc->fbcr, 2048);
>                  out_be32(&lbc->fir,
>                             (FIR_OP_RB << FIR_OP0_SHIFT) |
>                             (FIR_OP_RBW << FIR_OP1_SHIFT));
Why do you do FIR_OP_RBW ?
FIR_OP_RB already fetch the data.

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