On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 09:54:35AM +0200, Alexander Graf wrote:

> Not sure I like the name - when is it used? :)

When the real-mode hcall handler decides it can't handle the hcall and
wants to pass it up.

> Also, if it's not in the PAPR, the guest should never receive it, right?

Right.  It's purely an internal value.

> > +   /* See if this is something we can handle in real mode */
> > +   cmpwi   r12,0xc00
> use the define please


> > +   beq     hcall_real_mode
> This is simply a hcall helper, as the name suggests. So the comment
> is slightly misleading - it should rather read like "Try to handle
> hypercalls in real mode".

Hmmm, OK, that's what it was trying to indicate.  I could add "try" to
the name if you like.

> > +   cmpdi   r3,H_TOO_HARD
> > +   beq     hcall_real_fallback
> Ah, very good. Please mark the constant as "for internal use only"
> then, as that's certainly fine :).

Cool, will do.

> > +   li      r12,0xc00
> use the define please :)


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