On 02.07.2010, at 18:27, Segher Boessenkool wrote:

>> +To find out if we're running on KVM or not, we overlay the PVR register. 
>> Usually
>> +the PVR register contains an id that identifies your CPU type. If, however, 
>> you
>> +pass KVM_PVR_PARA in the register that you want the PVR result in, the 
>> register
>> +still contains KVM_PVR_PARA after the mfpvr call.
>> +
>> +    mfpvr   r5
>> +    [r5 still contains KVM_PVR_PARA]
> I love this part :-)

>> +    __u64 scratch3;
>> +    __u64 critical;         /* Guest may not get interrupts if == r1 */
>> +    __u64 sprg0;
>> +    __u64 sprg1;
>> +    __u64 sprg2;
>> +    __u64 sprg3;
>> +    __u64 srr0;
>> +    __u64 srr1;
>> +    __u64 dar;
>> +    __u64 msr;
>> +    __u32 dsisr;
>> +    __u32 int_pending;      /* Tells the guest if we have an interrupt */
>> +};
>> +
>> +Additions to the page must only occur at the end. Struct fields are always 
>> 32
>> +bit aligned.
> The u64s are 64-bit aligned, should they always be?

That's obvious, isn't it? And the ABI only specifies u64s to be 32 bit aligned, 
no? At least that's what ld and std specify.

>> +The "ld" and "std" instructions are transormed to "lwz" and "stw" 
>> instructions
>> +respectively on 32 bit systems with an added offset of 4 to accomodate for 
>> big
>> +endianness.
> Will this add never overflow?  Is there anything that checks for it?

It basically means that to access dar, we either do

ld  rX, DAR(0)


lwz rX, DAR+4(0)

>> +mtmsrd      rX, 0           b       <special mtmsr section>
>> +mtmsr                       b       <special mtmsr section>
> mtmsr rX



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