Stephen Neuendorffer wrote:
>> You *could* generate the device tree dynamically, but I think that is
>> a path of diminishing returns considering that generating a .dts at
>> the same time as bitstream creation time is cheap and it is small.  At
>> one time Steven Neuendorffer was playing with a scheme to preload a
>> section of BRAM with a gzipped .dtb so that the correct device tree is
>> always present.  I really liked the idea, and I'd like to try to
>> pursue it.
Thanks and I will look at it.
But if you want my .02, append the .dtb to the bit file in some fashion
that it can easily be located.
We already use all the bram we are willing to steal from clients (16k)
for our monitor/boot loader.

> In fact, the code to do this should still be floating around
>, although someone would likely have to bring it up to the
> current kernel versions.
> My intention was to treat it as two independent configuration options:
> 1) .dtb location is in BRAM
> 2) .dtb is passed compressed (regardless of location)
> Steve
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Dave Lynch                                                  DLA Systems
Software Development:                                    Embedded Linux
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Over 25 years' experience in platforms, languages, and technologies too 
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"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a 
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
Albert Einstein

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