> I have both a MPC8548 SBC and MPC8572 system that are running different
> flavors of the same Linux - 2.6.23.
> I explicitly am turning it on very early on. 
Where are you turning this on?  In the appication?

> Later, I have an application that is compiled with SPE instructions
> (e.g.: evstdd) , and there is where the problems happen. 

What is the problem?

> If I explicitly make sure there are NO SPE instructions in the
> application, nothing bad happens!
> I am polling the MSR - and it seems the SPE is turned OFF?

You are polling MSR in your application?

Anyway, this is expected.  We do lazy restore of these registers after a
context switch.  So the SPE bit in the MSR may not be set if no SPE
instructions have run since the last context switch.

> What have I done wrong and/or has there been fixes in later kernels that
> I should be aware of that might help this issue?

I'm not clear what the problem is.  You've just said "problems happen"
when you include SPE instructions.  

Are you getting a SIGILL or some other signal?  Is your program
terminating.  Can you get a GDB back-trace or dump of which instruction
is causing the "problem".


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