Hi Daniel,

On Wednesday 28 January 2009 06:04:11 Daniel Ng wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to bring the primary Ethernet interface up on my 8272-based
> board running 2.6.27.
> Previously, I had this same hardware working with 2.6.14 using the
> following driver:
> linux-2.6.14/arch/ppc/8260_io/fcc_enet.c
> This doesn't exist anymore in 2.6.27. From reading the code comments,
> I think the new driver I should be using is:
> linux-2.6.27/drivers/net/fs_enet/fs_enet-main.c

That's right.

> The PHY is an Intel LXT972. I have selected the closest-matching
> Kernel config option 'LXT970'.
> The primary ethernet uses FCC2.

Make sure FS_ENET_HAS_FCC is set in your kernel configuration.


> The fs_enet probe() function doesn't seem to get called (I had put a
> panic() in it). Should it?

Yes it should.

Best regards,

Laurent Pinchart
CSE Semaphore Belgium

Chaussee de Bruxelles, 732A
B-1410 Waterloo

T +32 (2) 387 42 59
F +32 (2) 387 42 75

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